Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC70117 3JC48-3

3JC48-3 is a potent, cellularly active and stable c-Myc inhibitor, inhibits c-Myc-max dimerization with IC50 of 34 uM, 5 times more potent than 10074-G5, exhibits an approximate twofold selectivity for c-Myc-Max heterodimers over Max-Max homodimers.3JC48-3 inhibited the proliferation of c-Myc-over-expressing HL60 and Daudi cells with single-digit micromolar IC50 values by causing growth arrest at the G0 /G1 phase.3JC48-3 inhibited c-Myc-Max dimerization in cells validated by CoIP.3JC48-3 decreased prostate cancer cells' growth and viability in a dose-dependent fashion in vitro, upregulated PrKD1 expression and phosphorylation of known PrKD1 substrates: the threonine 120 (Thr-120) residue in beta-catenin and the serine 216 (Ser-216) in Cell Division Cycle 25 (CDC25C).3JC48-3 (1 g/kg, i.p.) decreased the rate of tumor growth in mice with patient-derived prostate cancer xenografts (PDX), without dose-limiting toxicity.

DC70125 GSK2850163

A novel potent IRE1α-selective kinase inhibitor that inhibits both the kinase and RNase activities of IRE1α with IC50 of 20 nM and 200 nM, respectively; binds to pIRE1α and inhibits XBP 1 splicing; only weakly inhibits Ron (IC50= 4.4 uM) and FGFR1 V561M (IC50=17 uM) in a panel of 284 kinases.

DC70146 GW3965

A potent, selective, orally active LXR agonist that recruits the steroid receptor coactivator 1 to human LXRα in a cell-free ligand-sensing assay with an EC50 of 125 nM; acts as a full agonist on hLXRα and hLXRβ in cell-based reporter gene assays with EC50 of 190 and 30 nM, respectively; increases expression of ABCA1 in the small intestine and peripheral macrophages in C57BL/6 mice at 10 mg/kg.

DC70156 Tacalcitol monohydrate

A synthetic vitamin D3 analog that usually prescribed by a general practitioner or dermatologist for the treatment of psoriasis, chronic chapped lips and other severe dry skin conditions.

DC70164 A-9758

A-9758 (A9758) is a selective, small molecule inverse agonist of retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma t (hRORγt IC50=38 nM).A-9758 also inhibits mouse RORγ transactivation with similar activity (20 nM) and is equally active on dog and rat RORγ (25 and 64 nM, repectively).A-9758 inhibits TCR-mediated IL-17A secretion with an IC50 of 100 and 38 nM in human CD4+ T cells and in vitro differentiated mouse Th17 cells, respectively.A-9758 exhibits robust potency against IL-17A release both in vitro and in vivo, significantly attenuates IL-23 driven psoriasiform dermatitis.A-9758 exhibits efficacy in an ex vivo human whole blood assay, is efficacious in human IL-17 related diseases.

DC70208 Artepillin C

Artepillin C (CREB-CRTC2 inhibitor APC) is an inhibitor of CREB/CRTC2 interaction (IC50=24.5 uM), dissociates the CREB/CRTC2 complex, directly binds to CREB with Kd of 3.2 uM.CREB-CRTC2 inhibitor APC inhibits CRTC2 interacting with CREB-ZIP and reduces acetyltransferase activity of CBP by binding with CREB protein directly.Artepillin C attenuated gluconeogenesis in primary hepatocytes, reduced glucose output from primary hepatocytes induced by glucagon, remarkably decreased the mRNA accumulation of G6pc, Pck1, and Pgc-1α induced by glucagon in primary hepatocytes.|Artepillin C could ameliorate hyperlipidemia in obese mice.

DC70242 BC-N102

BC-N102 is a first-in-class novel small molecule inhibitor for targeting oncogenic and hormonal signaling in ER-positive breast cancer.BC-N102 exhibits anticancer activity against breast cancer cell lines via interfering with cell cycle regulatory proteins and hormonal receptors signaling in vitro (IC50=0.04-10 uM), no significant activities against a normal breast cell line.BC-N102 exhibits potent antitumor activity at tolerated doses in an ER+ human xenograft breast cancer model.BC-N102 induces arrest of the cell cycle at G0/G1 phase, downregulates the expression of CDK2 and CDK4 independent of the ER in breast cancer cell lines.

DC70267 BMS-986313 Featured

BMS-986313 is a potent, selective, orally active RORγt inverse agonist with EC50 of 3.6 nM in GAL-4 reporter assay in Jurkat cell line, and 50 nM in IL-17 human whole blood assay.BMS-986313 demonstrated robust efficacy in preclinical models of psoriasis (the IMQ-induced skin lesion model and the IL-23-induced acanthosis model).

DC70314 Cl-OCH3

Cl-OCH3 is an antagonist of nuclear receptor NR4A1, decreases PD-L1 protein expression in MDA-MB-231 and 4T1 cells with EC50 of 4.4 and 4.1 uM, respectively; Cl-OCH3 decreased expression of PD-L1 mRNA, promoter-dependent luciferase activity, and protein. In in vivo studies using a syngeneic mouse model bearing orthotopically injected 4T1 cells, Cl-OCH3 decreased tumor growth and weight and inhibited lung metastasis. Cl-OCH3 also decreased expression of CD3+/CD4+/CD25+/FoxP3+ regulatory T cells and increased the Teff/Treg ratio.

DC70317 Cobalt protoporphyrin IX chloride

Cobalt protoporphyrin IX (CoPPIX) is a potent and effective inducer of HO-1 (heme oxygenase-1) activity, up-regulates HO-1 via Bach1 and Nrf2 in human liver cells.CoPPIX did not influence hepatic Bach1 or Nrf2 mRNA levels, but markedly reduced Bach1 protein levels by increasing degradation of Bach1 protein, and increased Nrf2 by decreasing degradation of Nrf2 protein.CoPPIX significantly upregulated HO-1 protein in mucosal and submucosal cells.CoPPIX is a direct Bach1 inhibitor.

DC70346 DC-TEAD3in03 Featured

DC-TEAD3in03 is a potent, selective, covalent TEAD3 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.16 uM, 100-fold selectivity over other TEAD isoforms (IC50>20 uM) in ABPP assays.DC-TEAD3in03 could significantly improve the thermal stability of TEAD3 protein, while it had minimal effect on widetype TEAD1, TEAD1 C359S and TEAD3 C371A mutants, demonstrated selective cellular engagement with Cys371 of TEAD3.DC-TEAD3in03 showed selective inhibitory effect on TEAD3 in GAL4-TEAD (1–4) reporter assays with IC50 of 1.15 uM in cellular assays.DC-TEAD3in03 reduced the growth rate of zebrafish caudal fins when administered to zebrafish juveniles.In the Hippo signaling pathway, the transcription factor TEA domains (TEADs) family proteins (TEAD1‒4) are the most important terminal regulators, which play an important role in development, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, tissue homeostasis, and regeneration.

DC70347 DC-TEADin1072

DC-TEADin1072 is a novel TEAD1/3 covalent inhibitor with biochemical IC50 values of 0.61 and 0.58 uM against TEAD1 and TEAD3, respectively.TEADin1072 selectively inhibited TEAD1 and TEAD3 palmitoylation while sparing TEAD2 and TEAD4.TEADin1072 demonstrated selective engagement with Cys371 of TEAD3 and Cys359 of TEAD1.

DC70363 DN200434

DN200434 (DN-200434) is a highly potent (functional IC50=6 nM, binding IC50=40 nM), selective, biocompatible and orally available ERRγ inverse agonist.DN200434 binds to key ERRγ binding pocket residues through four-way interactions.DN200434 effectively upregulated iodide-handling genes and restored radioiodine avidity in ATC tumor lesions.DN200434 enhanced ATC tumor radioiodine therapy susceptibility, markedly inhibiting tumor growth.DN200434 shows higher potency than GSK5182.

DC70380 EGPI-1 Featured

EGPI-1 is a potent small molecule that inhibits the translation initiation factors eIF4E/eIF4G interaction.EGPI-1 has potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic activity in multiple myeloma cells, Jurkat cells, and A549 lung cancer cell lines, inhibts A549 proliferation with IC50 of 2.61 uM, which is better than that of 4EGI-1 (IC50=58.6 uM), inhibits cancer cell growth by inhibiting eIF4E phosphorylation and inhibiting PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal pathway.EGPI-1 induces autophagy, apoptosis, G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and ROS generation in A549 cells, disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential (∆ψ m).EGPI-1 demonstrated in vivo anti-tumor activities in A549-xenografted athymic mice (25 mg/kg/day, 50 mg/kg/day, i.p.).

DC70396 Exicorilant

Exicorilant (CORT125281, CORT-125281) is a potent, selective glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist, exhibits no cross-reactivity for the PR and AR receptors.

DC70398 F0909-0360

F0909-0360 is a novel small molecule inhibitor of c-Myc, causes the functional repression of c-Myc target gene, shows appreciable anticancer activity against c-Myc expressing cell lines (HT29, IC50=0.2 uM).F0909-0360 showed c-Myc dependent apoptotic cell death, efficiently inhibited the functionality of c-Myc, suppressed the expression of c-Myc target genes (CAD, ODC1, NOP58, and NOP56) both at the transcriptional and translational levels.F0909-0360 showed considerable in vitro efficacy against cancer stem cells (CSCs), inhibited sphere forming capacity of D341-CSCs with IC50 of 4.06 uM.

DC70399 F1021-0686

F1021-0686 is a novel small molecule inhibitor of c-Myc, causes the functional repression of c-Myc target gene, shows appreciable anticancer activity against c-Myc expressing cell lines (HT29, IC50=1.55 uM).F1021-0686 showed c-Myc dependent apoptotic cell death, efficiently inhibited the functionality of c-Myc, suppressed the expression of c-Myc target genes (CAD, ODC1, NOP58, and NOP56) both at the transcriptional and translational levels.F1021-0686 showed considerable in vitro efficacy against cancer stem cells (CSCs), inhibited sphere forming capacity of D341-CSCs with IC50 of 5.27 uM.

DC70458 GSK-2945

GSK-2945 is a potent and selective small molecule Rev-Erbα agonist with EC50 of 50 nM, displays >1,000-fold selectivity over LXRα; inhibits LPS induction of IL-6 production and to upregulate expression of ABCA1 in human THP-1 cells; demonstrates in vivo bioavailability and orally active.

DC70485 HIF inhibitor 208

HIF inhibitor 208 is a small molecule inhibitor of HIF pathway with IC50 of 0.5 nM.

DC70491 HPPE Featured

HPPE is a specific nonelectrophilic and physiological Bach1 inhibitor via heme-binding sites of Bach1 protein, derepresses Bach1-mediated repression.HPPE induces up-regulation of Hmox1 mRNA is mediated by Bach1 inhibition in vivo.

DC70525 JNJ-pan-AR

JNJ-pan-AR is a highly potent, selective antagonist of androgen receptor (AR) wild-type and F877L mutant for the treatment of the F877L mutant and wild-type CRPC.

DC70539 KI-696

KI-696 (KI696) is a highly potent, selective inhibitor of KEAP1-NRF2 interaction, exhibits very high affinity for the KEAP1 Kelch domain with ITC Kd of 1.3 nM.KI-696 displays high selectivity against a panel of 49 in vitro functional assays for targets, with the exception of the OATP1B1 (IC50=2.5 µM), the bile salt export pump BSEP (IC50=4.0 µM), and PDE3A (IC50=10 uM).KI-696 increases NRF2 nuclear translocation in normal human bronchial epithelial cells, up-regulates NRF2-dependent gene expression NQO1 and GCLM, and increases NQO1 activity in an NRF2-dependent manner.KI-696 significantly reduces ozone-induced pulmonary inflammation, restores ozone-induced depletion of lung GSH levels in vivo.

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