Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Cationic Lipid
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DC60475 CL4F8-6 Featured

CL4F8-6 is an ionizable cationic lipid (pKa = 6.14) that has been used in combination with other lipids in the formation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).1 Intravenous administration of LNPs containing CL4F8-6 and encapsulating an mRNA reporter accumulate specifically in the mouse liver. LNPs containing CL4F8-6 and encapsulating mRNA encoding the Cas9 nuclease (mCas9) and single-guide RNA (sgRNA) targeting Ttr (sgTtr), the gene encoding transthyretin, have been used to induce CRISPR-mediated gene knockdown in mice resulting in a reduction of serum levels of TTR.

DC60478 ALC-0366 (III-45) Featured

ALC-0366 (III-45) is an ionizable cationic lipid (pKa = 6.25).It has been used in the generation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for the delivery of mRNA in vivo.1,2,3 LNPs containing lipid III-45 and encapsulating a luciferase mRNA reporter accumulate in liver and adipose tissue in mice.LNPs containing lipid III-45 have been used to deliver an mRNA sequence encoding an antibody targeting the tumor-associated antigen and tight junction integral protein claudin-18 isoform 2 (claudin-18.2) to mice and reduce tumor volume in an MDA-MB-231 mouse xenograft model.

DC89030 SM-102 IMPURITY 1 Featured

DC89031 SM-102 IMPURITY 2(SM-102 N-oxide) Featured

SM-102 N-oxide is potential impurity in commercial preparations of SM-102.

DC60482 DIM7S Featured

DIM7S is a sugar-alcohol-derived ionizable lipid with mannitol as the precursor. DIM7S LNP is 10-fold, 30-fold, 20-fold, 4-fold and 3-fold superior in mRNA delivery than Lipo 3K, Electro, ALC-0315, MC3 and SM-102, respectively. DIM7S LNP enables effective CD40 mRNA delivery into human peripheral blood monocyte-derived DCs without obvious cytotoxicity.

DC60483 LIS10W Featured

LIS10W is a sugar-alcohol-derived ionizable lipid with L-sorbitol as the precursor. CD40L-LIS10W in the CATCH (CD40L-LIS10W+CD40-BDMCs) treatment simultaneously induces ICD and CD40L expressions in tumoural tissues, which enables to activate both endogenous DCs and adoptively transferred CD40-BMDCs.

DC89101 C12-4 (C12-494,Lipid A-4) Featured

C12-4 (C12-494,Lipid A-4) is a branched-chain ionizable cationic lipidoid that has been used in the formation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for the delivery of mRNA. LNPs containing lipid A4 and encapsulating an mRNA reporter accumulate in the uterus, placenta, and ovaries, as well as to the spleen and liver, in pregnant mouse dams unlike LNPs containing the branched-chain ionizable cationic lipidoid C12-200, which primarily accumulate in the liver. Intravenous administration of LNPs containing lipid A4 and encapsulating mRNA encoding VEGF increase placental VEGFR1 levels and mean fetal blood vessel area without inducing liver damage in pregnant mouse dams.

DC60485 IAJD 93 Featured

IAJD93(IAJD-93) is a pentaerythritol-based one-component ionizable amphiphilic Janus Dendrimer (IAJD), delivery systems for mRNA delivery.

DC60486 IAJD 288 Featured

IAJD 288(IAJD-288) is a pentaerythritol-based one-component ionizable amphiphilic Janus Dendrimer (IAJD), delivery systems for mRNA delivery.

DC60487 IAJD 249 Featured

IAJD249(IAJD-249) is a pentaerythritol-based one-component ionizable amphiphilic Janus Dendrimer (IAJD), delivery systems for mRNA delivery.

DC60488 CL1H6 Featured

CL1H6 is an ionizable lipid and CL1H6-LNP is capable of efficiently introducing both siRNA and mRNA into NK-92 cells.

DC60489 LIPID 331 Featured

Lipid 331 is a biodegradable cyclic ionizable lipid. LNPs containing Lipid 331 result in robust transfection in the nasal and lung tissues of mice and efficient transfection of lung epithelial cells and lung-resident APCs. Lipid 331 is a promising candidate for mRNA vaccine delivery, offering the potential for further enhancing the potency of mRNA vaccines.

DC65560 GalNAc-L96 free base Featured

GalNAc-L96 free base, the G-rich oligonucleotides carrying the longer GalNAc linker that can be used for delivery of nucleic acid drugs.

DC65561 GalNac-L96 analog Featured

GalNac-L96 analog is an analog of GalNac-L96 used for siRNA delivery.

DC65562 GalNAc-NAG-25 Phosphoramidite Featured

DC65565 GalNac-L96 Featured

GalNac-L96, the G-rich oligonucleotides carrying the longer GalNAc linker that can be used for delivery of nucleic acid drugs[1].

DC65568 C14-494 Core (Lipid Core 494) Featured

C14-4 Core (Core 4) is the core structure of C14-4.

DC60492 244-cis Featured

244-cis is an ionizable, liver-specific lipid. 244-cis LNP that induces lower immune responses than the responses evoked by previously used LNPs. 244-cis LNP and low-dose adeno-associated virus could minimize side effects and achieve a therapeutic threshold in hemophilia A mice.

DC60494 76-O17Se Featured

76-O17Se is a lipidoid for the efficient delivery of antiCD19 mRNA CAR to murine primary macrophages. 76-O17Se is more efficient than delivery with lipofectamine 2000 (LPF2K) or MC3

DC60495 9322-O16B Featured

9322-O16B is a lipidoid for the efficient delivery of antiCD19 mRNA CAR to murine primary macrophages. LNP 9322-O16B is more efficient than delivery with lipofectamine 2000 (LPF2K) or MC3.

DC65619 LNP Lipid-8 Featured

LNP Lipid-8 (11-A-M) is an ionizable lipid, which can be used for lipid nanoparticles (LNP) to deliver siRNA to T cells without targeting to ligands. LNP LIPs-8 loaded with GFP siRNA (siGFP), and significantly causes GFP gene silencing in mice model.

DC65620 cKK-E15 Featured

cKK-E15 is an ionizable cationic lipid and a derivative of cKK-E12 that has been used in the generation of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).1 LNPs containing cKK-E15 and encapsulating Cre mRNA induce the expression of Cre in Kupffer cells, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes in Ai14 mice engineered to express the fluorescent protein tdTomato upon translation of Cre.

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