Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Proteasome/Ubiquitin
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC72120 Teslexivir hydrochloride

Teslexivir (BTA074) hydrochloride is a potent antiviral agent. Teslexivir hydrochloride is a potent and selective inhibitor of the interaction between two essential viral proteins, E1 and E2, an association that is a necessary step in the DNA replication and thus viral production for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 6 and 11. Teslexivir hydrochloride can be used for condyloma research.

DC72125 KU-177

KU-177 is a potent inhibitor of Hsp90 ATPase homologue 1 (Aha1), ablates Aha1-driven enhancement of Hsp90-dependent tau aggregation. KU-177 also disrupts Aha1/Hsp90 interactions (IC50=4.08 μM) without inhibition of Hsp90’s ATPase activity. KU-177 can be used for tauopathies research.

DC72255 8RK64

8RK64 is a covalent UCHL1 inhibitor (IC50: 0.32 μM).

DC72773 Brigimadlin Featured

Brigimadlin is an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MDM-2 inhibitor. Brigimadlin serves as an antineoplastic agent.

DC72826 Usp22i-S02 Featured

Usp22i-S02(USP22-IN-1, compound S02) is a potent inhibitor of ubiquitin specific peptidase 22 (USP22). It showed anticancer activity by suppressing Foxp3 expression in T-regulatory cells.

DC74272 BAY-728

BAY-728 (NAY728) is a less potent enantiomer and negative control compound of BAY-805.

DC74273 BK50118-C

BK50118-C is a potent small molecule inhibitor of ubiquitin-specific protease-13 (USP13) with IC50 of 0.42 nM.

DC74274 BML-260

BML-260 (BML260) is a potent inhibitor of dual-specific phosphatase JSP-1 (JNK Stimulatory Phosphatase-1, DUSP22) and stimulator of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) expression in adipocytes.

DC74275 C598-0556

C598-0556 is a selective, small molecule inhibitor of USP10, inhibits USP10 comparably to HBX19818 (IC50=10 uM), with no inhibition against USP7 (IC50>100 uM).

DC74276 C673-0105

C673-0105 is a selective, small molecule inhibitor of USP10, inhibits USP10 comparably to HBX19818 (IC50=10 uM), with no inhibition against USP7 (IC50>100 uM.

DC74277 CAS-12290-201

CAS-12290-201 is a potent and selective inhibitor of deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) VCPIP1 with IC50 of 70 nM, covalently and specificly targets the catalytic cysteine of VCPIP1 with little to no activity toward other cellular DUBs.

DC74278 DC-U4106

DC-U4106 is a potent, selective small molecule inhibitor of Ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8) with binding KD value of 4.7 uM, DC-U4106 is selective over USP2 and USP7.

DC74279 FT206

FT206 (FT-206, FT3951206, CRT0511973) is a potent, selectivel inhibitor of USP28 with a remarkable USP28/25 selectivity.

DC74280 FT385

FT385 (FT3967385) is a potent, selective USP30 inhibitor with biochemical IC50 of 1.5 nM.

DC74281 GK13S

GK13S is a highly potent, specific and covalent inhibitor of deubiquitinase UCHL1 with IC50 of 87 nM, displays exquisite specificity for UCHL1 over the other UCH family members (IC50>10 uM).

DC74282 HY041004

HY041004 is the first small molecule inhibitor of deubiquitinase Josephin Domain-containing protein 2 (JOSD2) with IC50 of 0.26 uM for JOSD2 catalytic activity inhibition.

DC74283 I-138

I-138 (I 138) is a potent, specific small molecule USP1-UAF1 inhibitor with IC50 of 4.1 nM, binds to USP1-UAF1 at an allosteric pocket synergistically with ubiquitin.

DC74284 IMP-2373

IMP-2373 is a highly targeted cyanopyrrolidine (CNPy) probe for pan-DUB to monitor DUB activity in physiologically relevant live cells.

DC74285 IU1-206

IU1-206 is a IU1 derivative with more potent activity against USP14, 10-fold more potent than IU1 and is comparable to the IU1-47.

DC74286 IU2-6

IU2-6 is a small molecule USP14 inhibitor, shows 74% inhibition at 8 uM.

DC74287 LN5P45

LN5P45 is a selective, covalent, irreversible inhibitor of ubiquitin thioesterase OTUB2 with IC50 of 2.3 uM, strongly induces monoubiquitination of OTUB2 on Lys31.

DC74288 MS102

MS102 is a small molecule, orally available USP2 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.46 uM, induces transient degradation of ACE2 protein and inhibits ACE2-dependent coronavirus infection.

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