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DC9682 ML-264 Featured

ML264 is a novel small molecule inhibitor of Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5).

DC7942 ML-265 Featured

ML-265 activates tumor-specific PKM2 (EC50 = 92 nM) by binding to the dimer-dimer interface between two subunits of PKM2 and inducing tetramerization.

DC7798 ML-277 Featured

ML-277 is a potent activator of KCNQ1 ( K(v)7.1) channels (EC50 = 260 nM).

DC21319 ML 278 Featured

ML278 is a potent and reversible inhibitor of lipid uptake via SR-BI (scavenger receptor BI) with IC50 of 6 nM.

DC9820 ML281 Featured

ML281 is a potent and selective STK33 inhibitor with IC50 of 14 nM. ML281 showed a 550-fold selectivity over AurB and greater than 700-fold selectivity over PKA.

DC10849 ML297 (VU0456810) Featured

ML297 (VU0456810) is the First Potent and Selective Activator of the GIRK Potassium Channel, Displays Antiepileptic Properties in Mice.

DC20898 ML298 Featured

ML298 is a potent, selective phospholipase PLD2 inhibitor with IC50 of 355 nM, displays >53-fold selectivity over PLD1 (IC50>20 uM).

DC21806 ML-299 Featured

ML299 is a potent, CNS penetrant, dual phospholipase PLD1/PLD2 probe with IC50 of 6 nM/20 nM, respectively.

DC12222 ML311 Featured

ML311 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the Mcl-1/Bim interaction.

DC7468 ML-323 Featured

ML323 is a reversible, potent USP1-UAF1 inhibitor with IC50 of 76 nM in a Ub-Rho assay and 174 nM and 820 nM in orthogonal gel-based assays using K63-linked diubiquitin (di-Ub) and monoubiquitinated PCNA (Ub-PCNA) as substrates, respectively.

DC7740 ML-324 Featured

ML-324 is a JMJD2 histone demethylase inhibitor (JMJD2 IC50 = 920 nM)

DC10711 ML-327 Featured

ML327 is a blocker of MYC which can also de-repress E-cadherin transcription and reverse Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT).

DC10121 ML-329 Featured

ML329 is a small molecule inhibitor of the MITF molecular pathway.

DC10743 ml335 Featured

ML335 is a selective activator of both TREK-1 and TREK-2.

DC9994 ML-346 Featured

ML346 is a novel activator of Hsp70 with EC50 of 4600 nM in HeLa cell toxicity assay.

DC7587 ML347 Featured

ML347 is a selective BMP receptor inhibitor with IC50 of 32 nM for ALK2, >300-fold selectivity over ALK3. Also inhibits ALK1 activity with IC50 of 46 nM

DC10747 ML355 Featured

ML355 is a potent and selective inhibitors of 12-Lipoxygenase(12-LOX) with IC50 of 0.34 μM, excellent selectivity over related lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases, and possess favorable ADME properties.

DC23760 ML359 Featured

ML359 is a small molecule, specific inhibitor of Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) with IC50 of 250 nM; displays >100-fold selectivity over other thiol isomerases (Erp5, Thioredoxin, Thioredoxin reductase); shows no cytotoxicity in three human cell lines, and some activity in inhibiting platelet aggregation in vitro.

DC10091 ML364 Featured

ML364 is an USP2 inhibitor.xtracted from patent WO 2016134026 A1, compound example 10G.

DC7797 ML365 Featured

ML365 is a novel selective small molecule inhibitor of TASK1(KCNK3) with IC50 of 4 nM(thallium influx fluorescent assay) and 16 nM(automated electrophysiology assay).

DC23748 ML372 Featured

ML372 is a small molecule SMN modulator that increases SMN protein in patient fibroblasts with EC50 of 37 nM; possesses good potency, pharmacokinetics, tolerance, and CNS penetration that are able to increase levels of SMN protein in several model cell lines; increase SMN protein levels in vivo, restore motor function, and prolong survival of SMNΔ7 SMA Mice; improves the righting reflex and extended survival of a severe mouse model of SMA.

DC23512 ML381 (VU0488130) Featured

ML381 (VU0488130) is a highly mAChR subtype selective M5 orthosteric antagonist with IC50/Ki of 450/340 nM for hM5, has no inhibitory activity on hM1-4 (IC50>30 uM).

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