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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC5882 Fosbretabulin disodium Featured

Fosbretabulin disodium(CA 4DP; CA 4P) is a microtubule destabilizing drug, a type of vascular-targeting agent, a drug designed to damage the vasculature (blood vessels) of cancer tumors causing central necrosis.

DC21472 Fosdagrocorat

Fosdagrocorat (PF 04171327) is an orally available, potential dissociated agonist of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the phosphate ester prodrug of PF-00251802 (dagrocorat)..

DC7824 Fosfluconazole(INN)

Fosfluconazole (INN) is a water-soluble phosphate prodrug of fluconazole

DC11086 Foslinanib

Foslinanib (TRX-818) is an orally bioavailable agent with potential antineoplastic and anti-vasculogenic mimicry (VM) activities, induces cancer cell apoptosis and inhibits cancer cell proliferation.

DC12068 Fosmidomycin sodium salt Featured

Fosmidomycin sodium salt is a phosphonic acid antibiotic and a antimalarial drug, which is active against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.

DC12063 Fosravuconazole

Fosravuconazole is a prodrug of ravuconazole, with antifungal activity.

DC23114 R788 disodium hexahydrate Featured

Fostamatinib (R788) is a prodrug of the active metabolite R406, which is a potent, ATP-competitive inhibitor of Syk kinase with Ki/IC50 of 30/41 nM.

DC12315 Fosteabine (Cytarabine ocfosfate; YNK 01)

Fosteabine is an oral and prodrug analogue of cytarabine which is resistant to deoxycytidine deaminase.

DC23893 Foxy-5(Wnt5a peptide mimetic) Featured

Foxy-5 is a novel Wnt-5A mimicking hexapeptide that inhibits breast cancer metastasis in vivo by targeting cell motility.

DC10947 FPL64176 Featured

FPL64176 is a potent L-type Ca++ channel activator with EC50 of 16 nM.

DC21023 FQI1

FQI1 is a small-molecule inhibitor of transcription factor LSF with IC50 of 2.1 uM.

DC21024 FQI2

FQI2 is a small-molecule inhibitor of transcription factor LSF with IC50 of 0.71 uM.

DC21025 FR900098 sodium salt Featured

FR 900098 is a derivative of fosmidomycin that inhibits DOXP reductoisomerase, demonstrates antimalarial activity with IC50 of 170, 170, and 90 nM for HB3, A2, and Dd2 P. falciparum strains, respectively..

DC12242 FR194738

FR194738 is a squalene epoxidase inhibitor. FR194738 inhibits squalene epoxidase activity in HepG2 cell homogenates with an IC50 of 9.8 nM.

DC12398 FR58P1a

FR58P1a is a mitochondrial metabolism-affecting compound that uncouples OXPHOS through a protonophoric mechanism, selectively inhibits migration in triple-negative breast cancer cells via Sirt1/AMPK/β1-integrin pathway.

DC23729 FR-901464 Featured

FR-901464 is a potent antitumor natural product that binds to the splicing factor 3b (SF3b) complex and inhibits pre-mRNA splicing, inhibits cell cycle progression at G1 and G2/M phases..

DC10307 Framycetin

Framycetin (Fradiomycin B; Neomycin B) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. It inhibits hammerhead ribozyme with a Ki of 13.5 μM.

DC8631 Framycetin sulphate

Framycetin sulphate

DC9887 FRAX1036 Featured

FRAX1036 is a novel ATP-competitive small molecule inhibitor of group I p21-activated Kinases (PAKs).

DC8003 FRAX-486 Featured

FRAX486 is a selective inhibitor of group I PAKs with IC50s of 8.25/39.5, /55.3 nM for PAK1/PAK2/PAK3 respectivelt; less potent for PAK4(IC50=779 nM).

DC9344 Frentizole

Frentizole, an FDA-approved immunosuppressive drug, is a novel inhibitor of the Aβ-ABAD interaction.

DC20208 Frovatriptan Succinate

Frovatriptan Succinate is the succinate salt form of frovatriptan, a synthetic triptan with serotonin (5-HT) receptor agonist activity especially for the 5-HT1B/1D receptors.

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