Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Ras-Raf-MAPK-ERK
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DC41041 KRAS inhibitor-9 Featured

KRAS inhibitor-9, a potent KRAS inhibitor (Kd=92 μM), blocks the formation of GTP-KRAS and downstream activation of KRAS. KRAS inhibitor-9 binds to KRAS G12D, KRAS G12C and KRAS Q61H protein with a moderate binding affinity. KRAS inhibitor-9 causes G2/M cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis. KRAS inhibitor-9 selectively inhibits the proliferation of NSCLC cells with KRAS mutation but not normal lung cells.

DC41328 Eudesmin

Eudesmin ((-)-Eudesmin) impairs adipogenic differentiation via inhibition of S6K1 signaling pathway. Eudesmin possesses diverse therapeutic effects, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial activities.

DC41392 (-)-Zuonin A

(-)-Zuonin A (D-Epigalbacin), a naturally occurring lignin, is a potent, selective JNKs inhibitor, with IC50s of 1.7 μM, 2.9 μM and 1.74 μM for JNK1, JNK2 and JNK3, respectively.

DC41524 PKI(5-24)

PKI(5-24) is a potent, competitive, and synthetic peptide inhibitor of PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase), with a Ki of 2.3 nM. PKI(5-24) corresponds to residues 5-24 in the naturally occurring heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor.

DC41525 PKI(5-24) TFA

PKI(5-24) TFA is a potent, competitive, and synthetic peptide inhibitor of PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase), with a Ki of 2.3 nM. PKI(5-24) TFA corresponds to residues 5-24 in the naturally occurring heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor.

DC41640 JIP-1(153-163)

JIP-1(153-163) (TI-JIP) is a peptide inhibitor of c-JNK, based on residues 153-163 of JNK-interacting protein-1 (JIP-1) (Modifications: Phe-11 = C-terminal amide).

DC41641 JIP-1(153-163) TFA

JIP-1(153-163) TFA (TI-JIP TFA) is a peptide inhibitor of c-JNK, based on residues 153-163 of JNK-interacting protein-1 (JIP-1) (Modifications: Phe-11 = C-terminal amide).

DC41729 PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide

PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide is an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA), with a Ki of 2.8 nM. PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide can significantly reverse low-level morphine antinociceptive tolerance in mice.

DC41730 PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide TFA

PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide TFA is an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA), with a Ki of 2.8 nM. PKA Inhibitor Fragment (6-22) amide TFA can significantly reverse low-level morphine antinociceptive tolerance in mice.

DC41731 PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated

PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated is a potent cAMP-dependent PKA inhibitor. PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated reduces the IgG-mediated phagocytic response and also inhibits neutrophil adhesion.

DC41732 PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated TFA

PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated TFA is a potent cAMP-dependent PKA inhibitor. PKI 14-22 amide,myristoylated TFA reduces the IgG-mediated phagocytic response and also inhibits neutrophil adhesion.

DC41817 Rac1 Inhibitor W56

Rac1 Inhibitor W56 is a peptide comprising residues 45-60 of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) recognition/activation site of Rac1. Rac1 Inhibitor W56 selectively inhibits Rac1 interaction with Rac1-specific GEFs TrioN, GEF-H1 and Tiam1.

DC41818 Rac1 Inhibitor W56 TFA

Rac1 Inhibitor W56 TFA is a peptide comprising residues 45-60 of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) recognition/activation site of Rac1. Rac1 Inhibitor W56 TFA selectively inhibits Rac1 interaction with Rac1-specific GEFs TrioN, GEF-H1 and Tiam1.

DC41844 Malantide TFA

Malantide TFA is a synthetic dodecapeptide derived from the site phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) on the β-subunit of phosphorylase kinase. Malantide TFA is a highly specific substrate for PKA with a Km of 15 μM and shows protein inhibitor (PKI) inhibition >90% substrate phosphorylation in various rat tissue extracts. Malantide TFA is also an efficient substrate for PKC with a Km of 16 μM.

DC41906 OVA-E1 peptide

OVA-E1 peptide, is an antagonist variant of SIINFEKL [OVA (257-264). OVA-E1 peptide, activates the p38 and JNK cascades similarly in mutant and wild-type thymocytes.

DC41907 OVA-E1 peptide TFA

OVA-E1 peptide TFA, is an antagonist variant of SIINFEKL [OVA (257-264). OVA-E1 peptide, activates the p38 and JNK cascades similarly in mutant and wild-type thymocytes.

DC42122 Pamoic acid disodium

Pamoic acid disodium is a potent GPR35 agonist with an EC50 value of 79 nM. Pamoic acid disodium induces GPR35 internalization and activates ERK1/2 with EC50 values of 22 nM and 65 nM, respectively. Pamoic acid disodium potently recruits β-arrestin2 to GPR35 and has an antinociceptive effect.

DC42417 ERK-IN-3 Featured

ERK-IN-3 is a potent and oral of ERK. ERK-IN-3 inhibits ERK1/2 with low single-digit nM IC50 values. ERK-IN-3 has the potential to be used to study cancers driven by RAS mutations.

DC42418 ML786 dihydrochloride

ML786 dihydrochloride potent and orally bioavailable Raf, with IC50s of 2.1, 4.2, and 2.5 nM for V600EΔB-Raf, wt B-Raf, and C-Raf, respectively. ML786 dihydrochloride also inhibits Abl-1, DDR2, EPHA2, KDR, and RET (IC50=<0.5, 7.0, 11, 6.2, 0.8 nM). ML786 dihydrochloride can be used for the research of cancers.

DC42419 Antineoplaston A10 Featured

Antineoplaston A10 is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that that can be potentially used for the treatment of glioma, lymphoma, astrocytoma and breast cancer. The main ingredient active of antineoplaston A10 (Phenylacetylglutamine, PG) inhibits RAS and promotes apoptosis.

DC43988 GW806742X hydrochloride

GW806742X hydrochloride, an ATP mimetic and a potent MLKL (Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-Like protein) inhibitor, binds the MLKL pseudokinase domain with a Kd of 9.3 μM. GW806742X hydrochloride has activity against VEGFR2 (IC50=2 nM). GW806742X hydrochlorid

DC44214 CC-90001 Featured

CC-90001 is a potent, selective and orally active inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). CC-90001 shows 12.9-fold selectivity for JNK1 over JNK2 in a cell-based model. CC-90001 can be used for the research of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

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