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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC73188 QBS10072S Featured

QBS10072S is a novel dual-function, BBB permeable chemotherapeutic agent with alkylating moiety and a selective large neutral amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1, SLC7A5) substrate, shows excellent BBB penetration and promising efficacy in vitro (U251 cell IC5

DC73189 H3B-960 Featured

H3B-960 is a potent, selective and covalent inhibitor of Werner syndrome protein (WRN) helicase activity with IC50 of 60 nM.

DC73190 H3B-968

H3B-968 is a potent, selective and covalent inhibitor of Werner syndrome protein (WRN) helicase activity with IC50 of 41 and 13 nM in ADP-Glo assay DNA unwinding assay, respectively.

DC73191 HRO761 Featured

HRO761 is a potent, selective, allosteric WRN inhibitor with IC50 of 100 nM (ATPase assay) and GI50 of 40 nM (SW48 cells), respectively. HRO761 binds at the interface of the D1 and D2 helicase domains, locking WRN in an inactive conformation.

DC73192 KY386

KY386 is a potent, selective inhibitor of RNA helicase DHX33 with IC50 of 19 nM.

DC73193 SU0448

SU0448 is a specific, cell-permeable small molecule activator of the DNA repair enzyme Human MutT Homolog 1 (MTH1) with AC50 value of 5.5 uM, inhibits cell viability of HCC1806 cells with IC50 of 36.1 uM.

DC73194 Fraisinib

Fraisinib is a specific and effective inhibitor of glycyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (GARS1), suppresses the synthesis of Ap4A by GARS1 and displays strong anti-tumoral potential.

DC73195 RBI2

RBI2 (Ribosome biogenesis inhibitor 2) is a small molecule inhibitor of ribosome biogenesis inhibitor, potently inhibits pre-rRNA levels in A375 with IC50 of 169 nM.

DC73196 Ku-DBi 245

Ku-DBi 245 is a novel DNA-PK inhibitor with a unique mechanism of action, blocking the Ku 70/80 heterodimer interaction with DNA.

DC73197 SN38023

SN38023 is a bioreductive prodrug of DNA-dependent protein kinase inhibitor IC87361 (Cat# PC-62995), SN38023 is metabolised to a potent DNA-PKi (IC87361) selectively in radioresistant hypoxic cells.

DC73198 ZL-2201 mesylate

ZL-2201 mesylate (ZL2201) is a highly potent, selective and orally bioavailable inhibitor of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) with IC50 of 1.1 nM.

DC73199 CCT241950

CCT241950 (CCT 241950) is a small molecule NEK2 inhibitor, induces Tyr70Nek2 to jut into the ADP-binding pocket.

DC73200 T-1101 tosylate

T-1101 tosylate (TAI-95 tosylate) is a potent, orally abioavailable Hec1 inhibitor that disrupts Hec1-Nek2 protein interaction wide anti-cancer spectrum (GI50=14.29-73.65 nM, breast cancer cell lines).

DC73202 SYL1073

SYL1073 is a potent, selective and covalent Threonine tyrosine kinase (TTK) inhibitor with IC50 of of 16 nM.

DC73203 DI-87 Featured

DI-87 ((R)-DI-87) is a highly potent, specific, orally bioavailable deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) inhibitor with IC50 of 3.15 nM.

DC73204 F-aza-T-dCyd

F-aza-T-dCyd (NSC801845) is a novel cytidine analog and is more efficacious than aza-T-dCyd in cell culture and mouse xenograft studies in HCT-116 human colon carcinoma.

DC73205 JLT048

JLT048 is a small molecule inhibitor of tyrosyl-DNA-phosphodiesterases 1 and 2 (TDP1 and TDP2) with IC50 of 7.7 and 32 uM, respectively.

DC73206 PSB-071

PSB-071 (PSB071) is a small molecule inhibitor of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDase).

DC73207 PSB-0952

PSB-0952 (PSB0952) is a potent, selective ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (eN, CD73) inhibitor with Ki of 260 nM, >150-fold selectivity over NTPDases and P2Y receptor subtypes P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, and P2Y12.

DC73208 PSB-0963

PSB-0963 (PSB0963) is a potent, selective ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (eN, CD73) inhibitor with Ki of 150 nM, >100-fold selectivity over NTPDases.

DC73209 TH6342

TH6342 (TH-6342) is a specific small-molecule inhibitor against the dNTP triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) SAMHD1, inhibits the enzymatic activities of SAMHD1 against dGTP, Cl-F-ara-ATP, and ara-CTP with IC50 of 9.6, 11.0 and 5.8 uM, respectively.

DC73210 TH7528

TH7528 (TH-7528) is a specific small-molecule inhibitor against the dNTP triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) SAMHD1, inhibits the enzymatic activities of SAMHD1 against dGTP, Cl-F-ara-ATP, and ara-CTP with IC50 of 4.5, 2.8 and 2.6 uM, respectively.

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