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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9995 MGL-3196(Resmetirom) Featured

MGL-3196 is a potent and highly selective thyroid hormone receptor β agonist in clinical trials for the treatment of dyslipidemia.

DC8074 MHY1485 Featured

MHY1485 is mTOR activator that potently inhibits autophagy by suppression of fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes.

DC9503 MI 2 (MALT1 inhibitor) Featured

MI 2(MALT1 inhibitor) is a small molecule and irreversible inhibitor of MALT1 with IC50 of 5.84 uM(suppression of proliferation in ABCDLBCL).

DC8546 MI-136 Featured

MI-136 inhibits DHT-induced expression of androgen receptor (AR) target genes.

DC7621 MI 2 (Menin-MLL Inhibitor) Featured

MI-2 is an inhibitor of MALT1 with IC50 value of 5.84 μM.

DC20449 MI-2-2 Featured

MI-2-2 is a potent inhibitor of the menin-MLL interaction that binds to menin with low nanomolar affinity (Kd=22 nM); inhibits the interaction of menin with MLL-AF9 in HEK293 cells in a dose-dependent manner with 4-fold potentcy improvement over MI-2; suppresses growth of MLL-AF9–transformed BMCs; causes MV4:11 cells growth inhibition of with GI50 of 3 uM.

DC8246 MI-3 (Menin-MLL Inhibitor) Featured

MI-3 (Menin-MLL Inhibitor) is a potent menin-MLL interaction inhibitor with IC50 of 648 nM.

DC8544 MI-463 Featured

MI-463 is a highly potent and orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of the menin-mLL interaction.

DC8545 MI-503 Featured

MI-503 is a highly potent and orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of the menin-MLL interaction.

DC10287 MI-538 Featured

MI-538 is an inhibitor of the interaction between menin and MLL fusion proteins with an IC50 of 21 nM.

DC8414 MI-77301 (SAR405838) Featured

MI-77301 (SAR405838) is an orally available MDM2 antagonist with Ki of 0.88 nM. Phase 1.

DCAPI1514 Micafungin sodium Featured

Micafungin(FK463) is an echinocandin antifungal drug, Micafungin inhibits the production of beta-1,3-glucan, an essential component of fungal cell walls.

DC11162 MID-1 Featured

MID-1 (ChemBridge5655896) is a specific small molecule MG53-IRS-1 interaction disruptor (MID), but not MG53-FAK and-Cav-3 interaction; increases the IRS-1 protein level in C2C12 myotubes, abrogates MG53-induced IRS-1 ubiquitination and degradation; potent

DC23570 MIDD0301 Featured

MIDD0301 is a potent, positive allosteric, α5β3γ2 selective, GABAA receptor (GABAAR) ligand with EC50 of 17 nM, shows no significant binding at the peripheral GABAAR at 10 uM.

DC24075 Midodrine Featured

Midodrine is a selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist that acts as a vasopressor/antihypotensive agent for the treatment of dysautonomia and orthostatic hypotension.

DC24076 Midodrine hydrochloride Featured

Midodrine is a selective α1-adrenoceptor agonist that acts as a vasopressor/antihypotensive agent for the treatment of dysautonomia and orthostatic hypotension.

DC10328 Migalastat hydrochloride Featured

Migalastat hydrochloride (1-Deoxygalactonojirimycin hydrochloride) is a potent and competitive inhibitor of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) with an IC50 of 0.04 μM for human α-Gal A.

DC9545 Miglustat (hydrochloride) Featured

Miglustat hydrochloride is an inhibitor of glucosylceramide synthase, primarily to treat Type I Gaucher disease (GD1).

DCAPI1436 Milbemycin oxime Featured

Milbemycin oxime is a semi-synthetic macrocyclic lactone prepared by the oxidation and oximation of a mixture of two natural products, milbemycin A3 and A4 (in ~70: 30 ratio). Moxidectin oxime, marketed as Interceptor, is used therapeutically for the prev

DC3158 Milrinone Featured

Milrinone(Primacor) is a a potent and selective phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.42 μM for the inhibition of FIII PDE

DC9120 Miltefosine Featured

Miltefosine is an alkylphosphocholine drug.

DC21584 MIN-101 Featured

MIN-101 (Roluperidone, CYR-101, MT-210) is a higly potent 5-HT2A and sigma 2 receptor antagonist, with no direct dopamine affinities, for treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia..

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