Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Metabolic Enzyme/Protease > Endogenous Metabolite
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC40176 3α,7α-Dihydroxycoprostanic acid

3α,7α-Dihydroxycoprostanic acid is an endogenous metabolite. 3α,7α-Dihydroxycoprostanic acid, a bile acid, is the precursor to chenodeoxycholic acid.

DC40177 sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate biscyclohexylammonium salt

sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate biscyclohexylammonium salt is produced by cytosolic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase pathway through the reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate using NADH formed during glycolysis.

DC40178 Isobutyryl-L-carnitine chloride

Isobutyryl-L-carnitine chloride is a product of the acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.

DC40179 8-Isoprostaglandin F2α

8-Isoprostaglandin F2α is an isoprostane produced by the non-enzymatic peroxidation of arachidonic acid in membrane phospholipids. 8-Isoprostaglandin F2α is present in human plasma in two distinct forms - esterified in phospholipids and as the free acid. 8-Isoprostaglandin F2α is a weak TP receptor agonist in vascular smooth muscle.

DC40180 Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentasodium

Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentasodium is an endogenous vasoactive purine dinucleotide which has been isolated from thrombocytes. Diadenosine polyphosphates (ApnA, n=2–7) have been identified as constituents of secretory vesicles such as in platelets, chromaffin cells, Torpedo synaptic terminals and brain synaptosomes.

DC40181 Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentaammonium

Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentaammonium is an endogenous vasoactive purine dinucleotide which has been isolated from thrombocytes. Diadenosine polyphosphates (ApnA, n=2–7) have been identified as constituents of secretory vesicles such as in platelets, chromaffin cells, Torpedo synaptic terminals and brain synaptosomes.

DC40182 Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentalithium

Diadenosine pentaphosphate pentalithium is an endogenous vasoactive purine dinucleotide which has been isolated from thrombocytes. Diadenosine polyphosphates (ApnA, n=2–7) have been identified as constituents of secretory vesicles such as in platelets, chromaffin cells, Torpedo synaptic terminals and brain synaptosomes.

DC40183 Succinyladenosine

Succinyladenosine, the metabolic product of dephosphorylation of intracellular adenylosuccinic acid (S-AMP) by cytosolic 5-nucleotidase, is a biochemical marker of adenylosuccinase (ASL) deficiency.

DC40187 2-Furoylglycine

2-Furoylglycine, a urinary metabolite in human, is a putative biomarker for coffee consumption.

DC40188 11β-Hydroxyandrosterone

11β-Hydroxyandrosterone is a 11-oxygenated androgen metabolite of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione.

DC40190 L-Glyceric acid

L-Glyceric acid is a mainly urinary metabolite accumulating in rare inherited metabolic disease L-glyceric aciduria. L-Glyceric acid can be used to diagnose primary hyperoxaluria type 2 (PH2). L-Glyceric acid excretion to distinguish PH1 from PH2.

DC40191 L-Glyceric acid sodium

L-Glyceric acid sodium is a mainly urinary metabolite accumulating in rare inherited metabolic disease L-glyceric aciduria. L-Glyceric acid sodium can be used to diagnose primary hyperoxaluria type 2 (PH2). L-Glyceric acid sodium excretion to distinguish PH1 from PH2.

DC40192 Leukotriene C4

Leukotriene C4 is the parent cysteinyl leukotriene produced by the LTC4 synthase catalyzed conjugation of glutathione to LTA4. Leukotriene C4 is produced by neutrophils, macrophages, mast cells, and by transcellular metabolism in platelets. Leukotriene C4 is one of the constituents of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) and exhibits potent smooth muscle contracting activity.

DC40195 11-Oxo etiocholanolone

11-Oxo etiocholanolone (11-Ketoetiocholanolone) is a metabolite of Etiocholanolone. Etiocholanolone is the excreted metabolite of testosterone and has anticonvulsant activity.

DC40199 Acetyl Coenzyme A trisodium

Acetyl Coenzyme A trisodium (Acetyl-CoA trisodium) is a central metabolic intermediate. Acetyl Coenzyme A trisodium is the actual molecule through which glycolytic pyruvate enters the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is a key precursor of lipid synthesis, and is the sole donor of the acetyl groups for acetylation. Acetyl Coenzyme A trisodium acts as a potent allosteric activator of pyruvate carboxylase (PC).

DC40254 γ-Globulins from human blood

γ-Globulins from human blood are a class of proteins in the blood. γ-Globulin is a protein fraction of blood serum containing many antibodies that protect against bacterial and viral infectious diseases. γ-Globulins from human blood is used for common variable immunodeficiency

DC40294 neo-Inositol

neo-Inositol, a stereoisomer of inositol, has been isolated from calf brain.

DC40398 α-D-Glucose-1-phosphate disodium hydrate

α-D-Glucose-1-phosphate disodium hydrate is used as a starting material for synthesis of glucuronic acid. α-D-Glucose-1-phosphate disodium hydrate can be used as a cytostatic compound essential for cardiopathic therapy, as an antibiotic, as an immunosuppressive drug, and as a circulatory system therapy element.

DC40407 Fructosyl-lysine dihydrochloride

Fructosyl-lysine (Fructoselysine) dihydrochloride is an amadori glycation product from the reaction of glucose and lysine by the Maillard reaction. Fructosyl-lysine dihydrochloride is the precursor to glucosepane, a lysine–arginine protein cross-link that can be an indicator in diabetes?detection.

DC40643 4-Formylaminoantipyrine

4-Formylaminoantipyrine?is an excreted metabolite of?aminophenazone. Aminophenazone is a pyrazolone with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects in vivo.

DC40687 Dichloroiodomethane

Dichloroiodomethane is a natural compound in human beings.

DC40740 trans-2-Hexadecenoyl-L-carnitine

trans-2-Hexadecenoyl-L-carnitine is an endogenous metabolite in urine.

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