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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73853 AG-205

A small molecule inhibitor of progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) that alters the spectroscopic properties of the PGRMC1-heme complex.

DC73854 AGN196996

AGN 196996 (IRX6696) is a potent selective RARα antagonist with Ki of 2 nM, shows little to no activity against RARβ and RARγ.

DC73855 BPA-B9

BPA-B9 (Bipyridine amide B9) is a small molecule RXRα-targeted anti-mitotic agent, binds to RXRα (Kd=39 nM) and selectively inhibits the p-RXRα/PLK1 interaction to induce mitotic arrest and catastrophe in cancer cells.

DC73856 CD666

CD666 is a potent, selective RARgamma (RARγ) agonist.

DC73857 E6060

E6060 is a potent, selective retinoic acid receptor subtype α (RAR-α) agonist with Ki of 0.2 nM, IC50 of 0.2 nM for RAR-α-mediated reporter transactivation assays.

DC73858 IRX4647

IRX4647 is a selective RARγ agonist, regulates T cell biology and reduces syngeneic tumor growth of immune checkpoint-resistant lung cancer cell line (344SQ) when combined with anti-PD-L1.

DC73859 LG101506

LG101506 (LG1506) is a potent, selective and orally active RXR modulator with Ki of 2.6 nM.

DC73860 XS-060

XS-060 is a small molecule RXRα-targeted anti-mitotic agent, binds to RXRα (Kd=1.3 uM) and selectively inhibits the p-RXRα/PLK1 interaction to induce mitotic arrest and catastrophe in cancer cells.

DC73861 STL1267

STL1267 is a specific, high affinity synthetic agonist of nuclear receptor REV-ERB with EC50 of 0.13 uM and Ki of 0.16 uM, binds directly to the ligand binding domain (LBD) of REV-ERB.

DC73862 BMS-336

BMS-336 is a potent, selective, orally active RORγt (RORC2) inverse agonist with EC50 of 39 nM in RORγt reporter assays.

DC73863 ODH-08

ODH-08 is a novel specific small molecule ligand and agonist of RORα with KD value of 8.4 um, shows potent antifibrotic effect.

DC73864 PCCR-1

PCCR-1 is a potent, specific RORγ inhibitor with binding IC50 of 34.45 nM and 778.1 nM for human and mouse RORγ, respectively, > 300-fold selectivity over other isoforms of ROR.

DC73865 W6134

W6134 (RORγ covalent inhibitor 29) is a first-in-class, potent and selective RORγ covalent inhibitor with IC50 of 0.21 uM, targets the Cys320 of RORγ.

DC73866 CS27109 Featured

CS27109 is a potent, selective thyroid hormone receptor-β (THR-β) agonist with AC50 value of 1.98 uM, 12.6-fold selectivity over THR-α.

DC73867 EN171 Featured

EN171 covalently targets both C38 and C96 on 14−3−3 to enhance 14−3−3 interactions with ERα, YAP, and TAZ, leading to impaired estrogen receptor and Hippo pathway transcriptional activity.

DC73868 CNB-001

CNB-001 is a pyrazole derivative of curcumin with neuroprotective properties, inhibits extracellular Aβ toxicity in hippocampal neurons with EC50 of 400 nM.

DC73869 DDQ

DDQ is a small molecule inhibitor of binding sites of Amyloid beta (Aβ) and Drp1, reduces interaction between Aβ and Drp1, shows anti-aging effects.

DC73870 MeSC-04

MeSC-04 is a potent α-Syn amyloid formation inhibitor, reduces the number and size of amyloid fibrils in vitro.

DC73871 NPT200-11

NPT200-11 is an orally bioavailable and brain penetrating alpha-synuclein (ASYN) misfolding and aggregation inhibitor.

DC73872 SRI-42667

SRI-42667 is a selective small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor with IC50 of 0.91 uM (Tau-FynSH3 interaction), prevents amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability.

DC73873 CC-8977

CC-8977 is a hgihly potent, selective inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase II (CaMKK2) with binding IC50 of 7 nM.

DC73874 SMP-114

SMP-114 (Rimacalib) is a potent, specific and orally available CaMKII inhibitor with potential for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

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