Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Metabolic Enzyme/Protease > Endogenous Metabolite
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC72401 D-Ribofuranose

D-Ribofuranose (D-Ribose) is an endogenous metabolite present in Cerebrospinal_Fluid that can be used for the research of Ribose 5 Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency and Medium Chain Acyl Co A Dehydrogenase Deficiency.

DC72402 Estrone sulfate

Estrone sulfate is an endogenous metabolite present in Blood that can be used for the research of X-Linked Ichthyosis and Obesity.

DC72403 Isocitric acid

Isocitric acid is an endogenous metabolite present in Saliva and Cellular_Cytoplasm that can be used for the research of Alzheimer's Disease, Lewy Body Dementia and Anoxia.

DC72404 L-Xylulose

L-Xylulose is an endogenous metabolite present in Blood, Cerebrospinal_Fluid and Urine that can be used for the research of Ribose 5 Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency.

DC72405 N1-Acetylspermine

N1-Acetylspermine is an endogenous metabolite present in Urine that can be used for the research of Leukemia.

DC72406 Normetanephrine

Normetanephrine is an endogenous metabolite present in Cerebrospinal_Fluid that can be used for the research of Hypertension.

DC72407 Phytanic acid

Phytanic acid is an endogenous metabolite present in Blood that can be used for the research of Zellweger Syndrome, Alpha Methylacyl CoA Racemase Deficiency, Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata and Infantile Refsum Disease.

DC72408 Pristanic acid

Pristanic acid is an endogenous metabolite present in Blood that can be used for the research of Alpha Methylacyl CoA Racemase Deficiency and Zellweger Syndrome.

DC72673 Acetyl coenzyme A trilithium

Acetyl-coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA) trilithium is a membrane-impermeant central metabolic intermediate, participates in the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation metabolism. Acetyl-coenzyme A trilithium regulates various cellular mechanisms by providing (sole donor) acetyl groups to target amino acid residues for post-translational acetylation reactions of proteins. Acetyl Coenzyme A trilithium is also a key precursor of lipid synthesis.

DC72674 Saccharopine hydrochloride

Saccharopine (L-Saccharopine) hydrochloride, a lysine degradation intermediate, is a mitochondrial toxin. Lysine and α-ketoglutarate are converted into Saccharopine hydrochloride by the lysine-ketoglutarate reductase. Saccharopine hydrochloride is then oxidized to α-aminoapidate semialdehyde and glutamate by the saccharopine dehydrogenase. Saccharopine hydrochloride impairs development by disrupting mitochondrial homeostasis.

DC72675 TRH Precursor Peptide

TRH Precursor Peptide is a precursor peptide of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). TRH Precursor Peptide formation of TRH in rat brain and pituitary is zinc-dependent.

DC72676 Mannose 1-phosphate

Mannose 1-phosphate is an endogenous metabolite. Mannose 1-phosphate can be used to synthesize GDP-Man by the enzyme GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase.

DC72677 Galactonic acid

Galactonic acid is a sugar acid that is a metabolic breakdown product of galactose. Galactose dehydrogenase is responsible for converting galactose to galactonolactone, which then spontaneously or enzymatically converts to galactonic acid.

DC72678 UDP-Galactose

UDP-Galactose is a monosaccharide involved in nucleotide sugar metabolism. UDP-Galactose and its derivatives act as a natural agonist for Gi protein-conjugated P2Y14 receptors in the immune system (IC50=0.67 μM, hP2Y14).

DC72679 Metanephrine

Metanephrine is the O-methylated metabolite of epinephrine that can be used for the research of diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.

DC72803 Neuraminic acid

Neuraminic acid is an acidic amino sugar with a backbone formed by nine carbon atoms. Neuraminic acid may also be visualized as the product of an aldol-condensation of pyruvic acid and D-mannosamine (2-amino-2-deoxy-mannose). Neuraminic acid is a functional group of some biologically active mucoproteins.

DC72819 18-Hydroxycortisol

18-Hydroxycortisol is an endogenous steroid that secreted by the adrenal cortex. 18-Hydroxycortisol is a cortisol derivative and a steroidogenic intermediate. 18-Hydroxycortisol can be used for primary aldosteronism (PA) research.

DC72899 Cytidine diphosphate

Cytidine diphosphate is a nucleoside diphosphate that acts as a carrier for phosphorylcholine, diacylglycerol, and other molecules during phospholipid synthesis.

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