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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC66561 Peracetylated GalNAc succinimidyl pentanoate Featured

DC66562 Peracetylated GalNAc-C3-Amine-1 Featured

DC66563 Peracetylated GalNAc-L96-Acid-2 Featured

DC66564 Peracetylated GalNAc PEG linker-Acid-1 Featured

DC66565 Peracetylated GalNAc-L96-Acid-1 Featured

DC66566 Peracetylated GalNAc-L96-Amide-1 Featured

DC66568 Peracetylated GalNAc PEG linker-Amino-1 Featured

DC66569 GalNAc-L96-Amide Featured

DC66570 NAG-37 Featured

DC66571 Peracetylated GalNAc -C3-Amino-1 Featured

DC66572 Peracetylated GalNAc PEG linker-Amino-2 Featured

DC66573 (S)-L-giutamic acid cbz Featured

DC66574 Peracetylated GalNAc-L96-1 Featured

DC66575 Peracetylated GalNAc PEG linker-Acid-2 Featured

DC60617 dWIZ-1 Featured

dWIZ-1 is a molecular glue degrader of the WIZ transcription factor that robustly induce HbF in erythroblasts. dWIZ-1 increases CRBNWIZ association with EC50 of 547 nM.

DC60618 dWIZ-2 Featured

dWIZ-2 is a molecular glue degrader of the WIZ transcription factor that robustly induce HbF in erythroblasts. dWIZ-2 shows improved pharmacokinetic (PK) properties than dWIZ-1.

DC60619 12T-O14 Featured

12T-O14 is a amidine-incorporated degradable (AID) lipid for versatile mRNA delivery. 12T-O14-LNPs mediate efficient intramuscular delivery of mRNA vaccines and systemic delivery of mRNA therapeutics without noticeable toxicity. 12T-O14 serves as a superior supplementary lipid to redirect liver-tropic LNPs to selectively target the lung or spleen via simple adjustment of the formulation.

DC60620 REM0046127 (REM127) Featured

REM0046127 (REM127) is a ReS19-T compound and restores calcium homeostasis and neutralizes tau- and Aβ-driven neurotoxicity. REM127 reduces toxicity and [Ca2+]cyto with EC50 of 15 and 19 nM, respectively but has no effect on tau expression or ATRA-dependent gene transcription.

DC60621 MK-1084 Featured

MK-1084 is an orally bioavailable and low-dose KRAS/G12C covalent inhibitor with IC50 of 1.2 nM (GNE) and 9 nM (p-ERK), respectively.

DC60622 KM822 Featured

KM822 is avselective, noncompetitive modulator of human dopamine transporter (DAT) with IC50 3.7 μM, which shows 30 and 50 folds higher than for human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) and human serotonin transporter (SERT), respectively.

DC60623 CNDR-51997 Featured

CNDR-51997 is a brain-penetrant microtubule alterations-stabilizing small molecule and reduces both Aβ plaque and tau inclusion pathology in established mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.

DC60624 OPB-171775 Featured

OPB-171775 is a non-TKI compound that exhibits significant anticancer activity against gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) regardless of KIT mutation status. OPB-171775 induces targeted cell death by inducing a complex between phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A) and Schlafen family member 12 (SLFN12).

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