Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor > c-Myc
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73811 Isopomiferin

Isopomiferin is a prenylated isoflavonoid, collapses the tumor checkpoint module (TCM) and suppresses both MYCN and TEAD4 in MYCN-amplified NBL cells.

DC73812 KSI-3716

KSI-3716 is a small molecule c-MYC inhibitor that blocks c-MYC/MAX binding to target gene promoters, inhibits c-MYC mediated transcriptional activity at concentrations as low as 1 uM.

DC73813 MYRA-B

MYRA-B (NSC45641) is a small molecule that induces Myc-dependent apoptosis without affecting Myc transactivation or Myc/Max DNA binding.

DC73814 NSC13728

NSC13728 is a specific small molecule stabilizer of the Max homodimer inhibiting Myc function, also inhibits Myc-Max heterodimerization.

DC73815 NSC13728 hydrochloride

NSC13728 hydrochloride is a specific small molecule stabilizer of the Max homodimer inhibiting Myc function, also inhibits Myc-Max heterodimerization.

DC73816 VPC-70619

VPC-70619 (VPC70619) is a selective small-molecule inhibitor of N-Myc transcription in NMYC transcription inhibition assays.

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