Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Metabolic Enzyme/Protease > Cytochrome P450 (CYPs)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC45322 Troleandomycin

Troleandomycin (Triacetyloleandomycin), a macrolide acrolide antibiotic, is a selective CYP3A inhibitor.

DC45581 Liarozole

Liarozole (R75251; R85246) is an imidazole derivative and a retinoic acid (RA) metabolism-blocking agent (RAMBA). Liarozole inhibits the cytochrome P450 (CYP26)-dependent 4-hydroxylation of retinoic acid (IC50=7 μM), resulting in increased tissue levels of retinoic acid. Liarozole shows antitumoral properties.

DC45803 Dapaconazole

Dapaconazole, as an antifungal agent, inhibits sterol 14α-demethylase cytochrome P450 activity with an IC50 of 1.4 μM.

DC47410 Liarozole dihydrochloride

Liarozole Dihydrochloride is identified as a modest inhibitor of P450 with IC50 of 2.2–6.0 μM and 260 nM for CYP26 and rat CYP17 respectively.


MS-PPOH is a potent and selective cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxygenase inhibitor. MS-PPOH inhibits CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 with IC50s of 15 and 11 µM, respectively.

DC48602 Ticlopidine

Ticlopidine (PCR 5332), an antithrombotic prodrug, acts as an allosteric, noncompetitive inhibitor of CD39 with the IC50 of 81.7 µM. Ticlopidine blocks several NTPDase isoenzymes with IC50s of 170 µM and 149 µM for NTPDase2 and NTPDase3, respectively. Ticlopidine is an inhibitor of CYP2C19 human liver cytochrome. Ticlopidine inhibits CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 with IC50s of 26.0 and 32.3 μM, respectively.

DC50204 Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase-IN-1

Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase-IN-1 (compound 17) is a potent, orally active, and highly selective cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CH24H or CYP46A1) inhibitor (IC50=8.5 nM). Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase-IN-1 can cross blood-brain barrier.

DC50205 Abiraterone decanoate Featured

Abiraterone decanoate is a potent Abiraterone prodrug. Abiraterone decanoate provide a controlled release of Abiraterone and long-acting CYP17 inhibition with intramuscular (IM) delivery.

DC50206 CYP121A1-IN-1

CYP121A1-IN-1 is a potent CYP121A1 inhibitor with favorable activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv MIC90∼6.25 μM, ∼2.2 μg/mL). CYP121A1-IN-1 can markedly reduce the production of mycocyclosin via inhibiting the CYP121A1 mediated turnover of cyclo(l-tyrosyl-l-tyrosyl) to mycocyclosin.

DC70119 8-BOA

8-BOA is a selective and potent mechanism-based inactivator of breast cancer-associated CYP4Z1.8-BOA exhibited favourable inhibitory activity in vitro, thus meriting in vivo characterization.

DC70372 DX308 Featured

DX-308 is a potent, selective dual CYP26A1/B1 inhibitor and retinoic acid metabolism blocking agent.DX308 does not interact with off‐target nuclear receptors or CYP450s, is not genotoxic, and is stable in skin, despite vigorous hepatic metabolism.Topical DX308 induces comedolysis and epidermal thickening without apparent adverse effects in vivo.DX308 shows potent modulation of retinoid‐responsive genes by DX308 in both healthy and keratinization disorder keratinocytes (KCs).DX 308 may present an improved therapeutic alternative for the treatment of keratinization disorders and other retinoid‐responsive skin ailments.

DC70373 DX314 Featured

DX314 is a potent, specific CYP26B1 inhibitor with IC50 of 108 nM, >15-fold selectivity over CYP26A1.DX314 potentiates all-trans-RA (atRA) gene expression effects in healthy and diseased reconstructed human epidermis (RHE).DX314 potentiates the effects of atRA on the expression and localization of keratin 10 (KRT10), protects barrier function in RHE.DX314 reduces comedonal number, induces epidermal thickening, and increases comedonal profile, while having no effect on transepidermal water loss (TEWL) in treated rhino mice.

DC72892 MEHP Featured

MEHP (Phthalic acid mono-2-ethylexyl ester) is a competitive inhibitor of CYP2C9 with IC50 of 6.37 μM.

DC73721 BMS-737

BMS-737 (BMS737) is a potent, , selective, non-steroidal, reversible inhibitor of CYP17 lyase, 11-fold selectivity for CYP17 lyase over CYP17 hydroxylase.

DC73722 DLCI-1

DLCI-1 is a potent and selective CYP2A6 inhibitor with IC50 of 17 nM, 15-765-fold selectivity other major hepatic CYP enzymes.

DC73723 DLCI-1 dihydrochloride

DLCI-1 dihydrochloride is a potent and selective CYP2A6 inhibitor with IC50 of 17 nM, 15-765-fold selectivity other major hepatic CYP enzymes.

DC73724 ODM-208

ODM-208 (ODM208) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable CYP11A1 inhibitor, inhibits the biosynthesis of pregnenolone with IC50 of 15 nM in NCI-H295R cells.

DC73725 ODM-209

ODM-209 (ODM209) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable inhibitor of CYP11A1 (cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme) with potential antineoplastic activity, inhibits the biosynthesis of pregnenolone.


TPP-IOA is a specific inhibitor of cytochrome c (cyt c) peroxidase activity, inhibits peroxidase activity of cardiolipin-induced cytochrome c peroxidase activity with IC50 of 5 uM.

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