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DC22784 LY-345899 Featured

LY-345899 (LY345899) is a novel potent, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase MTHFD1 and MTHFD2 inhibitor with IC50 of 96 nM and 663 nM, respectively; MTHFD2 is a novel target for drug development.

DC6305 LY364947 Featured

LY364947 is a potent ATP-competitive inhibitor of TGFβR-I with IC50 of 59 nM, shows 7-fold selectivity over TGFβR-II.

DC7192 LY-404039 Featured

LY404039 is an inhibitor for mGluR1(Ki=149 nM) and mGluR2(Ki= 92 nM), which can also inhibit dopamine receptor.

DC5036 LY-411575 Featured

LY411575 is a potent γ-secretase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.078 nM/0.082 nM (membrane/cell-based), also inhibits Notch clevage with withIC50 of 0.39 nM.

DC22435 LY487379 Featured

LY-487379 is a potent, selective positive allosteric modulator of mGluR2 (EC50=0.27 uM) without activity at mGluR3; shows no intrinsic agonist or antagonist activity at hmGluR2, markedly potentiates glutamate-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding at hmGluR2; potentiates synaptically evoked mGluR2 responses in rat hippocampal slices, modulates excitatory synaptic transmission in the rat globus pallidus.

DC10926 LY900009 Featured

LY900009 (LY-900009) is an orally active small molecule inhibitor of Notch signalling via selective inhibition of the γ-secretase protein.

DC23020 Lycobetaine(Ungeremine) Featured

Lycobetaine(Ungeremine) is a potential biofungicide against Penicillium roqueforti and Aspergillus niger.

DC10715 LYN-1604 Featured

LYN-1604 is a potential ULK1 agonist with IC50 of 1.66 μM against MDA-MB-231 cells and it binds to wild-type ULK1 with a binding affinity in the nanomole range (Kd=291.4 nM).

DC24081 Lyn-IN-1 (Synonyms: Bafetinib analog) Featured

Lyn-IN-1 is a potent and selective dual Bcr-Abl/Lyn inhibitor..

DC10358 Lys01 trihydrochloride Featured

Lys01 trihydrochloride (Lys05) is a novel lysosomal autophagy inhibitor with IC50 values of 3.6, 3.8, 6 and 7.9 μM for 1205Lu, c8161, LN229 and HT-29 cell line in the MTT assay.

DC10508 Lys05 Featured

Lys05 is a new lysosomal autophagy inhibitor which potently accumulates within and deacidifies the lysosome of both cells and tumors, resulting in sustained inhibition of autophagy and tumor growth.

DC11106 Vafidemstat (ORY-2001) Featured

Vafidemstat (ORY-2001) is an oral, brain penetrant drug that inhibits LSD1 and MAOB by reducing cognitive impairment, including memory loss and neuroinflammation. It also has neuroprotective effects.

DC12235 LysoPC(14:0/0:0) Featured

LysoPC(14:0/0:0) is a lysophospholipid (LyP). It is a monoglycerophospholipid in which a phosphorylcholine moiety occupies a glycerol substitution site.

DC8478 M 344 Featured

M 344 enhances the sensitivity of human squamous carcinoma cells to radiation and promotes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer cells (ED50 = 2.3 μM).

DC10751 M2698 Featured

M2698 is a potent dual-inhibitor of p70S6K and Akt that affects tumor growth in mouse models of cancer and crosses the blood-brain barrier.

DC12034 MA-0204 Featured

MA-0204 is a potent, selective PPARδ modulator with good pharmacokinetic properties.

DC20269 mAChR-IN-1 Featured

mAChR-IN-1 is a potent muscarinic cholinergic receptor(mAChR) antagonist with IC50 of 17 nM..

DC1012 Macitentan (Actelion-1,ACT-064992) Featured

macitentan (Actelion-1, ACT-064992) is an orally active, non-peptide dual endothelin (ET)A/B receptor antagonist with IC50 of 0.5 nM/391 nM.

DC9741 Mad2 inhibitor-1 (M2I-1) Featured

Mad2 Inhibitor-1 (M2I-1) is a small molecule protein-protein interaction inhibitor targeting the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint.

DC9693 Madrasin Featured

Madrasin inhibits pre-mRNA splicing in vitro and modify splicing of endogenous pre-mRNA.

DC8125 ETH 4030(Magnesium ionophore III) Featured

Magnesium ionophore III is an onophore used in solvent polymeric membrane electrodes for the assay of Mg2+ activities in blood serum in vitro.

DC10560 MAK683 Featured

MAK683 is a novel PRC2/EED inhibitor.

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