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DC70788 SMN2 splicing modulator TEC-1 Featured

SMN2 splicing modulator TEC-1 is a novel specific, CNS penetrant small molecule SMN2 splicing modulator, increases the expression level of FL-SMN2 mRNA and decreases the expression level of Δ7 mRNA.TEC-1 showed higher selectively (>60-fold) on galactosylceramidase and huntingtin gene expression compared to previously reported compounds (e.g., SMN-C3) due to off-target effects on cryptic exon inclusion and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.TEC-1 modulates SMN2 splicing and displays disease-modifying effects in motor neurons derived from SMA patient iPSCs (GM24468).|TEC-1 rescues the phenotype in a murine model of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

DC70796 SRI-41315 Featured

SRI-41315 is a small molecule that induces translational readthrough of CFTR nonsense mutations by eRF1 depletion, restores CFTR expression and function, suppresses CFTR nonsense mutations.SRI-41315 induces translational readthrough by depleting eRF1 protein level and prolonging the translational pause that occurs at premature termination codons (PTCs).SRI-41315 reduced eRF1 levels in a manner dependent upon a ubiquitin-mediated proteasome degradation pathway.SRI-41315 in combination with G418 restores CFTR function in primary bronchial epithelial cells derived from a CF patient with CFTR nonsense alleles.

DC70798 SRX3177 Featured

SRX3177 is a potent, triple BRD4/PI3K/CDK4/6 inhibitor with nanomolar potency against PI3Kα (IC50=79 nM), BRD4 bromodomains (BD1 and BD2) (IC50=33 nM and 89 nM, respectively), and CDK4/6 (IC50=2.5/3.3 nM).SRX3177 is capable of targeting BRD4, PI3K and CDK4/6 simultaneously, induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest and has in vitro efficacy in mantle cell lymphoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and neuroblastoma models.SRX3177 has antitumor efficacy in in vivo xenograft models and is less toxic than the combination of agents that inhibit individual targets.

DC70801 SRX3305 Featured

SRX 3305 is a potent, triple BTK/PI3K/BRD4 inhibitor with IC50 of 6.5 nM, 15 nM, and 4 nM toward BTK, PI3Kɑ and PI3Kδ respectively, inhibits BRD4 BD1 and BD2 with IC50 of 77 and 95 nM.SRX3305 showed enhanced binding to the drug-resistant C481S mutant of BTK compared to SRX-3262 (IC50=9 uM and 25 uM, respectively).SRX3305 displayed cytotoxicity aginst MCL cell lines JeKo-1, Mino, Granta with IC50 of 58 nM, 1 nM, 1.1 uM, respectively.SRX3305 inhibited cell vbiability of JeKo-1 BTK C481S and Mino BTK C481S mutant cell lines with IC50 of 1 uM and 47 nM, respectively, with minimally toxic to healthy donor PBMCs.SRX3305 showed improved efficacy in MCL and Ibrutinib-resistant MCL cells, SRX3305 impacted gene expression, perturbs the cell cycle and promotes apoptosis in MCL.

DC70802 SS-208 Featured

SS-208 (SS208) is a novel potent, selective inhibitor of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) with IC50 of 12 nM, >100-fold selectivity over HDAC1/4/5/7/8/9/11.SS-208 has minimal effects on the viability of murine SM1 melanoma cells in vitro, significantly reduced in vivo tumor growth in a murine SM1 syngeneic melanoma mouse model.

DC70805 SSCI-2 Featured

SSCI-2 is a highly potent, selective NaV1.7 inhibitor with IC50 of 9 and 17 nM on human and rhesus Nav1.7 channels, respectively.SSCI-2 showed robust selectivity over other human and rhesus Nav channel paralogs, with the exception of Nav1.2 channels (IC50 183 nM for hNaV1.2), shows no other channels and receptors in 114 enzymatic, radioligand binding, and cellular assays.SSCI-2 also exhibits high potency in manual patch clamp experiments (IC50=24/62 nM for huma/rhesus Nav1.7 channels).SSCI-2 inhibits withdrawal responses to noxious heat in rhesus monkeys.

DC70817 SX-682 Featured

SX-682 (SX682) is a potent, allosteric, orally bioavailable inhibitor of CXCR1 and CXCR2.SX-682 enhances tumor infiltration, activation, and the therapeutic efficacy of adoptively transferred NK cells.SX-682 significantly inhibits trafficking of PMN-MDSCs without altering CXCR2 ligand expression.SX-682 enhances T cell-based immunotherapeutic efficacy.

DC70821 T-518 Featured

T-518 (T518) is a potent, highly selective, brain penetrant, oral HDAC6 inhibitor with IC50 of 36 nM.T-518 did not obviously inhibit human HDAC1, 4, or 7 at 10 uM, which belongs to Class I or Class IIa HDAC.T-518 showed brain penetration in an oral dose and blocked HDAC6-dependent tubulin deacetylation at Lys40 in mouse hippocampus.T-518 decreased RIPA-insoluble tau accumulation (3-month treatment, 1 and 3 mg/kg), restored impaired axonal transport and novel object recognition in the P301S tau Tg mouse (tauopathy model) by 2-week treatment with dose 1 and 3 mg/kg.

DC70822 TACH101 Featured

TACH101 (QC8222, TACH 101) is a reversible, α-ketoglutarate competitive, selective and potent inhibitor of KDM4 isoforms A-D with IC50 values of <0.1 uM against all four isoforms.TACH101 demonstrated potent increase of H3K36me3 levels (EC50 <0.001 uM, HTRF) in KYSE-150 cell line engineered to overexpress KDM4C and showed potent anti-proliferative activity in multiple cell lines in OncoPanel.Sub-micromolar levels of TACH101 induced apoptosis in human colorectal (HT-29), esophageal (KYSE-150), and triple negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) cell lines with EC50s of 0.033-0.092 uM.TACH101 triggered effective tumor growth control in xenograft models including colorectal, esophageal, gastric, breast, and lymphoma with tumor growth inhibition of up to 100%.

DC70823 TAK-925 Featured

TAK-925 (Danavorexton) is a potent, selective, and brain-penetrant Orexin 2 receptor (OX2R) agonist with EC50 of 5.5 nM, no significant inhibition on OX1R (IC50>100 uM).TAK-925 also showed good selectivity against 106 off-target enzymes and receptors.

DC70831 TD-1473 Featured

TD-1473 (Izencitinib, TD1473, JNJ 8398) is a potent, selective, oral gut-selective pan-JAK inhibitor with pKi of 10.0/10.0/8.8/9.5 for human recombinant JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and TYK2.TD-1473 inhibited cytokine-induced phosphorylation of STAT1 in mouse primary colonic epithelial cells with pIC50 values for inhibition against IL-6, IFNα and IFNγ were 7.3, 6.8 and 7.0.TD-1473 demonstrated JAK inhibitory activity in ex vivo mouse colon and human IBD patient colonic tissue. TD-1473 (Izencitinib) is under development for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

DC70837 TG8-260 Featured

TG8-260 is a second-generation, potent, selective EP2 antagonist with Schild KB of 13.2 nM.TG8-260 displays 500-fold selectivity to EP2 against other prostanoid receptors.TG8-260 has a plasma half-life of 2.14 h (PO) and excellent oral bioavailability (77.3%), TG8-260 is a potent inhibitor of CYP450 enzymes.TG8-260 displays antagonistic activity on the induction of EP2 receptor-mediated inflammatory gene expression in microglia BV2-hEP2 cells.TG8-260 reduces hippocampal neuroinflammation and gliosis after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in rats.TG8-260 is a tool for investigating anti-inflammatory pathways in peripheral inflammatory disease animal models.

DC70838 TGP-377/421 Featured

TGP-377/421 (Targapre-miR-377/421) is a smalll molecule targets pre-miR-377 and inhibits its processing, binds to miR-377's Dicer processing site with Kd of 29 uM.TGP-377/421 inhibits the cellular biogenesis of miR-377 in HUVECs, reduced mature miR-377 levels in a dose-dependent fashion with IC50 of 5 uM, also inhibits miR-421.

DC70840 TH9619 Featured

TH9619 (TH-9619) is a potent and selective inhibitor of folate metabolism enzyme MTHFD2 with IC50 of 47 nM.TH9619 demonstrated efficacy on HL-60 cell viability with EC50 of 11 nM.TH9619 potently inhibits related MTHFD proteins MTHFD2L and MTHFD1-(DC) with IC50 of 47 and 16 nM, respectively.TH9619 displays high potency and cancer selectivity in AML models. induce thymine-less DNA damage and apoptosis, causes uracil misincorporation into DNA, sensitize cancer cells to ATR-signaling blockade.TH9619 impairs cancer progression in vivo.TH9619 displays high selectivity toward binding and stabilizing MTHFD2 over other common folate metabolism targets such as DHFR, thymidylate synthase (TYMS), serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) 1 and SHMT2.

DC70851 TTC-352 Featured

TTC352 is a synthetic selective estrogen mimic acts as estrogen receptor (ER) partial agonist for the treatment of endocrine-resistant breast cancer.TTC 352 yields an H-bond with Glu353, allows Asp351-to-helix 12 (H12) interaction, sealing ERα's ligand-binding domain, recruiting E2-enriched coactivators, and triggering rapid ERα-induced unfolded protein response (UPR) and apoptosis.TTC-352 is a less potent full estrogen agonist compared to E2, allowing H12 to seal the LBD, which recruits many E2-enriched coactivators, and induces rapid ERα-mediated UPR and apoptosis.

DC70854 Tucidinostat Featured

Tucidinostat (Chidamide, HBI-8000, CS055) is a novel histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with IC50 of 95/160/67/733/78/432 nM for HDAC1/2/3/8/10/11, respectively; shows no activity against Class IIa HDAC4/4/7/9 and HDAC6; demonstrates significant and broad spectrum in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity, induces G1 arrest, ROS-dependent apoptosis and differentiation in human leukaemia cells.

DC70861 UC-764864 Featured

UC-764864 (UC764864) is a small-molecule inhibitor that targeted ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2N active site.UC-764864 blocks ubiquitination of innate immune- and inflammatory-related substrates in human AML cell lines.Inhibition of UBE2N function disrupted oncogenic immune signaling by promoting cell death of leukemic HSPCs while sparing normal HSPCs in vitro.

DC70862 UC-764865 Featured

UC-764865 (UC764865) is a small-molecule inhibitor that targeted ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2N active site.UC-764865 blocks ubiquitination of innate immune- and inflammatory-related substrates in human AML cell lines.Inhibition of UBE2N function disrupted oncogenic immune signaling by promoting cell death of leukemic HSPCs while sparing normal HSPCs in vitro.

DC70865 UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 Featured

UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 is a specific compound that selectively inhibits the UHRF1-histone interaction (IC50=12.4 uM), targets the PHD finger of UHRF1, specifically disrupting histone H3 arginine 2 interactions with the PHD finger.UHRF1 PHD inhibitor MLD4 inhibited binding between H3K9me3(FAM) and UHRF1 with IC50 of 24-26 uM, displace UHRF1-histone H3 binding in cells.

DC70873 USP10 inhibitor Wu-5 Featured

USP10 inhibitor Wu-5 (Wu-5) is a novel small molecule USP10 inhibitor inducing the degradation of FLT3-mutated protein, directly interacts and inactivates USP10, the deubiquitinase for FLT3-ITD in vitro (IC50=8.3 uM) and in FLT3-ITD-positive AML cells.Wu-5 selectively inhibited the viability of FLT3 inhibitor-sensitive (MV4-11, Molm13) and -resistant (MV4-11R) FLT3-ITD-positive AML cells with IC50 of 3.794, 5.056, and 8.386 uM, respectively.Wu-5 (1-10 μM) dose-dependently induced apoptosis of MV4-11, Molm13, and MV4-11R cells through the proteasome-mediated degradation of FLT3-ITD.Combined treatment of Wu-5 and crenolanib produced synergistic cell death in FLT3-ITD-positive cells via the reduction of both FLT3 and AMPKα proteins.

DC70883 VK-II-86 Featured

VK-II-86 is a carvedilol analogue lacking antagonist activity at β-adrenoceptors, effectively suppresses SOICR by directly reducing the open duration of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2).VK-II-86 exhibited >2,000-fold lower beta-AR binding affinity than carvedilol.VK-II-86 prevented stress-induced ventricular tachyarrhythmias in RyR2-mutant mice and did so more effectively when combined with either of the selective beta blockers metoprolol or bisoprolol.VK-II-86 prevented hypokalaemia-induced AP prolongation and depolarization but did not alter AP parameters in normokalaemia.

DC70889 VT104 Featured

VT104 (VT-104) is a specific small molecule inhibitor of YAP/TAZ-TEAD-dependent transcription with IC50 of 10.4 nM in YAP reporter assay, pan-TEAD palmitoylation inhibitor.VT104 inhibited palmitoylation of both endogenous TEAD1, TEAD3 proteins in cells.VT104 decreased the levels of palmitoylated TEAD3 and TEAD4 and increased the levels of unpalmitoylated TEAD3 and TEAD4 in the human mesothelioma cell line NCI-H2373.VT104 exhibited inhibitory activity in more mesothelioma cell lines than the TEAD1-selective inhibitor VT103.VT104 (oral administration of 10 and 3 mg/kg) has very strong antitumor efficacy in the human mesothelioma NCI-H226 CDX model, with no effect on body weight gain.

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