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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC10069 CFI-400437 Featured

CFI-400437 is potent against PLK4 (IC50 = 0.6 nM) and selective against other members of the PLK family (>10 uM).

DC23338 CFI-401980

CFI-401980 is a potent, selective, novel class TTK (Tyrosine Threonine Kinase) inhibitor with Ki of 0.8 nM, HCT116 GI50 of 13 nM.

DC11133 CFM-4.16

CFM-4.16 is a CARP-1 functional mimetic (CFM) compound bind with CARP-1, stimulates CARP-1 expression and apoptosis.

DC22809 c-FMS-IN-8 Featured

c-FMS-IN-8 is a potent, selective c-FMS kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.8 nM, shows activity in collagen-induced model of arthritis in mice..

DC12580 CG-806 Featured

CG-806 (CG806, CG'806) is a novel potent, pan-FLT3/BTK multi-kinase inhibitor with impressive inhibition of leukemic cell proliferation with IC50 at sub-nanomolar or low nanomolar levels.

DC7101 CGK733 Featured

CGK 733 is a potent and selective inhibitor of ATM/ATR with IC50 of ~200 nM.

DC10722 CGP-71683A Featured

CGP 71683A is a potent and highly selective non-peptide antagonist of the NPY Y(5) receptor in the study of obesity.

DC23919 CGP-42112 Featured

CGP-42112 (CGP42112A) is a highly potent, selective Angiotensin-II subtype 2 receptor(AT2 receptor) agonist with Ki of 0.24 nM.

DC23830 CGP-53353

CGP-53353 (DAPH-7) is a selective inhibitor of PKCβII with IC50 of 0.41 uM, shows weak activity on PKCβI with IC50 of 3.8 uM.

DC20887 CGP-74514A hydrochloride

CGP-74514A hydrochloride is a potent CDK1 inhibitor with IC50 of 25 nM.

DC24112 CGS 21680

CGS 21680 is a specific adenosine A2A subtype receptor agonist with Ki of 27 nM.

DC21331 CGS 27023A

CGS 27023A (MMI 270) is a potent, orally active MMP inhibitor with Ki of 8-43 nM for MMP1/2/3/9.

DC7102 CH5132799 Featured

CH5132799 selectively inhibits class I PI3Ks, such as PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kδ, and PI3Kγ with IC50 values of 0.014, 0.12, 0.50, and 0.36 uM, respectively; shows less inhibition of class II PI3Ks, class III PI3ks, and mTOR.

DC22054 CH5447240 Featured

CH5447240 is a novel potent, selective, orally active hPTHR1 agonist with EC20 of 3.0 nM and EC50 of 12 nM.

DC12415 CH7057288 Featured

CH7057288 (CH-7057288) is a novel potent and selective pan-TRK inhibitor with IC50 of 1.1/7.8/5.1 nM for TRKA/TRKB/TRKC, respectively.

DC20337 Chaetocin

Chaetocin is a potent, specific, SAM-competitive inhibitor of histone H3K9 methyltransferase (HMT) SU(VAR)3-9 with IC50 of 0.6 uM, no actiivty against H4 Lys20-specific HMT PRSET7 and SET7/9.

DC5135 Chaetominine

Chaetominine , an alkaloidal metabolite with a new framework, was characterized from the solid-substrate culture of Chaetomium sp.

DC12545 CHDI-390576

CHDI-390576 (CHDI390576) is a potent, cell permeable and CNS penetrant class IIa HDAC inhibitor with IC50 of 54/60/31/50 nM for HDAC4/5/7/9, respectively.

DC23101 Chelerythrine chloride Featured

Chelerythrine is a potent, cell permeable inhibitor of protein kinase C (IC50 = 660 nM) that does not inhibit tyrosine protein kinases, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, or calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase.

DC20266 Chelerythrine Featured

Chelerythrine is a well-known protein kinase C inhibitor, can inhibit telomerase activity, it also can block the human P2X 7 receptor.

DC20100 Chelidonic acid Featured

Chelidonic acid is a component of Chelidonium majus L., used as a mild analgesic, an antimicrobial, an acentral nervous system sedative. Chelidonic acid also shows anti-inflammatory activity. Chelidonic acid has potential to inhibit IL-6 production by blo

DC12205 CHEMBL333994 (FK-480)

CHEMBL333994 is a potent and orally effective Cholecystokinin A (CCK-A) antagonist, with an IC50 of 0.67 nM.

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