Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Cell Cycle/DNA Damage > DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC41170 Busulfan-D8

Busulfan-D8 is a deuterium labeled Busulfan. Busulfan is an alkyl sulfonate that acts as an alkylating antineoplastic agent. Busulfan forms both intra- and interstrand crosslinks on DNA. In mammals, Busulfan causes profound and prolonged reduction in the generation of hematopoietic progenitors without significantly affecting lymphocyte levels or humoral antibody responses.

DC42454 Treosulfan Featured

Treosulfan (NSC 39069, Treosulphan) is an alkylating agent used for conventional and high-dose chemotherapy regimens. Treosulfan is potently cytotoxic against pancreatic cancer cell lines.

DC45331 PR-104A

PR-104A (SN 27858) is the alcohol metabolite of phosphate prodrug PR-104. PR-104A is a hypoxia-selective DNA cross-linking agent/DNA-damaging agent and cytotoxin. Antitumor Activity. PR-104A is metabolized under hypoxia by the 1-electron NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase. PR-104A can be used for the research of relapsed/refractory T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL).

DC45552 PR-104

PR-104 is a selective hypoxia-activated DNA cross-linking agent can be used for the research of multiple tumor xenograft models. PR-104 as a nitrogen mustard pre-prodrug is converted efficiently to the more lipophilic dinitrobenzamide mustards alcohol PR-104A.

DC45553 PR-104 sodium

PR-104 (sodium) is a selective hypoxia-activated DNA cross-linking agent can be used for the research of multiple tumor xenograft models. PR-104 (sodium) as a nitrogen mustard pre-prodrug is converted efficiently to the more lipophilic dinitrobenzamide mustards alcohol PR-104A.

DC46050 Lurbinectedin D3

Lurbinectedin D3 is deuterium labeled Lurbinectedin. Lurbinectedin (PM01183) is a DNA minor groove covalent binder with potent anti-tumour activity; inhibits RMG1 and RMG2 cell growth with IC50 values of 1.25 and 1.16 nM, respectively.

DC46283 Sibiromycin Featured

Sibiromycin is a naturally produced glycosylated pyrrolobenzodiazepines (PBDs). Sibiromycin is also a potent antitumor antibiotic that binds covalently to DNA in the minor groove at the NH2 of guanine.

DC46827 (-)-Irofulven

(-)-Irofulven (MGI 114), an Illudin S analog, is a DNA alkylating agent. (-)-Irofulven inhibits the replication of DNA, induces tumor cells apoptosis, and has potent antitumor activity.

DC47042 Mipicoledine

Mipicoledine is a potential neuro-alkylating agent for study of glioblastoma and metastatic cancers involving the central nervous system.

DC47690 Methylnitronitrosoguanidine

Methylnitronitrosoguanidine (MNNG) is an alkylating agent with toxic and mutagenic effects.

DC47691 Anticancer agent 11

Anticancer agent 11 is a broad-spectrum anticancer agent that inhibits angiogenesis and induces DNA cross-links.

DC47692 Colibactin 742

Colibactin 742, a stable colibactin derivative, induces DNA interstrand-cross-links, activation of the Fanconi Anemia DNA repair pathway, and G2/M arrest.

DC47956 Lurbinectedin-d3

Lurbinectedin D3 is deuterium labeled Lurbinectedin. Lurbinectedin (PM01183) is a DNA minor groove covalent binder with potent anti-tumour activity; inhibits RMG1 and RMG2 cell growth with IC50 values of 1.25 and 1.16 nM, respectively.

DC48121 Porfiromycin

Porfiromycin is a bioreductive alkylating agent that preferentially kill hypoxic tumor cells relative to other aerobic counterparts.

DC48122 EC2629

EC2629 is a highly potent folate receptor (FR)-targeted DNA crosslinking agent. EC2629 can be used for the research of FR-positive tumors, including those that are classified as drug resistant.

DC48437 Methyl methanesulfonate

Methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), a DNA alkylating agent, modifies both guanine (to 7-methylguanine) and adenine (to 3-methlyladenine) to cause base mispairing and replication blocks, respectively.

DC72018 Duocarmycin analog-2

Duocarmycin analog-2 is a potent DNA alkylating agent. Duocarmycin analog-2 can be used of synthetic immunoconjugate. Duocarmycin analog-2 has antitumor activity.

DC72165 LP-284

LP-284 is a potent DNA alkylating agent that kills solid tumours. LP-284 can be used in the studies of hematologic cancers with compromised DNA repair, such as mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).

DC72166 Prednimustine

Prednimustine (Leo 1031;NSC 134087) is the ester formed from Prednisolone and Chlorambucil. Prednimustine can be used for leukemias and lymphomas research.

DC72167 Ranimustine

Ranimustine (MCNU) is a nitrosourea alkylating agent, can be used for research of chronic myelogenous leukemia and polycythemia vera.

DC72588 SG2057

SG2057 (DRG16) is a PBD dimer containing a pentyldioxy linkage which binds sequence selectively in the minor groove of DNA forming DNA interstrand and intrastrand cross-linked adducts. SG2057 is a highly active antitumor agent.

DC73185 AST-3424 (S-isomer)

OBI-3424 S-isomer (TH-3424, OBI 3424) is a highly potent DNA alkylating prodrug that is converted by AKR1C3 to a potent DNA-alkylating agent.

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