Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > Potassium Channel
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC48873 DPO-1 Featured

DPO-1 is a potent inhibitor of the voltage-gated potassium channel subtype Kv1.5 and a blocker of ultrarapid delayed rectifier potassium current. DPO-1 prevents atrial arrhythmia.

DC49706 KCa2 channel modulator 2

KCa2 channel modulator 2 (compound 2q) is a potent subtype-selective positive modulator of KCa2 channel. KCa2 channel modulator 2 exhibits similar potency on the rat KCa2.2a and human KCa2.3 channel subtypes, with EC50s of 0.64 μM and 0.60 μM, respectively

DC49707 KCa2 channel modulator 1

KCa2 channel modulator 1 (compound 2o) is a potent subtype-selective positive modulator of KCa2 channel. KCa2 channel modulator 1 potentiates human KCa2.3 channels with an EC50 value of 0.19 μM and 0.99 μM on the rat KCa2.2 channel subtype.

DC49708 QO 58

QO 58 is a potent modulator of K(v)7 channels. QO-58 increases the current amplitudes, shifts the voltage-dependent activation curve in a more negative direction and slows the deactivation of K(v)7.2/K(v)7.3 currents. QO-58 has the potential for the research of diseases associated with neuronal hyperexcitability.

DC49709 Linoleoyl glycine

Linoleoyl glycine is a modified polyunsaturated fatty acid. Linoleoyl glycine has activating effects on human KCNQ1/KCNE1 (hKCNQ1/hKCNE1) channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes.

DC70143 SB-335573

A potent, selective hERG potassium channel (Kv11.1) activator.

DC70158 A293

A293 (AVE1231) is a potent and antiarrhythmic compound and selective inhibitor of two-pore-domain potassium channel TASK-1 (KCNK3, hK2P3.1).A293 (AVE1231) is an inhibitor of hKv1.5 currents with predominant action on channels in their open state.A293 (1 uM) prominently depolarized arterial smooth muscle and increased basal tone level and contractile responses to methoxamine of arteries from young rats but had almost no effect in adult rats.Pharmacological inhibition of atrial TASK-1 currents via A293 (AVE1231) exerts antiarrhythmic effects in vivo as well as in silico, resulting in acute cardioversion of paroxysmal trial fibrillation (AF).

DC70245 Benzopyran-G1

Benzopyran-G1 is a selective inhibitor of cardiac acetylcholine-activated inwardly rectifying K+ current (IKACh), composed of Kir3.1/Kir3.4 heterotetrameric and Kir3.4 homotetrameric channel subunits.


CTIBD is a novel potent activator of the BKCa channel with EC50 of 3.9 uM.CTIBD showed significantly higher potency compared with three other known BKCa activators: NS 1619, NS 11021, and rottlerin.CTIBD induced a reversible potentiation of macroscopic outward currents of the BKCa channel, CTIBD activates both rSlo/rβ1 and rSlo/rβ4 coexpressed channels mainly by decreasing the closing rate of the channel.CTIBD concentration-dependently reduced ACh-induced contractions in isolated rat urinary bladder strips. CTIBD effectively restored frequent voiding contraction and lowered voiding volume without affecting other bladder function parameters in acetic acid-induced overactive bladder (OAB) model (i.p. 20 mg/kg).

DC70426 GAT1508 Featured

GAT1508 (GAT-1508) is a potent, specific activator for brain-expressed GIRK1/2 channels (EC50=75 nM), specifically activates the brain GIRK1/2 over the cardiac GIRK1/4; GAT1508 is an allosteric modulator of channel–phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate interactions. GAT1508 effectively extinguished conditioned fear in rodents and lacked cardiac and behavioral side effects, suggesting its potential for use in pharmacotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder.

DC70542 KNa1.1 inhibitor 31

KNa1.1 inhibitor 31 is a potent, selective, orally available inhibitor of sodium-activated potassium channel KNa1.1 (Slack, Slo2.2) with IC50 of 40 nM (hKNa1.1 WT).KNa1.1 inhibitor 31 reduced seizures and interictal spikes in a mouse model of KCNT1 GoF.

DC70552 Kv2.1-syntaxin inhibitor 15

Kv2.1-syntaxin inhibitor 15 (Kv2.1-syntaxin-IN-15, Cpd5) is a small molecule Kv2.1-syntaxin-binding inhibitor (IC50=5.5 uM) with neuroprotective properties.Kv2.1-syntaxin inhibitor 15 competitively binds syntaxin against C1aB-containing Kv2.1 peptides with IC50 of 5.5 uM.Kv2.1-syntaxin inhibitor 15 (10 uM) significantly diminished threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA, 75 uM)-induced toxicity neuronal cultures, ameliorated significant cellular damage, by preventing the expression of enhanced Kv2.1-mediated K+ currents.Kv2.1-syntaxin inhibitor 15 is a first-in-class inhibitor of Kv2.1 binding to Syntaxin, likely due to inhibition of the C1a region of Kv2.1 binding to syntaxin.Cpd5 (10 μM) does not affect evoked AMPAR EPSCs in layer 2/3 corticocallosal neurons in the mouse auditory cortex.

DC70574 Lu AA41178

Lu AA41178 is a potent, pan-selective Kv7.2-7.5 opener with EC50 of 1.5, 0.6 20.5, and 37.0 uM for Kv7.2, Kv7.2/7.3, Kv7.4 and Kv7.5, respectively.Lu AA41178 displays no activity at Kv7.1 channels, has no potentiating impact on currents through GABAA ion channels, and a clean off-target profile against common cardiac ion channels.Lu AA41178 significantly increased the seizure thresholds in mice, demonstrating anticonvulsant efficacy in the maximum electroshock seizure threshold test and PTZ seizure threshold test.Lu AA41178 demonstrated antipsychotic-like activity by reducing amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice as well as lowering conditioned avoidance responses in rats, significantly reduced immobility in mouse model with antidepressant predictivity.

DC70890 VU0606170

VU 0606170 is a selective sodium-activated potassium channel KNa1.1 (Slack, Slo2.2) inhibitor with EC50 of 1.84 and 1.16 uM for WT Slack and A934T Slack, repectively.VU0606170 did not modulate HEK293 channels expressing Slick, Slo1 α1/β1, Slo1 α1/β2, Slo1 α1/β3, Slo1 α1/β4, or Slo3 channels. also potently inhibits G288S and R428Q Slack channels.VU0606170 also proved effective at significantly decreasing the firing rate in overexcited, spontaneously firing cortical neuron cultures.

DC70892 VU0468554

VU0468554 (VU 0468554) is a nove potent, selective inhibitor of GIRK channel with IC50 of 0.85 and 2.6 uM for GIRK1/GIRK4 and GIRK1/GIRK2 in cellular assays.VU0468554 more effectively inhibits the cardiac GIRK channel than the neuronal GIRK channel, inhibits Gβγ-activated GIRK channels in noncompetitive and potentially uncompetitive fashion.VU0468554 competitively inhibits GIRK-channel activation by ML297, a GIRK-channel activator.In the isolated heart model, VU0468554 partially reversed carbachol-induced bradycardia in hearts from wild-type mice but not Girk4-/- mice.

DC70898 VU6036720

VU6036720 (VU 6036720) is the first potent, selective inhibitor of heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 (KCNJ10/KCNJ16) with IC50 of 0.24 uM.VU6036720 displays >30-fold selective for Kir4.1/5.1 over homomeric Kir4.1 channels, Kir1.1, Kir2.1, Kir2.2, Kir2.3, Kir4.2, Kir6.2/SUR1, Kir6.1/SUR2b and Kir7.1.VU6036720 inhibits Kir4.1/5.1 activity through a reduction of channel open-state probability and single-channel current amplitude, does not induce diuresis in vivo.VU6036720 showwd an IC50 in 3 uM in Tl+ flux assays, approximately 7-times more potent at inhibiting Kir4.1/5.1 than fluoxetine and amitriptyline.VU6036720 represents the current state-of-the-art Kir4.1/5.1 inhibitor that should be useful for probing the functions of Kir4.1/5.1 in vitro and ex vivo.

DC70907 XAF-1407

XAF-1407 (XAF1407) is a novel putatively potent and highly specific IK,Ach (Kir3.1/3.4 and Kir3.4/3.4) inhibitor (IC50 of 1.1 and 3.2 nM, respectively).XAF-1407 displays highly selectivity other relevant cardiac ion channels, with selectivity ratios for Kir3.1/3.4 of >2,000–8,000 fold up to >27,000 fold for Nav1.5 and Kir2.1, respectively.XAF-1407 potently and selectively inhibited Kir 3.1/3.4 and Kir 3.4/3.4, underlying the IK,ACh current.XAF-1407 treatment in horses prolonged atrial effective refractory period as well as decreased atrial fibrillatory rate significantly and successfully cardioverted atrial fibrillation (AF), although with a decreasing efficacy over time. XAF-1407 shortened atrioventricular-nodal refractoriness, without effect on QRS duration.

DC71047 GAL-021 sulfate

GAL-021 sulfate is a potent BKCa-channel blocker. GAL-021 sulfate inhibits KCa1.1 in GH3 cells. GAL-021 sulfate is a novel breathing control modulator that is based on selective modification of the almitrine pharmacophore. GAL-021 sulfate increases minute ventilation in rats and non-human primates.

DC71241 HN37

HN37 as a potent and chemically stable antiepileptic drug candidate, with an EC50 of 37 nM for KCNQ2.

DC71368 DDO-02005

DDO-02005 is a potent Kv1.5 potassium channel inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.72 μM. DDO-02005 has good anti-atrial fibrillation (AF) effect in CaCl2-ACh AF rats model and effective anti-arrhythmic activity caused by aconitine.

DC71369 DDO-02001

DDO-02001 is a moderately potent Kv1.5 potassium channel inhibitor with an IC50 value of 17.7 μM. DDO-02001 can be used for researching anti-arrhythmia.

DC71370 DDO-02005 free base

DDO-02005 (free base) is a potent Kv1.5 potassium channel inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.72 μM. DDO-02005 (free base) has good anti-atrial fibrillation (AF) effect in CaCl2-ACh AF rats model and effective anti-arrhythmic activity caused by aconitine.

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