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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC8057 S-Etomxir Featured

S isomer of R-Etomoxir

DC7882 S0859 Featured

S0859, an N-cyanosulphonamide compound, reversibly inhibit NBC-mediated pH(i) recovery (K (i)=1.7 microM, full inhibition at approximately 30 microM).

DC10395 S107 Featured

S107 is a RyR-selective 1,4-benzothiazepine derivative that stabilizes RyR2 channels by enhancing the binding affinity of calstabin2 to mutant and/or PKA-phosphorylated channels.

DC11030 S119-8 Featured

S119-8 is a novel broad spectrum inhibitor of influenza virus replication (IC50=1.43 nM) by targeting the viral Nucleoprotein (NP), with no detectable cytotoxicity (CC50>50 uM).

DC12546 S18-000003 Featured

S18-000003 (S18-000003) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable RORγt inhibitor with IC50 of 29 nM (hRORγt, GAL4), shows no significant activity against RORα, RORβ and LXRα/β(IC50>10 uM).

DC7274 S1RA Featured

S1RA(E-52862) is a potent and selective sigma-1 receptor(σ1R, Ki=17 nM), showed good selectivity against σ2R (Ki > 1000 nM).

DC9264 S1RA hydrochloride Featured

S1RA(E-52862) is a potent and selective sigma-1 receptor(σ1R, Ki=17 nM), showed good selectivity against σ2R (Ki > 1000 nM).

DC11455 Bz-Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg-pNA acetate salt Featured

S-2222 is a chromogenic substrate for Factor Xa.

DC9807 S-2238(Thrombin Substrate) Featured

S-2238 is specific to thrombin, is a short peptide covalently bound to pNA (4-nitroaniline).

DC10811 S23 Featured

S23 is a novel Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator(SARM)

DC12622 S29434 Featured

S29434 (S 29434) is a highly potent, selective, cell-active inhibitor of Quinone reductase 2 (QR2) with IC50 of 5-16 nM, shows good selectivity for QR2 over QR1.

DC1033 S3I-201 (NSC-74859) Featured

S3I-201 (NSC 74859) is a Stat3 inhibitor with IC50 of 86 μM.

DC11265 S49076 (hydrochloride) Featured

S49076 is a novel kinase inhibitor of MET, AXL, and FGFR with strong preclinical activity alone and in association with bevacizumab.

DC10071 S49076 Featured

S49076 is a novel, potent inhibitor of MET, AXL/MER, and FGFR1/2/3 with IC50 values below 20 nM.

DC12163 S55746 (BLC201) Featured

S55746 (BLC201) is a potent, orally active and selective BCL-2 inhibitor, with a Ki of 1.3 nM and a Kd of 3.9 nM. S55746 (BLC201) has antitumor activity with low toxicity[1].

DC10137 S63845 Featured

S63845 is a potent and selective myeloid cell leukemia 1 (MCL1) inhibitor; binds human MCL1 with a Kd of 0.19 nM.

DC8529 S6K-18 Featured

S6K-18 is a highly selective inhibitor of S6K1, with an IC50 of 52nM.

DC8506 S-99 Featured

S-99 inhibits LPS-induced TNFa release assay in vivo

DC8227 SA4503 2HCl Featured

SA4503 is a selective sigma 1 receptor(σ1R) agonist; high affinity for the sigma 1 receptor subtype labeled by (+)-[3H]pentazocine (IC50 = 17.4 +/- 1.9 nM); 100-fold less affinity for the sigma 2 receptor.

DC8444 Sabutoclax Featured

Sabutoclax(BI-97C1) is a pan-Bcl-2 inhibitor, including Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, Mcl-1 and Bfl-1 with IC50 of 0.31 μM, 0.32 μM, 0.20 μM and 0.62 μM, respectively.

DC8099 Saclofen Featured

Saclofen is a selective GABAB antagonist.

DCAPI1520 S-adenosyl-L-methionine(Ademetionine) Featured

Ademetionine, also known as AdoMet; MSI-195; SAMe, S-adenosylmethionine, is a PDE4B inhibitor potentially for treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis and major depressive disorder. Ademetionine is a ubiquitous metabolite present in all cells and biological fluids, and serves as a methyl donor in a multitude of different methylation reactions involving proteins, phospholipids, catecholamines and DNA. Pharmaceutical preparations of some stable salts of SAMe are available for parenteral and oral use in humans, and have been shown to increase plasma and cerebrospinal fluid SAMe concentrations.

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