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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC66610 Castadifan Featured

DC66611 PF-07328948 Featured

DC66612 VVD-130037 Featured

DC66613 BMS-986308 Featured

BMS-986308 is a selective and orally active renal outer medullary potassium (ROMK) channel inhibitor. BMS-986308 is selective for ROMK over hERG. BMS-986308 can be used for heart failure research.

DC60636 Acid-degradable Cationic Lipid (ADC) Featured

Acid-degradable Cationic Lipid (ADC) composed of cationic lipid is synthesized with the azido-acetal linker and used to generate RD-LNPs, which significantly improves the performance of LNP-mRNA complexes in vitro and in vivo.

DC60637 BI-9508 Featured

BI-9508 is a potent and selective, brain-penetrant GPR88 agonist with EC50 of 47 nM.

DC66614 Vc-seco-duba Featured

Vc-seco-DUBA (SYD985) is a agent-linker conjugate for ADC with potent antitumor activity by using DUBA (DNA alkylating agent), linked via the ADC linker Vc-seco.

DC66615 Glucocorticoid receptor agonist-1 phosphate Gly-Glu-Br Featured

Glucocorticoid receptor agonist-1 phosphate Gly-Glu-Br is an ADC linker that can be used to synthesize ABBV-154, ABBV-927, ABBV-368 or their analogs.

DC66616 Sulfo-PDBA-DM4 Featured

Sulfo-PDBA-DM4 is a agent-linker conjugate composed of a potent a tubulin inhibitor DM4 and a linker Sulfo-PDBA to make antibody agent conjugate (ADC). Sulfo-PDBA is a gluthatione cleavable linker.

DC66617 Mal-amido-PEG6-NHS ester Featured

Mal-amido-PEG6-NHS ester is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC66618 4-(pyridin-2-yldisulfanyl)-2-sulfobutanoic acid DIEA Salt Featured

DC66619 Val-Ala-PAB Featured

Val-Ala-PAB is a cleavable ADC linker that can be used for ADCs synthesis.

DC66620 Fomc-Gly-Gly-Phe-Gly-OH Featured

Fomc-Gly-Gly-Phe-Gly-OH (compound D5) can be used as an intermediate in the synthesis of ADC dual-drug-linker. Fomc-Gly-Gly-Phe-Gly-OH synthetic intermediate GGFGE further forms an important ADC dual-drug link assembly unit.

DC66621 Fmoc-GGFL-OH Featured

DC66622 Licaminlimab Featured

Licaminlimab (OCS-02) is a single-chain anti-TNF alpha antibody fragment. TNF alpha is an inflammatory cytokine produced by macrophages and monocytes during inflammation.

DC66623 Gremubamab Featured

Gremubamab (MEDI3902) is a humanized IgG1 kappa anti-PcrV/Psl monoclonal antibody. Gremubamab binds to the PA PcrV protein and Psl exopolysaccharide. Gremubamab has the potential for the research of pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.

DC66624 Nirsevimab Featured

Nirsevimab (MEDI8897) is a recombinant monoclonal antibody against human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Nirsevimab has neutralizing activity against RSV A and RSV B viruses, with IC50 values of 5.42 ng/mL and 9.71 ng/mL, respectively. Nirsevimab can be used for research on respiratory infections.

DC66625 Aselizumab Featured

Aselizumab (HuDreg-55) is an humanized IgG4 mAb against L-selectin. However, L-selectin (CD62L) is a cell adhesion molecule expressed on circulating neutrophils. It regulates migrating cells to chemotaxis towards the site of injury. Aselizumab may be account for a high rate of infections and leucopenia after truma.

DC66626 Raxibacumab Featured

Raxibacumab (ABthrax) is a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody against Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA). Raxibacumab blocks the toxin’s deleterious effects by preventing binding of the protective antigen component of the anthrax toxin to its receptors in host cells, thereby blocking the toxin’s deleterious effects. Raxibacumab can be used for anti-anthrax research.

DC66627 Afelimomab Featured

Afelimomab (MAK 195F) is an anti-tumor necrosis factor F(ab')2 monoclonal antibody fragment. Afelimomab can be used for the research of sepsis.

DC66628 Anti-158P1D7 Reference Antibody Featured

DC66629 Numab patent anti-HSA Featured

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