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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC4330 Py-itc

Novel suppressor of cancerous cell growth and proliferation

DCC4331 Pyochelin

Bacterial siderophore, acting as an iron-chelating growth promoter for Pseudomonas aeruginosa

DCC4332 pyranoxanthone 1

Novel inhibitor of p53-MDM2 interaction

DCC4333 Pyrd-in-14

Novel inhibitor of the PyrD protein (a dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODase) involved in pyrimidine biosynthesis), suppressing bacterial cytotoxicity, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance

DCC4334 Pyrenocine A

Natural phytotoxin, inducing monopolar spindle formation and suppressing proliferation of cancer cells

DCC4335 Pyridinone-14

Novel highly potent agonist of the apelin receptor (APJ) receptor (APJ cAMP EC50: human 0.023nM; rat 0.024nM; dog 0.030nM; monkey 0.080nM)

DCC4336 Pyrithione Zinc

Novel KMD5A inhibitor

DCC4337 Pysoca Substrate-1

Novel BBB-permeable substrate of pyrilamine-sensitive proton-coupled organic cation antiporter (PYSOCA), acting as a selective class I HDAC inhibitor

DCC4338 Pyy3-36

Y2/Y5 Neuropeptide Y receptor agonist, reducing food intake in normal-weight and obese individuals and the plasma levels of the hunger-promoting hormone ghrelin

DCC4339 Pz-1444

Novel inverse agonist of 5-HT6 receptor

DCC4340 Q8pnap

Novel class of bright near infrared window II (NIR-II, 1,000 - 1,700 nm) probe, being successfully used to achieve high spatial and temporal resolution imaging of hind limb vasculature, lymphatic system, and small tumor metastasis, as well as precise NIR-

DCC4341 q94 Hydrochloride

Selective PAR1 negative allosteric modulator

DCC4342 Qc-308 Hydrochloride

Novel Heme Oxygenase-1 Inhibitor (HO-1 IC 50 =0.27μM; HO-2 IC 50 =0.46μM)

DCC4343 Qd394-me

Novel reactive oxygen species (ROS) inducer, showing significant cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancer cells

DCC4344 Qls-81

Novel Nav1.7 channel blocker (IC 50 at 3.5±1.5 μM). being efficacious on chronic pain in mice

DCC4345 Qndesa

Novel fluorescent molecular rotor for the selective detection of the hybrid-conformation 22AG G-Quadruplex

DCC4346 Qs Inhibitor 1

Novel potent inhibitor of quorum sensing (QS) pathways, strongly blocking agr-type QS in S. aureus

DCC4347 Qs Inhibitor 2

Novel potent inhibitor of quorum sensing (QS) pathways, strongly blocking agr-type QS in S. aureus

DCC4348 Qtc-4-meobne

Novel multitarget anti-AD agent, significantly increasing in adult neurogenesis and remyelination through Prox1/NeuroD1 and Wnt/β-catenin pathways, demonstrating beneficial effects in preclinical models of AD

DCC4349 Quatcy-i2

Novel photodynamic antitumor agent

DCC4350 Quazepam

Modulator of specific GABAA receptors via the benzodiazepine site on the GABAA receptor

DCC4351 Quilseconazole Besylate

Potent, orally active fungal Cyp51 (lanosterol 14-α-demethylase) inhibitor

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