Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Immunology/Inflammation > Toll-like Receptor (TLR)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC49403 β-D-Glucan

β-D-glucan is a natural non-digestible polysaccharide and high biocompatibility that can be selectively recognized by recognition receptors such as Dectin-1 and Toll-like receptors as well as being easily internalized by murine or human macrophages, which is likely to attribute to a target delivery. β-d-glucan is an enteric delivery vehicle for probiotics.

DC49674 TLR7/8 agonist 6

TLR7/8 agonist 6 (Compound 4) is the potent agonist of TLR7/8 with IC50s of 0.18 and 5.34 μM, respectively. TLR7/8 agonist 6 is an imidazoquinoline derivative compound. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 7 and 8 are key targets in the development of immunomodulatory drugs for treating infectious disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

DC49675 D18

D18 is an immune modulator. D18 acts as a TLR7/8 dual agonist (EC50=24 nM for hTLR7 and 10 nM for hTLR8, respectively). D18 increases PD-L1 expression through epigenetic regulation, thus sensitizing tumors to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. D18 is a ADC cytotoxin uesd for the systhesis of ADC HE-S2.

DC49676 SM-360320

SM-360320 (CL-087) is a potent, oral actively TLR7 agonist. SM-360320 is a mmuno-modulator and exerts an antitumor effect. SM-360320 can act in synergy with DNA vaccines leading to an enhanced Th1 antibody response. SM-360320 can inhibit HCV replication in hepatocytes via a type I IFN-independent mechanism in addition to its IFN-mediated activity.

DC49677 DB-3-291

DB-3-291 is potent and selective CSK degrader, with a Kd of 1 nM.

DC49678 TLR7/8 antagonist 2

TLR7/8 antagonist 2 (Compound 15) is a potent and orally active agonist of TLR7/8 with IC50s of 4.9 and 0.6 nM, respectively. Inappropriate activation of TLR7 and TLR8 is linked to several autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus. TLR7/8 antagonist 2 has the potential for the research of autoimmune diseases.

DC49679 TLR7/8 antagonist 1

TLR7/8 Antagonist 1 (Compound 16c) is the potent antagonist of TLR7/8 with IC50s of 3.91 and 2.19 μM, respectively. TLR7/8 Antagonist 1 is an imidazoquinoline derivative compound. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 7 and 8 are key targets in the development of immunomodulatory drugs for treating infectious disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

DC70264 BMS-905

BMS-905 is a potent dual inhibitor of TLR7 and TLR8 with IC50 of 0.3 nM (TLR7, IL-6 inhibition in mouse blood), shows good selectivity against TLR9 and other TLR family members.

DC70330 CU-72

CU-72 is a potent, selective TLR7/8 dual inhibitor with IC50 of 5.10 and 2.87 uM, respectively.

DC70332 CU-CPD107 Featured

CU-CPD107 is a TLR8-specific small molecule with unique synergistic agonist activities in the presence of ssRNA, but inactive without the aid of ssRNA.CU-CPD107 significantly inhibited of R848-induced signaling in HEK-Blue hTLR8 cells with an IC50 of 13.7 uM.CU-CPD107 only inhibited synthesized small-molecule agonist-induced TLR8 signaling without affecting other TLRs.CU-CPD107 synergistically increased IFN-β, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 mRNA expression levels in the presence of 5 μg/ml ssRNA40 in HEK-Blue hTLR8 cells, whereas CU-CPD107 alone did not. CU-CPD107 only activated TLR8-mediated signaling in the presence of ssRNA.CU-CPD107 showed no pure agonistic activity, addressing a major challenge that has existed for previous TLR7 and TLR8 agonists as vaccine adjuvants or antiviral drugs.

DC70786 SM360320

SM360320 (CL-087, 1V136) is a potent, orally active and selective TLR7 agonist (ligand).SM360320 inhibited HCV replication in Huh-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner in the Huh-7 replicon system, reduced HCV mRNA and protein levels in isolated Huh-7 hepatocytes.SM360320 induced in vivo secretion of interferon alpha (IFNalpha) and exerted a significant antitumor effect in CEA.Tg mice challenged with a syngenic tumor cell line expressing CEA.SM360320 exerts significant antitumor effects and can act in association with DNA-EP for CEA-positive colon cancer and HER2-positive mammary carcinoma.Repeated low dose administration of SM360320 induced hyporesponsiveness or tolerance to TLR2, -7, and -9 activators and limited the course of neural inflammation in an experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model.

DC71126 TL8-506

TL8-506 is a specific TLR8 agonist with an EC50 of 30 nM. TL8-506 can be used for the research of tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases.

DC71529 UC-1V150

UC-1V150 is a specific TLR7 (Toll-like receptor) agonist that stimulates cellular immune responses and has anti-tumor activity. UC-1V150 can be used to synthesize ISAC (Immune-Stimulating Antibody Conjugates) molecule.

DC71530 Agatolimod

Agatolimod (ODN 2006), a class B ODN (oligodeoxynucleotide), is a TLR9 agonist. Agatolimod is also an optimal CpG sequence for humans. Agatolimod stimulates very strong production of NO2 and IL-6 in HD11 cells. Agatolimod can be used for breast cancer research. Sequence: 5'-tcgtcgttttgtcgttttgtcgtt-3'.

DC71531 ODN 1826

ODN 1826, a class B ODN (oligodeoxynucleotide), is a TLR9 agonist. CpG ODN 1826 is an excellent immunostimulator that induces NO and iNOS production in the murine model. CpG ODN 1826 enhances cell apoptosis. ODN 1826 sequence: 5’-tccatgacgttcctgacgtt-3’.

DC71785 CL097 hydrochloride

CL097, a potent TLR7 and TLR8 agonist, induces pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages. CL097 induces NADPH oxidase priming, resulting in an increase of the fMLF-stimulated ROS production.

DC71786 ODN 2395

ODN 2395 is a C class oligodeoxynucleotide and can be used as vaccine adjuvant. ODN 2395 is also a TLR9 agonist. Sequence: 5'-tcgtcgttttcggcgc:gcgccg-3'.

DC71787 ODN 24888

ODN 24888 is an guanine-modified inhibitory oligonucleotides (INH-ODN), shows potent inhibition on TLR7/TLR9-mediated signaling. ODN 24888 impairs IFN-α level and NF-κB activation, inhibits IL-6 release. ODN 24888 involves in immune and inflammatory responses, can be used as a vaccine adjuvant.

DC71788 ODN 24991

ODN 24991, a guanine-modified inhibitory oligonucleotide (INH-ODN), is a TLR3, TLR7 and TLR9 (Toll-like receptor) inhibitor, and its parent is INH-ODN 2088. ODN 24991 disrupts TLR3-, TLR7- and TLR9-mediated immune cell immune responses. ODN 24991 sequence: 5'-C-C-T-G-G-C-c7rGm-G-G-G-3'.

DC71789 ODN D-SL01

ODN D-SL01, a class B CpG ODN (oligodeoxynucleotide), is a TLR9 agonist. ODN D-SL01 has strong immunostimulatory activity in a variety of vertebrate species and has anticancer activity. ODN D-SL01 sequence: 5'- T-C-G-C-G-A-C-G-T-T-C-G-C-C-C-G-A-C-G-T-T-C-G-G-T-A-3'.

DC71790 ODN M362

ODN M362, a class C oligodeoxynucleotide, is a TLR-9 agonist and can be used as a vaccine adjuvant. ODN M362 induces cancer cell apoptosis.


ODN TTAGGG (A151), inhibitory oligonucleotide (ODN), is a TLR9, AIM2 and cGAS antagonist. ODN TTAGGG is immunosuppressive and inhibits AIM2 inflammasome activation, as well as cGAS activation, by competing with DNA. ODN TTAGGG can be used in the study of lupus erythematosus and other related autoimmune diseases. ODN TTAGGG sequence: 5'-T-T-A-G-G-G-T-T-A-G-G-G-T-T-A-G-G-G-T-T-A-G-G-G-3'.

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