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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC21629 SC-236 Featured

SC-236 (SC58236) is a potent, selective, orally active inhibitor of COX-2 with IC50 of 10 nM.

DC7030 SC-560 Featured

SC-560 is a member of the diaryl heterocycle class of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors which includes celecoxib (Celebrex™) and rofecoxib (Vioxx™).

DC12427 SC-68448

SC-68448 (SC68448) is a potent, selective peptidomimetic antagonist of the integrin αvβ3 with IC50 of 1 nM, 100-fold selectivity over αIIbβ3.

DC23426 SCH 412348

SCH 412348 is a potent and highly selective A2A receptor competitive antagonist with Ki of 0.6 nM.

DC23318 SCH 529074 Featured

SCH 529074 is a small molecule mutant p53 reactivator that binds p53 DNA binding domain with Kd of 1-2 uM.

DC23823 Benzenesulfonamide, n-b-d-glucopyranosyl-4-(hydroxyamino)-n-[2-(2-naphthalenyloxy)ethyl]- Featured

SCH 54292 is a potent Ras-GEF interaction inhibitor with IC50 of 0.7 uM..

DC9409 SCH 546738

SCH 546738 is a novel, potent and non-competitive small molecule CXCR3 antagonist with Ki of 0.4 nM .

DC23892 SCH 900229

SCH 900229 is a potent and presenilin 1 selective, and orally active inhibitor of γ-secretase (Aβ40 IC50=1.3 nM).

DC23626 SCH-28080 Featured

SCH-28080 is a potent, orally active, reversible inhibitor of gastric H+,K+-ATPase with IC50 of 20 nM.

DC9410 SCH 527123

SCH-527123 is a potent antagonist of both CXCR1 and CXCR2 with IC50 of 42 nM and 3 nM, respectively.

DC11314 Sclerotigenin

Sclerotigenin is a natural diazepine originally isolated from P. sclerotigenum that acts as an insect growth regulator.1 It reduces the growth rate of first instar H. zea larvae by 42% relative to controls when administered in the standard test diet at 20

DCAPI1371 Scopine HCl Featured

Scopine hydrochloride (6,7-Epoxytropine hydrochloride) is the metabolite of anisodine, which is a α1-adrenergic receptor agonist and used in the treatment of acute circulatory shock.

DC23331 Scytonemin

Scytonemin is a marine natural product that inhibits PLK1 with IC50 of 2 uM against recombinant enzyme, shows similar potentcy for Myt1, Chk1,Cdk1/cyclin B and PKCβ2, less potent against PKA and Tie2.

DC8255 SD-06 Featured

SD-06 is a p38 MAP kinase inhibitor; inhibits p38α with an IC50 value of 170 nM and inhibits LPS-stimulated TNF-release in rats (83% inhibition at 1mg/kg, po).

DC21632 SD-1029

SD-1029 (NSC 371488) is a potent inhibitor of Stat3 activation, suppresses EGFP-Stat3 nuclear translocation at 10 uM in both BHK-21 and U2-OS cells.

DC8512 SD169 Featured

SD169 is an orally available, ATP-competitive, isoenzyme-selective Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) inhibitor.

DC9523 SDZ 220-581 (hydrochloride)

SDZ 220-581 Hcl is a potent, competitive antagonist at the NMDA glutamate receptor subtype(pKi= 7.7).

DC9522 SDZ 220-581

SDZ 220-581 is a potent, competitive antagonist at the NMDA glutamate receptor subtype(pKi= 7.7).

DC23208 SDZ 220-581 ammonium salt

SDZ 220-581 is a potent, competitive NMDA receptor antagonist with pKi of 7.7, fully protects against maximal electroshock seizures (MES) at oral doses of 10 mg/kg in rats and in mice. .

DC9870 SDZ285428 Featured

SDZ285428 is a CYP51 inhibitor. SDZ285428 inhibits Trypanosoma cruzi (TC) CYP51 with I/E2 <1 (5 min) and I/E2=9 (1 h). SDZ285428 inhibits Trypanosoma brucei (TB) CYP51 with I/E2 <1 (5 min) and I/E2=35 (1 h).

DC8424 SecinH3

SecinH3 is a selective cytohesin inhibitor with IC50 of 2.4 μM, 5.4 μM, 5.4 μM, 5.6 μM, 5.6 μM, and 65 μM for hCyh2, hCyh1, mCyh3, hCyh3, drosophila steppke, and yGea2-S7, respectively.

DC22820 Seco Rapamycin sodium salt

Seco-rapamycin is the first in vivo open-ring metabolite of rapamycin that does not affect mTOR..

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