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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC12103 CNT2 inhibitor-1

CNT2 inhibitor-1 is a potent concentrative nucleoside transporter 2 Inhibitor (CNT2), with an IC50 of 640 nM for hCNT2.

DC23180 CNV1014802(Raxatrigine) Featured

CNV1014802 (GSK-1014802, Raxatrigine, Vixotrigine, BIIB074) is a potent, selective Nav1.7 sodium channel blocker, shows analgesic effects and potential in the treatment of cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia in vivo.

DC7104 CNX-1351

CNX-1351 is a selective covalent Inhibitor of PI3Kα. CNX-1351 was tested against all four of the class I PI3K enzymes α, β, γ, and δ.

DC7105 CNX-2006 Featured

CNX-2006 is a novel irreversible mutant-selective EGFR inhibitor with IC50 of < 20 nM, with very weak inhibition at wild-type EGFR.

DC7161 CNX-774 Featured

CNX-774 is a potent, selective, and orally available small molecule inhibitor of Btk (IC50< 1 nM) that forms a ligand-directed covalent bond with Cys-481, a non-conserved amino acid within the active site of the enzyme.

DC24119 Cobimetinib racemate

Cobimetinib racemate is the racemate form of Cobimetinib (GDC-0973, XL518), which is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of MEK1/2..

DC22505 Cobimetinib R-enantiomer

Cobimetinib R-enantiomer (GDC-0973.

DC8863 Coelenterazine Featured

Coelenterazine is a luminescent enzyme substrate, used for monitoring reporter genes in BRET, ELISA and HTS techniques.

DC10336 Coenzyme Q9 Featured

Coenzyme Q9, a nine isoprenyl group-containing member of the ubiquinone family, is a normal constituent of human plasma.

DC22149 COH-SR4

COH-SR4 (Mitochondria uncoupler SR4) is a bonafide uncoupler that induces energetic stress on cells, consequently leading to AMPK activation and mTOR inhibition without any effects on ERK/MEK MAPK signaling.

DC23785 Col 003

Col 003 is a small-molecule compound that inhibits the interaction of Hsp47 with collagen with IC50 of 1.8 uM, binds to the collagen-binding site on Hsp47.

DC7813 Collagen proline hydroxylase inhibitor

Collagen proline hydroxylase inhibitor is a collagen proline hydroxylase inhibitor; useful for antifibroproliferative agents.

DC7608 OXi-4503

Combretastatin A1 diphosphate OXi4503 is the diphosphate prodrug of the stilbenoid combretastatin A1, originally isolated from the plant Combretum caffrum, with vascular-disrupting and antineoplastic activities.

DC11955 Takeda compound 101 Featured

Compound 101 (GRK2 inhibitor 101, Takeda compound 101, Cmpd101) is a novel membrane-permeable, small-molecule inhibitor of GRK2 and GRK3.

DC22270 Compound 621433144

Compound 621433144 (ZINC000621433144, Z3269026405) is a potent, selective full agonist of the D4 receptor with 2,500-fold subtype selectivity.

DC22117 Compound 7004

Compound 7004 (IRAK2 mimetic 7004) is a small molecule mimetic of a-helical domain of IRAK2, inhibit IL-33–induced NF-κB transcriptional activity (IC50=9.7 uM) by disrupting Myddosome formation.

DC8340 myo-Inositol,1,2-anhydro- Featured

Conduritol B Epoxide (CBE) is a specific covalent inhibitor of β-glucosidase which results in the accumulation of glucocerebroside.

DC21345 Contezolid

Contezolid (MRX I) is an orally active oxazolidinone agent with antibacterial activity Gram-positive pathogens, including MRSA, penicillin-PRSP, PISP, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) with MIC of 0.25-4 ug/mL.

DC10776 Cordycepin Featured

Cordycepin is an adenosine analogue, which is readily phosphorylated to its mono-, di-, and triphosphate intracellularly. It has a very potent anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

DC22488 Corticotropin-releasing factor (human) Featured

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is a peptide hormone involved in the stress response..

DC22479 Cortisone acetate

Cortisone acetate (Cortisone 21-acetate) is a synthetic glucocorticoid corticosteroid and corticosteroid ester.

DC23908 Cortisone Featured

Cortisone is a pregnane (21-carbon) steroid hormone, one of the main hormones released by the adrenal gland in response to stress.

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