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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC2708 Indoxam

Novel sPLA2 inhibitor, suppressing murine endotoxic shock and LDL modification, blocking binding to the M-type receptor

DCC2709 Indoxyl Sulfate

Metabolite of tryptophan, showing adverse effects on bones and the central nervous system, having been most frequently implicated as a contributor to renal disease progression and vascular disease

DCC2710 Infraluciferin

NIR emitting firefly luciferin analogue

DCC2711 Ingavirin

Novel inhibitor of the influenza virus reproduction, inhubiting the formation of the virus specific hemagglutinin

DCC2712 inh-32

Novel inhibitor of Ark1, the fission yeast member of the conserved Aurora kinase family

DCC2713 Inhib1x

Novel dual inhibitor of MAPKAPK5 and MAPKAPK2

DCC2714 Inhibitor R1

Novel Potent Inhibitor of Microbiome ß-Glucuronidases

DCC2715 Inhibitor R3

Novel Potent Inhibitor of Microbiome ß-Glucuronidases

DCC2716 Inos-in-10

Novel selective inhibitor of the iNOS, without affecting the eNOS isoform

DCC2717 Inos-in-18

Novel Potent and Selective Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Inhibitor (IC50 = 74 nM) with high BBB permeability (Pe = 19.1 × 10-6 cm/s) for Parkinson's Disease

DCC2718 Inos-in-d27

Novel Potent and Orally Active Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Dimerization Inhibitor with Efficacy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Mouse Model

DCC2719 Inp1750

Novel putative inhibitor of type III secretion (T3S) in the Gram-negative pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Chlamydia trachomatis

DCC2720 Ins015_037

Novel potent inhibitor of DDR1 tyrosine kinase

DCC2721 Ins3-54-a26

Novel inhibitor of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of STAT3, suppressing tumor growth, metastasis and STAT3 target gene expression in vivo

DCC2722 Ins48823

Activator of the P2Y6 receptor in bone, increasing survival of osteoclasts

DCC2723 Int2-31

Blocker of the interaction of FAK and IGF-1R; Antagonist of the phosphorylation of tumor AKT

DCC2724 Intervenolin

Natural potent inhibitor of H. pylori DHODH, having greater efficacy for treatment of H. pylori infection

DCC2725 Intoplicine

Inhibitor of both topoisomerase I and II via intercalating DNA helix

DCC2726 Inuloxin A

Natural Activator of Programmed Cell Death, leading to membrane damage, mitochondria alteration, chromatin condensation, and ROS accumulation

DCC2727 Inz-4 [1585213-98-4]

Novel Potent Fungal-Selective Inhibitor of Mitochondrial Cytochrome bc1

DCC2728 Iodiconazole

Novel antifungal agent, exhibiting broad spectrum and potent activity against 12 kinds of clinically pathogenic fungi

DCC2729 Iodoclorgyline

Selective monoamine oxidase A inhibitor

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