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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC74299 BC18630 free base

BC18630 free base (BC 18630) is a small molecule inhibitor of the E3 ubiquitin ligase subunit DCAF7, potently inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection with IC50 of 39 nM in cell-based assays.

DC74300 BC18813

BC18813 (BC 18813) is a small molecule inhibitor of the E3 ubiquitin ligase subunit DCAF7, potently inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection with IC50 of 48 nM in cell-based assays.

DC74301 C7683

C7683 is a small-molecule inhibitor of the RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b with IC5 of <1 nM, an analogue of Nx-1607.

DC74302 MN551

MN551 is a Cys111-specific, covalent ligand targeting the E3 ligase SOCS2 with ITC Ki value of 2.2 uM, blocks recruitment of cellular SOCS2 protein to its native substrate.

DC74303 MN714

MN714 is a cell-premeable prodrug of MN551 containing a pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) and covalent inhibitor of E3 ligase suppressor of cytokine signaling 2 (SOCS2).

DC74304 Nx-1607

Nx-1607 is a small-molecule inhibitor of the RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b.

DC74305 Skp2-2

Skp2-2 is a small molecule inhibitor of Skp2-Cks1 interaction with IC50 of 27.8 uM, significantly and dose-dependently reduces the protein expression of Skp2 in cancer cells.

DC74306 T0467

T0467 is a small molecule activator of PINK1-Parkin signaling, activates Parkin mitochondrial translocation in dopaminergic neurons and myoblasts (20 uM, 3h), does not induce mitochondrial accumulation of PINK1.

DC74307 17-AAG hydrochloride

A potent Hsp90 inhibitor with IC50 of 5 nM in cell-free assays.

DC74308 BX-2819

BX-2819 is a potent, selective Hsp90 inhibitor with KD of 16.4 nM for human Hsp90α, also is a potent B. burgdorferi high-temperature protein G (Bb HtpG) with KD of 12 nM.

DC74309 DCEM1

DCEM1 is a mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt) inhibitor, specifically disrupts HSP60-ClpP interaction in PCa cells and in vitro, suppresses prostate cancer growth in vivo.

DC74310 Foldlin

Foldlin is a small-molecule tool compound that reduces the protein levels of misfolded/aggregated mutant p53, without effect on contact mutants or wild-type p53, Foldlin is small-molecule HSF-1 activator.

DC74311 HLQ2H

HLQ2H (Msi3 inhibitor 2H) is a first-in-class, specific inhibitor of fungal Hsp110 molecular chaperone Msi3, inhibits the holdase activity of Msi3 (IC50=5.02 uM) as well as the growth and viability of C. albicans.

DC74312 KUNG65

KUNG65 is a potent, selective glucose regulated protein 94 (Grp94) inhibitor with Kd value of 540 nM in fluorescence polarization assays, 73-fold selectivity over Hsp90α.


PLIHZ is a small molecule inhibitor of DNAJA1 derived from the natural compound plumbagin, binds to J domain of DNAJA1 and efficiently reduces the levels of DNAJA1 and several conformational mutp53 with minimal impact on DNA contact mutp53 and wild-type p


PLTFBH is a cell-active small molecule inhibitor of DNAJA1, binds to and reduces protein levels of DNAJA1 and several other HSP40/J-domain proteins (JDPs), specifically reduces conformational mutp53 levels similar to PLIHZ.

DC74315 SL-145

SL-145 is a novel C-terminal HSP90 inhibitor, induces apoptosis in TNBC cells via the suppression of oncogenic AKT, MEK/ERK, and JAK2/STAT3 signaling.

DC74316 SOMCL-16-175

SOMCL-16-175 is a non-covalent, allosteric modulator targeting Hsp90α’s middle domain (Hsp90M) with binding Kd of 804 uM, inhibits breast cancer cell growth and proliferation.

DC74317 STA-1474

STA-1474 is a water soluble prodrug of Ganetespib (STA 9090), which is a potent, second generation small-molecule inhibitor of HSP90 (IC50=4 nM).

DC74318 NW1028

NW1028 is a small molecule that target the regulatory domain of VCP/p97, inhibits the degradation of a p97-dependent reporter, does not affect the main catalytic domain of p97.

DC74319 NW1030

NW1030 is a small molecule that target the regulatory domain of VCP/p97, increases the degradation of a p97-dependent reporter, does not affect the main catalytic domain of p97.

DC74320 OSSL_325096

OSSL_325096 is a novel potent small mlolecule p97/VCP inhibitor, suppresses cell proliferation and induces ER stress and apoptotic cell death in MM cell lines (IC50=0.1-0.5 uM).

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