Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor > Eukaryotic Initiation Factor (eIF)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70742 Rohinitib

Rohinitib is a potent and specific inhibitor of eIF4A1, inhibits growth and survival of AML cells especially cells with FLT3-ITD.

DC71561 EIF2α activator 2

EIF2α activator 2 (Compound 1) is an activator of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) phosphorylation. EIF2α activator 2 exhibits high potency in SRB cell proliferation assays (IC50=0.46 μM). EIF2α activator 2 exhibits antiproliferative activity againist K562 and PBMC cells with IC50s of 4.79 and 10.52 μM, respectively.

DC71562 EIF2α activator 1

EIF2α activator 1 (Compound 40) is an activator of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) phosphorylation. EIF2α activator 1 increases the expression level of eIF2α downstream proteins, ATF and CHOP. EIF2α activator 1 exhibits antiproliferative activity againist K562 and PBMC cells with IC50s of 4.00 and 19.3 μM, respectively.

DC73824 eEF2K degrader C1

eEF2K degrader C1 is a small-molecule degrader of eEF2K, acts a molecular glue to enhance the interaction of eEF2K with the ubiquitin E3 ligase βTRCP, thereby promoting the proteasomal degradation of eEF2K.

DC73825 MG-002

MG-002 is a potent, second-generation, orally bioavailable eIF4A RNA helicase inhibitor, potently inhibits cap-dependent mRNA translation with IC50 of 43 nM.

DC73826 RBF197

RBF197 (RBF-197) is a novel highly potent and selective eIF4A inhibitor, inhibits human eIF4A helicase activity with IC50 of 55.2 pM.

DC73827 SBI-0498

SBI-0498 (SBI-0730498) is a small molecule inhibitor of coronaviruses translation initiation complex 4F (eIF4F), disrupts eIF4F complex formation and inhibits coronavirus RNA and protein levels.

DC73828 SBI-5844

SBI-5844 (SBI-1275844) is a small molecule inhibitor of coronaviruses translation initiation complex 4F (eIF4F), disrupts eIF4F complex formation and inhibits coronavirus RNA and protein levels.

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