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DC66630 Birtamimab Featured

Birtamimab (NEOD001) is an investigational monoclonal antibody that specifically and selectively target and clear the amyloid. Birtamimab can be used for the research of light chain amyloidosis.

DC66631 Mirzotamab Featured

Mirzotamab is an IgG1κ monoclonal antibody targeting to CD276/B7-H3 with anti-tumor activity. Mirzotamab conjugates with Clezutoclax (HY-137774), a BCL inhibitor to form Mirzotamab clezutoclax (HY-P99741), involving in research with taxane research in relapsed/refractory solid tumors. Mirzotamab clezutoclax (ABBV-155) is a targeted antibody drug conjugate (ADC).

DC66632 Cantuzumab Featured

Cantuzumab is a monoclonal antibody that can binds the CanAg antigen. Cantuzumab is typically linked to one of several cytotoxic agents, yielding antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), such as Cantuzumab mertansine (HY-P99492) and Cantuzumab ravtansine (HY-P99493).

DC66633 VLST-002 Featured

DC66634 R707 Featured

DC66635 ofatumumab Featured

Ofatumumab is a fully human anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody that induces antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity in CD20-expressing B lymphocytes.

DC66636 Genefrontier patent anti-CD69 Featured

DC66637 KHK-2898 Featured

DC66638 CergutuzumAb Featured

DC66639 Class III Featured

DC66640 IMAB027 Featured

IMAB027 (ASP1650) is a specific anti-CLDN6 mAb, while CLDN6 (Claudin 6) is a tight junction membrane protein, aberrantly expressed in various human cancer types, ovarian cancers particularly. IMAB 027 shows anti-tumor activity, and induces apoptosis in CLDN6+ ovarian and testicular cancer cell lines.

DC66641 AB1-11 Featured

DC66642 IM-301 Featured

DC66643 lendalizumab Featured

DC66644 Nurulimab Featured

Nurulimab (BCD-145) is an anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (anti-CTLA-4) human monoclonal antibody. Nurulimab can be can be used in research of melanoma.

DC66645 Epilactose Featured

DC66646 Dinotefuran UF Featured

Dinotefuran UF is the deuterium labeled γ-Tocotrienol. γ-Tocotrienol is an active form of vitamin E

DC66647 ICA-1S Featured

ICA-1S is a potent, specific inhibitor of Protein Kinase C-iota (PKC-ι), does not inhibit PKC-ζ, the closely related atypical PKC family member.

DC60638 Acid-degradable PEG Lipid (ADP) Featured

Acid-degradable PEG Lipid (ADP) composed of polyethylene glycol lipid is synthesized with the azido-acetal linker and used to generate RD-LNPs, which significantly improves the performance of LNP-mRNA complexes in vitro and in vivo.

DC60639 Acid-degradable Anionic Lipid (ADA) Featured

Acid-degradable Anionic Lipid (ADA) composed of anionic lipid is synthesized with the azido-acetal linker and used to generate RD-LNPs, which significantly improves the performance of LNP-mRNA complexes in vitro and in vivo.

DC60640 LI-3948 Featured

LI-3948 is a blood-brain barrier penetrant inositol hexakisphosphate kinase (IP6K) inhibitor with IC50 of 16 nM and brain/plasma ratio of 1.3, respectively.

DC66648 CP-LC-1143 Featured

Lipid CP-LC-1143 is an ionizable cationic amino lipid derived from homocysteine, a naturally occurring amino acid. This lipid has demonstrated an efficient delivery and high protein expression of different kinds of RNA (mRNA, cRNA and saRNA) in vivo, with no signs of toxicity.

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