Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Proteasome/Ubiquitin > Heat Shock Protein (HSP)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC40630 Aminohexylgeldanamycin

Aminohexylgeldanamycin (AHGDM), a Geldanamycin derivative, is a potent HSP90 inhibitor. Aminohexylgeldanamycin shows antiangiogenic and antitumor activities.

DC40719 Geldanamycin-FITC

Geldanamycin-FITC, a Geldanamycin fluorescent probe, can be used in a fluorescence polarization assay for HSP90 inhibitors. Geldanamycin-FITC also can be used for detection of cell surface HSP90.

DC41299 Eupalinolide A

Eupalinolide A, isolated from Eupatorium lindleyanum, induces the expression of HSP70 via the activation of HSF1 by inhibiting the interaction between HSF1 and HSP90.

DC41386 10,11-Dehydrocurvularin

10,11-Dehydrocurvularin is a prevalent fungal phytotoxin and an antibiotic. 10,11-Dehydrocurvularin is a strong activator of the heat shock response. 10,11-Dehydrocurvularin inhibits TGF-β signalling pathway. Anti-tumorous activity.

DC44512 Conglobatin

Conglobatin (FW-04-806), a macrolide dilactone, is isolated from the culture of Streptomyces conglobatus. Conglobatin is an orally active Hsp90 inhibitor. Conglobatin can bind to the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 and disrupt Hsp90-Cdc37 complex formation. Conglobatin induces apoptosis in human breast cancer cells and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells, and exhibits antitumor activity in vivo.

DC44513 DTHIB Featured

DTHIB is a direct and selective heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) inhibitor with a Kd of 160 nM for DTHIB binding to the HSF1 DNA binding domain (DBD). DTHIB inhibits HSF1 cancer gene signature (HSF1 CaSig) and selectively stimulates degradation of nuclear HSF1. DTHIB has potently anticancer activities and can be used for prostate cancer research.

DC44918 Aminohexylgeldanamycin hydrochloride

Aminohexylgeldanamycin (AHGDM) hydrochloride, a Geldanamycin derivative, is a potent HSP90 inhibitor. Aminohexylgeldanamycin hydrochloride shows antiangiogenic and antitumor activities.

DC45687 HA15-Biotin

HA15-Biotin is a chemical probe that consists of HA15 and biotin attached on the amide part of HA15. HA15-Biotin exhibits similar levels of activity to HA15. HA15-Biotin can be used for proteomic analysis.

DC46184 YUM70 Featured

YUM70 is a potent inhibitor of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) inhibitor with an IC50 of 1.5 μM. YUM70 induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-mediated apoptosis in pancreatic cancer.

DC46953 Icapamespib

Icapamespib (PU-HZ151) is a potent HSP90 inhibitor with an EC50 of 5 nM. Icapamespib is able to cross blood-brain barrier.

DC47938 NCT-58 Featured

NCT58(NCT 58) is a potent inhibitor of C-terminal HSP90. NCT-58 does not induce the heat shock response (HSR) due to its targeting of the C-terminal region and elicits anti-tumor activity via the simultaneous downregulation of HER family members as well as inhibition of Akt phosphorylation. NCT-58 kills Trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer stem-like cells. NCT-58 induces apoptosis in HER2-positive breast cancer cells.

DC48955 Cemdomespib

Cemdomespib (KU-596) is a highly bioavailable second-generation Hsp90 modulator. Cemdomespib has shown efficacy in improving sensory deficits in models of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Cemdomespib induces Hsp70 levels and manifest neuroprotective activity through induction of the heat shock response.

DC50237 Apatorsen

Apatorsen is an antisense oligonucleotide designed to bind to Hsp27 mRNA, resulting in the inhibition of the production of Hsp27 protein.

DC50239 Azadiradione

Azadiradione is a bioactive limonoid found in Azadirachta indica. Azadiradione is a HSF1 activator. Azadiradione has antimycobacterial, anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities.

DC50240 Apatorsen sodium

Apatorsen (sodium) is an antisense oligonucleotide designed to bind to Hsp27 mRNA, resulting in the inhibition of the production of Hsp27 protein.

DC50241 HSP90-IN-9

HSP90-IN-9 is a potent and selective HSP90 inhibitor. HSP90-IN-9 displays a fungicidal effect in a dose-dependent manner. HSP90-IN-9 inhibits fungal biofilm formation and fungal morphological changes after being combined with FLC. HSP90-IN-9 recovers FLC resistance by down-regulating the expression of related genes (ERG11, CDR1 and CDR2).

DC50242 HSP70-IN-3

HSP70-IN-3 is a potent HSP70 inhibitor (IC50s of 1.1 and 1.9 μM in ASZ001 and C3H10T1/2, respectively). HSP70-IN-3 has anti-Hh (Hedgehog signaling) activity and anti-proliferative activity and reduces expression of the oncogenic transcription factor GLI1.

DC50243 GRP78-IN-1

GRP78-IN-1 exhibits several interactions with GRP78 residues with binding energy of -8.07 kcal/mol. GRP78-IN-1 shows the potent cytotoxic, anti-proliferative in cancer cells. GRP78-IN-1 exhibits promising apoptosis in breast cancer cells and wound healing properties.

DC70191 Aminoxyrone

Aminoxyrone is a novel peptidometic C-terminal HSP90 inhibitor by targeting HSP90 dimerization via the C-terminal domain (CTD) with Kd of 27.4 uM; destabilizes BCR-ABL1 without inducing HSR in vitro and in vivo, additionally reduces pAKT-S473, pS6 expression and expression of client proteins associated with HSP90 chaperone activity, involving t-AKT, t-STAT5a, t-CRKL, cMYC, and BCL2; triggers the degradation of HSP90 client proteins without elevating the expression of HSPs (HSP70, HSP40 & HSP27); significantly inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis of human leukemic stem cells (LSCs) with average EC50 of 20.94 uM, Aminoxyrone is effective in imatinib resistant CML and lacks heat shock response.

DC70241 BC-DXI-495

BC-DXI-495 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of AIMP2-DX2-HSP70 interaction, specifically reduced the levels of DX2 (IC50=4.2 uM) but not AIMP2-F, and the viability of lung cancer cells (EC50=14 uM).BC-DXI-495 bound to DX2 with KD of 14 uM.BC-DXI-495 specifically reduced the levels of endogenous DX2 protein but not of AIMP2-F , affected the DX2 protein level, but not mRNA level.BC-DXI-495 inhibited DX2-dependent cell growth, significantly diminished tumor growth in a xenograft model of H460 cells, with little effect on body weigh.BC-DXI-495 significantly suppressed the growth and weight of tumors expressing DX2 WT, but not L80A mutant.

DC70349 DDO-6600

DDO-6600 (DDO 6600) is a potent, selective, covalent inhibitor of Hsp90, covalently modifies Cys598 on Hsp90 and disrupts the interaction between Hsp90 and Cdc37 (IC50=6.67 uM).DDO-6600 exhibited antiproliferative activities against multiple tumor cells without inhibiting ATPase activity.DDO-6600 induced the degradation of kinase client proteins in multiple tumor cell lines, promoted apoptosis, and inhibited cell motility.DDO-6600 exhibits antitumor activity in HCT-116 mouse models.

DC70417 Foldamer 33 Featured

Foldamer 33 is a small molecule HSP110 inhibitor, directly binds to the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of HSP110, blocks HSP110 chaperone function and colorectal cancer growth.Foldamer 33 significantly inhibit HSP110 anti-aggregating activity with IC50 of 87.8 uM.Foldamer 33 disrupts HSP110-STAT3 interaction with IC50 of 35.9 uM in competitive BLI assays.Foldamer 33 inhibits SW480 colorectal cancer cell proliferation, and (5 mg/kg) Foldamer 33 displays an anti-tumor effect (TGI of 40% and 60%) in mice bearing a colorectal cancer.

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