Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > GPCR > mGluR
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC44958 (±)-LY367385

(±)-LY367385 is the racemate of LY367385. LY367385 is a highly potent and selective mGluR1a antagonist. LY367385 has an IC50 of 8.8 μM for inhibits of quisqualate-induced phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis, compared with > 100 μM for mGlu5a.

DC44959 VU0080241

VU0080241 is a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 4 (mGluR4), with an EC50 of 4.6 μM.

DC45308 LY367385 hydrochloride

LY367385 hydrochloride is a highly selective and potent mGluR1a antagonist. LY367385 hydrochloride has an IC50 of 8.8 μM for inhibits of quisqualate-induced phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis, compared with >100 μM for mGlu5a. LY367385 hydrochloride has neuroprotective, anticonvulsant and antiepileptic effects.

DC46264 MGS0274

MGS0274, an ester-based lipophilic prodrug of a metabotropic glutamate (mGlu)2 and mGlu3 receptor agonist MGS0008, shows improved oral bioavailability. MGS0274 has the potential for the research of schizophrenia.

DC46287 HexylHIBO

HexylHIBO is a potent group I mGluR antagonist with Kbs of 140 and 110 μM at mGlu1a and mGlu5a receptors, respectively. HexylHIBO decreased sEPSC in rat.

DC46345 (E/Z)-SIB-1893

(E/Z)-SIB-1893 is a racemic compound of (E)-SIB-1893 and (Z)-SIB-1893 isomers. (E)-SIB-1893 is a selective non-competitive metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptor (mGluR5) antagonist.

DC46848 UPF-523

UPF-523 (AIDA), a rigid (carboxyphenyl) glycine derivative, is a relatively potent and selective antagonist of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu1a) with an IC50 of 214 μM. But UPF-523 has no effect on group II (mGlu2), group III (mGlu4) receptors or ionotropic glutamate receptors. UPF-523 has the potential for the research of the acute arthritis.

DC46849 L-AP3

L-AP3, metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) antagonist, inhibits D-phosphoserine and L-phosphoserine with IC50s of 368 μM and 2087 μM, respectively.

DC47572 PHCCC(4Me)

PHCCC(4Me) (THCCC), a PHCCC analog, is a dual mGluR2 (IC50 of 1.5 μM) negative allosteric modulator and mGluR3 (EC50 of 8.9 μM) positive allosteric modulator.

DC48167 Talaglumetad hydrochloride

Talaglumetad hydrochloride is a prodrug of thetype II metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR2/3) agonist Eglumegad for the treatment of anxiety.

DC48168 Ro 67-4853

Ro 67-4853 is a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of mGluR1 (pEC50=7.16 for rmGlu1a receptor). Ro67-4853 exhibits activity at all group I mGlu receptors including hmGlu1, rmGlu1, and rmGlu5. Ro 67-4853 enhances the potency of L-Glu by interacting with the transmembrane domain (TMD) of the receptor. Ro 67-4853 potentiates sensory synaptic responses to repetitive vibrissa stimulation.

DC48460 L-Glutamine-13C5,15N2

L-Glutamine-13C5,15N2 (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide-13C5,15N2) is the 13C- and 15N-labeled L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide) is a non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout the body and involved in many metabolic processes. L-Glutamine provides a source of carbons for oxidation in some cells.

DC48689 Ro 01-6128

Ro 01-6128 is a positive allosteric modulator of mGluR1.

DC49220 L-Glutamine-1-13C

L-Glutamine-1-13C (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide-1-13C) is the 13C-labeled L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide) is a non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout the body and involved in many metabolic processes. L-Glutamine provides a source of carbons for oxidation in some cells.

DC49221 L-Glutamine-5-13C

L-Glutamine-5-13C (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide-5-13C) is the 13C-labeled L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide) is a non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout the body and involved in many metabolic processes. L-Glutamine provides a source of carbons for oxidation in some cells.

DC49310 L-Glutamine-15N2

L-Glutamine-15N2 (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide-15N2) is the 15N-labeled L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide) is a non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout the body and involved in many metabolic processes. L-Glutamine provides a source of carbons for oxidation in some cells.

DC49315 L-Glutamine-15N-1

L-Glutamine-15N-1 (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide-15N-1) is the 15N-labeled L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine (L-Glutamic acid 5-amide) is a non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout the body and involved in many metabolic processes. L-Glutamine provides a source of carbons for oxidation in some cells.

DC49647 MNI137 Featured

MNI137 is a potent and selective negative allosteric modulator for group II mGluRs. MNI137 has IC50s values of 8.3 and 12.6 nM for human and rat mGlu2 inhibition of glutamate-induced calcium mobilization.

DC71079 MAP4

MAP4 is a selective group III mGluR antagonist in some electrophysiological systems.

DC71192 ABP688

ABP688 is a high affinity human mGluR5 antagonist with anKi of 1.7 nM. Radioisotope-labeled ABP688 can be used as a PET tracer for clinical imaging of the mGlu5 receptor.

DC71194 DCB

DCB (3,3′-dichlorobenzaldazine) is an neutral allosteric modulator of themetabotropic glutamate receptor metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) . DCB blocks the positive allosteric regulation of mGluRs (mGluR5) with the help of 3,3′-difluorobenzaldazine (DFB). DCB shows the negative modulatory effect of 3,3′-dimethoxybenzaldazine (DMeOB).

DC71218 A-841720

A-841720 is a potent, non-competitive and selective mGlu1 receptor antagonist with an IC50 of 10 nM for human mGlu1 receptor. A-841720 displays 34-fold selectivity over mGlu5 (IC50 of 342 nM), and no significant activity at a range of other neurotransmitter receptors, ion channels, and transporters. A-841720 has the potential for chronic pain research.

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