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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DCC5100 Tfmo-1

Novel cell-active, selective class IIa HDAC inhibitor

DCC5101 Tfmo-12

CNS-penetrant selective class IIa histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, exploiting the >100-fold selectivity over class I/IIb HDACs

DCC5102 Tfr4oht

Cyclized tamoxifen analog, selective ER modulator (SERM)

DCC5103 Tg-0054

Novel and Potent Stem Cell Mobilizer; Inhibitor of SDF-1α/CXCR4 binding

DCC5104 Tg-0205221

Novel potent SARS coronavirus (CoV) 3CL protease inhibitor (Ki = 53 nM)

DCC5105 Tg100948

Novel dual VEGFR/Src kinase inhibitor

DCC5106 Tg101114

Novel inhibitor of T315I mutant enzyme, exhibiting reasonable in vivo efficacy in a xenograft mouse model harboring T315I

DCC5107 Tg11-77 Hydrochloride

Novel, Potent, Selective, Water Soluble, Brain-Permeable EP2 Receptor Antagonist

DCC5108 Tg-2112x

Novel inhibitor of mitochondrial calcium uptake (#333333; font-family: "Open Sans", HelveticaNeue, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight:

DCC5109 Tg2-in-3h

Highly selective, potent, cell-permeable fluorescent irreversible tissue transglutaminase (TG2) inhibitor

DCC5110 Tg3-95-1

EP2 allosteric potentiator

DCC5111 Tg4-166

Potent and selective nociceptin opioid receptor (NOP) agonist

DCC5112 tg4-290-1

Potent and selective nociceptin opioid receptor (NOP) agonist

DCC5113 tg4-292-1

Potent and selective nociceptin opioid receptor (NOP) agonist

DCC5114 Tg4-294-2

Potent and Selective Antagonist for Human EP2 Receptors

DCC5115 Tgp-200c

Novel potent and structure-specific inhibitor of pre-miR-200c, reversing a type 2 diabetes phenotype

DCC5116 Tgr5 Agonist 11d-na

Novel potent TGR5 agonist, displayind a significant glucose-lowering effect and stimulated GLP-1 and insulin secretion in TGR5H88Y mice but not in wild-type animals

DCC5117 Tgr5-agonist-17

Novel Potent Agonist of TGR5 Receptor

DCC5118 Tgx-115

Cell-permeable, potent, and selective inhibitor of PI 3-K isoforms p110ß/p110d

DCC5119 Tgx-155

Potent and selective inhibitor of PI 3-K

DCC5120 Th1027

Novel highly potent and specific inhibitor of TLR8, targeting an unconventional pocket on the TLR8 protein-protein Interface

DCC5121 Thaigranatin T

Natural potent human carboxylesterase 2 (hCES2) inhibitor (IC50: 5.05 μM)

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