Home > PROTACs > PEGn
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC40608 Bis-BCN-PEG1-diamide

Bis-BCN-PEG1-diamide is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC40722 PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-5-CO-PEG3-N3

PROTAC BRD4 Degrader-5-CO-PEG3-N3 (Compound 2) is a PROTAC-linker Conjugate for PAC, comprises the BRD4 degrader GNE-987 and PEG-based linker.

DC40834 Aldehyde-benzyl-PEG5-alkyne

Aldehyde-benzyl-PEG5-alkyne is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC40887 Thiol-PEG-Tetrazine (MW 5kDa)

Thiol-PEG-Tetrazine (MW 5kDa) is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC41056 N-(Amino-PEG2)-N-bis(PEG3-azide)

N-(Amino-PEG2)-N-bis(PEG3-azide) is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC41058 Biotin-PEG4-hydrazide TFA

Biotin-PEG4-hydrazide (TFA) is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC41140 Amino-PEG4-C1-Boc

Amino-PEG4-C1-Boc is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC42230 m-PEG7-thiol

m-PEG7-thiol is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

DC42235 Monoethyl itaconate

NH2-PEG1-C1-Boc is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs.

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