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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70153 JP-III-48

A small molecule CD4-mimetic that binds gp120 and blocks CD4 binding, inhibits HIV-1 entry.

DC70171 ACAi-028

ACAi-028 is a small molecule inhibiting HIV-1 replication (EC50=0.55 uM) that targets a hydrophobic pocket in the N-terminal domain of capsid (CA-NTD).ACAi-028 binds directly and noncovalently to HIV-1 capsid monomer.ACAi-028 inhibits the early stage of the HIV-1 life cycle and does not affect the late stage, also prevents multiple-round HIV-1 infection using HIV-1 strains (HIV-1NL4-3 and HIV-1LAI), except for HIV-2 strain (HIV-2ROD).ACAi-028 inhibits the replication of various types of HIV-1 strains (HIV-1104pre and HIV-1MDR/B) in PBMCs and HIV-1ATVR5μM in MT-4 cells, with negligible cytotoxicity.

DC70307 Ciapavir

Ciapavir (SBI-0953294, cIAP1 antagonist for viral reactivation) is a bivalent, next-generation, Smac mimetic and antagonist of cIAP1 as latency-reversing agent (LRA), specifically and potently promote HIV-1 latency reversal activity both in vivo.Ciapavir's latency reversal activity is dependent on the NIK-dependent NF-κB signaling.Ciapavir exhibits substantially greater potency and efficacy as an LRA, inducing comparable levels of latency reversal at concentrations 10- to 1,000-fold lower than the first-generation molecule SBI-0637142, without an increase in cytotoxicity.Ciapavir does not trigger cytokine release or T cell activation.Ciapavir is capable of increasing latent HIV-1 expression in ART-treated BLT mice in vivo and may therefore prove useful in "shock and kill" approaches to HIV-1 cure.

DC70382 Elunonavir Featured

Elunonavir is an azapeptide atazanavir analogs useful for treating HIV infections.

DC70402 FC-8052

FC-8052 (FC8052) is a highly potent inhibitor of HIV-1 Nef-effector kinase, binds to recombinant Nef in vitro with Kd of 10 pM; FC-8052 inhibits Nef-dependent HIV-1 replication in PBMCs in the subnanomolar range.

DC70403 FD028

FD028 is a small-molecule HIV-1 inactivator by conjugating FD016 (gp120-CD4 binding inhibitor) with FD017 (HIV-1 fusion inhibitor), inactivates cell-free virions (IC50=0.7 uM) of by targeting both HIV-1 gp120 and gp41.FD028 is not significantly toxic and has broad-spectrum HIV-1 inhibitory and inactivation activity, including T20-resistant viruses and T2635-resistant viruses.

DC70443 GRL-079

GRL-079 is a novel potent, nonpeptidic HIV-1 protease inhibitor with 2.5-30 nM against wild-type HIV-1NL4-3, 0.3-6.7 nM against HIV-2EHO, and 0.9-90 nM against laboratory-selected-PI-resistant HIV-1 and clinical HIV-1 variants resistant to multiple FDA-approved PIs (HIVMDR).

DC70464 GSK3739936

GSK3739936 (BMS-986180) is a potent, allosteric HIV-1 integrase (ALLINI), shows excellent potency in vitro against majority of the 124/125 variants (EC50=1.7 nM).

DC70486 HIV-1 inhibitor 5b

HIV-1 inhibitor 5b is a novel anti-HIV-1 compound that inhibits HIV-1 JR-CSF with EC50 of 1 nM without significant cytotoxicity (CC50>20 uM), also shows potency against NRTI- and NNRTI-resistant HIV-1 (EC50=1-3 nM); shows a chemical backbone similar to the clinically used integrase (IN) strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) elvitegravir, but has no detectable INSTI activity; various drug-resistant HIV-1 strains did not display cross resistance to HIV-1 inhibitor 5b; remains its anti-HIV-1 activity even after the viral integration stage, significantly suppresses p24 antigen production in HIV-1 latently infected cells exposed with TNF-alpha; demonstrates favorable pharmacokinetic profiles in mice.

DC70487 HIV-1 Integrase inhibitor GS-B

HIV-1 Integrase inhibitor GS-B (GS-B) is a novel non-catalytic site integrase inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase (IN), inhibits the interaction between LEDGF IBD and IN with IC50 of 8.1 nM.GS-B displays antiviral potency in MT-4, MT-2, and human PBMCs with EC50 values of 18, 10, and 21 nM, respectively.

DC70530 JTP-0157602

JTP-0157602 (JTP0157602) is a novel non-catalytic site integrase inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase (IN), inhibits the interaction between LEDGF IBD and IN with IC50 of 4.2 nM.JTP-0157602 exhibits potent antiviral activity against HIV-1 with EC90 of 138 nM.JTP-0157602 retained potent antiviral activity (EC50=1-6 nM) against a broad panel of recombinant viruses with INSTI-related resistant mutations, including multiple substitutions that emerged in clinical studies of INSTIs (IN strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs).JTP-0157602 inhibited HIV-1 replication mainly during the late-phase of the replication cycle.JTP-0157602 binds to the LEDGF/p75 binding pocket of HIV-1 integrase (IN).

DC70543 KNI-1657

KNI-1657 (KNI1657) is a highly potent HIV-1 protease inhibitor (97% inhibition at 1 nM) with high sensitivity against lopinavir/ritonavir- or darunavir-resistant strains; inhibits wild-type HIV-1 (pNL4-3) and LPV-resistant strain A17 with IC50 of <3 and 25 nM, respectively.

DC70640 NBD-14273

NBD-14273 is a CD4-mimetic, small-molecule HIV-1 entry inhibitor with IC50 of 0.13 uM.NBD-14273 showed both improved antiviral activity and selectivity index (SI) against HIV-1HXB2 compared to NBD-14136.NBD-14273 displayed potenct against a large panel of 50 HIV-1 Env-pseudotyped viruses representing clinical isolates of diverse subtypes.

DC70722 Q308

Q308 is a small molecule that silences the latent HIV-1 provirus by inhibiting Tat-mediated gene transcription and selectively downregulates the expression levels of the facilitated chromatin transcription (FACT) complex.Q308 induced the preferential apoptosis in HIV-1 latently infected cells, Q308 may reduce the size of the viral reservoir.

DC70753 S2C3

S2C3 is a small molecule HIV-1 fusion inhibitor, targets the membrane proximal external region (MPER) of HIV-1 envelope spike.S2C3 interacted with gp41-inter with an affinity of 2.0 uM.S2C3 has been shown to effectively block binding to the intact HIV-1 Env expressed on the cell surface by soluble CD4 but not by CD4 binding the sitedirected NAb VRC01, or the prefusion conformation-specific NAb PG16.S2C3 targets a site in the HIV-1 Env distinct from sites targeted by small-molecule entry inhibitors that have been identified so far.S2C3 could stabilize HIV-1 Env in the prefusion conformation, making it potentially useful in a vaccine preparation to reduce the conformational flexibility of Env.

DC70756 SBI-0637142

SBI-0637142 is a potent Smac mimetic that preferentially targets BIRC2, latency-reversing agent (LRA), specifically and potently promote HIV-1 latency reversal activity.SBI-0637142 modestly induced HIV-1 latency ex vivo in CD4+ T cells from ART-suppressed aviremic HIV-infected patients as a single agent, showed robust activity when administered in combination with the HDACi panobinostat.SBI-0637142's latency reversal activity is dependent on the NIK-dependent NF-κB signaling.

DC70797 SRI-41897

SRI-41897 is a specific small molecule inhibitor of HIV-1 N-terminal region of NL4-3 Vpu (HIV-1 NL4-3 Vpu) with EC50 of 4.4 uM in the GaLV inhibition assays.SRI-41897 blocks Vpu-mediated modulation of CD4, BST-2/Tetherin and antibody dependent cell-mediated toxicity (ADCC).SRI-41897 rescues CD4 surface expression by 47% on infected TZM-GFP cells, also rescues the expression of CD4 and Tetherin in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).

DC71138 AL-470

AL-470 is a potent antiviral agent with EC50 values of 0.27, 0.63, and 0.35 µM against HIV-1, HIV-2, and EV-A71, respectively.

DC71276 WRNA10

WRNA10 is a potent HIV-1 TAR RNA binder with an IC50 of 10 µM and an CC50 of 40 µM.

DC71277 CI-39

CI-39 is an antiviral natural product. CI-39 is an NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibit) antiviral agent with an EC50 of 3.40 µM and an CC50 of >30 µM for wild type HIV-1. CI-39 inhibits HIV-1 RT DNA polymerase and ribonuclease H activitiessup.

DC71278 A3N19

A3N19 is a potent HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, with an EC50 of 3.28 nM against HIV-1 IIIB.

DC71482 RPR103611

RPR103611, the betulinic acid derivative, is a potent HIV-1 entry inhibitor with IC50s of 80, 0.27, and 0.17 for CCR5-tropic virus YU2, CXCR4-tropic virus NL4-3 and dual tropic virus 89.6, respectively.

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