Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Others
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC23826 UC-857993

A small molecule inhibitor of guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) catalytic activity that binds to SOS1 (Kd=14.7 uM) and disrupts GEF-Ras interaction.

DC23810 UC-773587

A small molecule inhibitor of guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) catalytic activity that binds to SOS1 (Kd=3.4 uM) and disrupts GEF-Ras interaction.

DC25040 Heclin

A small molecule inhibitor of HECT-type ubiquitin ligase with IC50 of 6.8/6.3/6.9 uM for Smurf2/Nedd4/WWP1, respectively.

DC22838 SCH 351125

A small molecule inhibitor of HIV-1 entry via the CCR5 coreceptor.

DC25031 C2-8

A small molecule inhibitor of polyglutamine (polyQ) aggregation in Huntington's disease neurons.

DC22761 NCI-83633 Featured

A small molecule inhibitor of PP2C that activates extensive 3' cleavage at a concentration 50-fold below that required by fluoride or CP..

DC22552 IC-87201 Featured

A small molecule inhibitor of PSD-95/nNOS interaction with IC50 of 31 uM, without inhibiting nNOS catalytic activity.

DC20360 DIDS

A small molecule inhibitor of RAD51-mediated homologous recombination.

DC25034 Lin28-IN-1632

A small molecule inhibitor of RNA binding protein Lin28 that blocks the Lin28/let-7 interaction, rescues let-7 processing and function in Lin28-expressing cancer cells.

DC23774 MS-444

A small molecule inhibitor of RNA-binding protein Hu protein R (HuR) that interferes the HuR homodimerization with Kd of 7 nM.

DC23773 Okicenone

A small molecule inhibitor of RNA-binding protein Hu protein R (HuR) that interferes the HuR homodimerization with Kd of 90 nM.

DC22852 Sortase-IN-6e

A small molecule inhibitor of Staphylococcus aureus sortase with IC50 of 9.3 uM.

DC22984 IT-603 Featured

A small molecule inhibitor of the NF-κB family member c-Rel with IC50 of 3 uM in EMSA assays.

DC22833 KKL-35 Featured

A small molecule inhibitor of trans-translation that has broad-spectrum antibiotic activity.

DC21166 JK-273

A small molecule inhibitor of α4 integrin-dependent cell migration (IC50=0.5 uM, on the motility of Jurkat T cells) that functions by interacting with γ-parvin.

DC22832 Filastatin Featured

Filastatin is a long-lasting inhibitor of Candida albicans filamentation. Filastatin inhibits adhesion by multiple pathogenic Candida species with an IC50 of ~3 μM in the GFP-based adhesion assay. Filastatin inhibits fungal adhesion to polystyrene and human cells, the yeast-to-hyphal morphological transition, induction of the hyphal-specific HWP1 promoter. Filastatin has potent antifungal effect.

DC23982 Navoximod (GDC-0919; NLG-​919) Featured

Navoximod (GDC-0919; NLG-​919) is a potent IDO (indoleamine-(2,3)-dioxygenase) pathway inhibitor with Ki/EC50 of 7 nM/75 nM.

DC21415 Ferristatin II

A small molecule iron transport inhibitor that promotes degradation of transferrin receptor-1 in vitro and in vivo, through a nystatin-sensitive lipid raft pathway.

DC23314 UNC-2170 maleate

A small molecule ligand for the methyl-lysine binding protein 53BP1 (p53-binding protein 1) with Kd of 22 uM against the 53BP1 tandem tudor domain.

DC20453 MitoBloCK 6

A small molecule mitochondrial protein import blocker that inhibits Erv1 oxidase activity.

DC21795 VJ115

A small molecule NADH oxidase ENOX1 inhibitor with IC50 of 10 uM.

DC23762 PDI inhibitor 16F16 Featured

PDI inhibitor 16F16 is a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) inhibitor, first identified in a screen for compounds that prevent apoptosis induced by mutant huntingtin protein. 16F16 not only suppressed apoptosis induced by the misfolded protein mutant hungtingtin, it also protected rat neurons from cell death triggered by Aβ peptide. The actions of this inhibitor helped to identify a new mechanism in which a cell death pathway is regulated by protein misfolding via PDI upregulation.

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