Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Proteasome/Ubiquitin
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC50218 Keap1-Nrf2-IN-4

Keap1-Nrf2-IN-4 is a potent neddylation inhibitor. Keap1-Nrf2-IN-4 exhibits potent anti-proliferation activity against MGC-803 cells (IC50=2.55 µM). Keap1-Nrf2-IN-4 blocks the migration ability and induces apoptosis of gastric cancer cells. Keap1-Nrf2-IN-4 inhibits tumor growth without obvious toxicity.

DC50237 Apatorsen

Apatorsen is an antisense oligonucleotide designed to bind to Hsp27 mRNA, resulting in the inhibition of the production of Hsp27 protein.

DC50239 Azadiradione

Azadiradione is a bioactive limonoid found in Azadirachta indica. Azadiradione is a HSF1 activator. Azadiradione has antimycobacterial, anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities.

DC50240 Apatorsen sodium

Apatorsen (sodium) is an antisense oligonucleotide designed to bind to Hsp27 mRNA, resulting in the inhibition of the production of Hsp27 protein.

DC50241 HSP90-IN-9

HSP90-IN-9 is a potent and selective HSP90 inhibitor. HSP90-IN-9 displays a fungicidal effect in a dose-dependent manner. HSP90-IN-9 inhibits fungal biofilm formation and fungal morphological changes after being combined with FLC. HSP90-IN-9 recovers FLC resistance by down-regulating the expression of related genes (ERG11, CDR1 and CDR2).

DC50242 HSP70-IN-3

HSP70-IN-3 is a potent HSP70 inhibitor (IC50s of 1.1 and 1.9 μM in ASZ001 and C3H10T1/2, respectively). HSP70-IN-3 has anti-Hh (Hedgehog signaling) activity and anti-proliferative activity and reduces expression of the oncogenic transcription factor GLI1.

DC50243 GRP78-IN-1

GRP78-IN-1 exhibits several interactions with GRP78 residues with binding energy of -8.07 kcal/mol. GRP78-IN-1 shows the potent cytotoxic, anti-proliferative in cancer cells. GRP78-IN-1 exhibits promising apoptosis in breast cancer cells and wound healing properties.

DC70032 Dihydroeponemycin

Dihydroeponemycin, an analogue of the antitumor and antiangiogenic natural product eponemycin, selectively targets the 20S proteasome. Dihydroeponemycin covalently modifies a subset of catalytic proteasomal subunits, binding preferentially to the IFN-gamma-inducible subunits LMP2 and LMP7. Dihydroeponemycin-mediated proteasome inhibition induces a spindle-like cellular morphological change and apoptosis.

DC70033 PSI

PSI (Proteasome Inhibitor 1) is a potent proteasome inhibitor. PSI inhibits the proliferation of primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) cells. PSI has the potential for the research of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection and KSHV-associated lymphomas.

DC70034 Immunoproteasome inhibitor 1

Immunoproteasome inhibitor 1 is a potent, reversible, time-independent immunoproteasome and proteasome inhibitor (Kis of 1.18, 0.27, 1.91 μM in β5c, β1i, β5i submits, respectively). Immunoproteasome inhibitor 1 can be used for the treatment of certain neoplastic diseases.

DC70035 Proteasome-IN-4

Proteasome-IN-4 is an excellent and non-covalent proteasome inhibitor (IC50=8.39 nM). Proteasome-IN-4 has potent antiproliferative activities against RPMI-8226, MM-1S and MV-4-11 cell lines. Proteasome-IN-4 can be used for cancer research.

DC70066 USP7i-1

USP7i-1 is a potent, selective USP7 inhibitor..

DC70072 ML-241 hydrochloride

ML241 Hcl is a potent, selective and reversible AAA ATPase p97 inhibitor (IC50=100 nM).

DC70100 MyoMed-205

MyoMed-205 is a small moelcule that inhibits MuRF1 (TRIM63) activity and MuRF1/MuRF2 expression.

DC70103 MS.001 Featured

MS.001 is a small molecule that inhibits both the chaperone binding and ubiquitin ligase activity of C-terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein (CHIP) at low micromolar concentrations (IC50=3.3 uM).

DC70191 Aminoxyrone

Aminoxyrone is a novel peptidometic C-terminal HSP90 inhibitor by targeting HSP90 dimerization via the C-terminal domain (CTD) with Kd of 27.4 uM; destabilizes BCR-ABL1 without inducing HSR in vitro and in vivo, additionally reduces pAKT-S473, pS6 expression and expression of client proteins associated with HSP90 chaperone activity, involving t-AKT, t-STAT5a, t-CRKL, cMYC, and BCL2; triggers the degradation of HSP90 client proteins without elevating the expression of HSPs (HSP70, HSP40 & HSP27); significantly inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis of human leukemic stem cells (LSCs) with average EC50 of 20.94 uM, Aminoxyrone is effective in imatinib resistant CML and lacks heat shock response.

DC70241 BC-DXI-495

BC-DXI-495 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of AIMP2-DX2-HSP70 interaction, specifically reduced the levels of DX2 (IC50=4.2 uM) but not AIMP2-F, and the viability of lung cancer cells (EC50=14 uM).BC-DXI-495 bound to DX2 with KD of 14 uM.BC-DXI-495 specifically reduced the levels of endogenous DX2 protein but not of AIMP2-F , affected the DX2 protein level, but not mRNA level.BC-DXI-495 inhibited DX2-dependent cell growth, significantly diminished tumor growth in a xenograft model of H460 cells, with little effect on body weigh.BC-DXI-495 significantly suppressed the growth and weight of tumors expressing DX2 WT, but not L80A mutant.

DC70254 BIO-2007817

BIO-2007817 is a small-molecule positive allosteric modulator of Parkin E3 ligase with EC50 of 0.17 uM (TR-FRET).BIO-2007817 stimulated Parkin autoubiquitination as measured by Western blots in a concentration-dependent manner, was also able to induce the appearance of monoubiquitinated forms of Miro1.BIO-2007817 induced the appearance of slower-migrating Parkin species in a concentration-dependent manner with maximal efficacy at 20 uM in Parkin autoubiquitination assay.BIO-2007817 does not affect the rate of Parkin translocation to mitochondria nor the number of mitochondria within lysosomes.

DC70286 CBK006377

CBK006377 (CBK77) is a small molecule inhibitor of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) with EC50 of 4.3 uM in MelJuSo Ub-YFP cells (6h treatment).CBK77 (16h treatment, 10 uM) causes an irreversible, global impairment of the UPS collapse, accompanied by a general accumulation of ubiquitylated proteins and caspase-dependent cell death.CBK77 causes a global impairment of ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation without global inhibition of proteasome or DUB activity.NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is a critical factor for CBK77-mediated UPS impairment, CBK77 is an NQO1 substrate, efficiently metabolized by NQO1.CBK77 reduces growth of NQO1-proficient human cancer cells and xenograft tumors in mice without overt signs of toxicity.

DC70324 CRL inhibitor 33-11

CRL inhibitor 33-11 is a small moelcule E3 CRL inhibitor, directly and selectively binds to the purified E3 ROC1-CUL4A CTD and ROC1-CUL1 CTD complex with Kd of 0.223 and 4.53 uM, respecitvely.CRL inhibitor 33-11 binds to ROC1-CUL1 more effectively than ROC1-CUL1-Nedd8.CRL inhibitor 33-11 showed the ability to inhibit ubiquitination by ROC1–CUL1 more potently than that by ROC1-CUL1-Nedd8.CRL inhibitor 33-11 inhibited the ubiquitination of CK1α by CRL4CRBN in vitro.

DC70349 DDO-6600

DDO-6600 (DDO 6600) is a potent, selective, covalent inhibitor of Hsp90, covalently modifies Cys598 on Hsp90 and disrupts the interaction between Hsp90 and Cdc37 (IC50=6.67 uM).DDO-6600 exhibited antiproliferative activities against multiple tumor cells without inhibiting ATPase activity.DDO-6600 induced the degradation of kinase client proteins in multiple tumor cell lines, promoted apoptosis, and inhibited cell motility.DDO-6600 exhibits antitumor activity in HCT-116 mouse models.

DC70354 DI-1548

DI-1548 (DI 1548) is a potent, selective and covalent DCN1 inhibitor with IC50 of 4.6 nM and Ki of <1 nM, does not bind to DCN3.DI-1548 could inhibit cullin 3 neddylation at concentration as low as 1 nM, which is 1000 times more potent than DI-591.DI-1548 selectively inhibit neddylation of cullin 3 in cells at low nanomolar concentrations and are 2-3 orders of magnitude more potent than our previously reported reversible DCN1 inhibitor DI-591.

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