Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > Endothelin Receptor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC49633 BMS-193884

BMS-193884 is a selective, orally active, and competitive ETA antagonist with 10000-fold greater affinity for the human ETA receptor (Ki=1.4 nM) than for the ETB receptor.

DC71520 Ambrisentan sodium

Ambrisentan (BSF 208075) sodium is a selective and orally active ET type A receptor (ETAR) antagonist.

DC71774 Vodudeutentan

Vodudeutentan is an endothelin receptor antagonist.

DC72191 Clazosentan

Clazosentan (Ro 61-1790) is a selective endothelin A (ETA) receptor antagonist. Clazosentan inhibits ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction. Clazosentan prevents cerebral vasospasm, vasospasm-related cerebral infarction.

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