Home > Antibody Drug Conjugates > ADC Cytotoxin
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC32583 CL2A-SN-38 Featured

CL2A-SN38 is a SN38 derivative with a peptide-linker which can easily react with antibody to form an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC). CL2A-SN-38 is composed of a potent a DNA Topoisomerase I inhibitor SN-38 and a linker CL2A to make antibody drug conjugate

DC40172 DC41

DC41 is a DC1 derivative. DC1, a simplified analogue of CC-1065, is an antibody conjugate of cytotoxic DNA alkylators for the targeted treatment of cancer.

DC40368 Luisol A

Luisol A, an aromatic tetraol, is a major metabolite of an estuarine marine actinomycete of the genus Streptomyces. Luisol A, anthraquinone antibiotic analog, is an ADC Cytotoxin.

DC40434 Boc-NMe-Val-Val-Dil-Dap-OH

Boc-NMe-Val-Val-Dil-Dap-OH is an ADC Cytotoxin.

DC40435 Boc-Val-Dil-Dap-OH

Boc-Val-Dil-Dap-OH is an ADC Cytotoxin.

DC40444 Boc-Val-Dil-Dap-Phe-OMe

Boc-Val-Dil-Dap-Phe-Ome is an ADC Cytotoxin.

DC40451 Diacetyl Agrochelin

Diacetyl Agrochelin is an acetyl derivative of Agrochelin, which is produced by the fermentation of a marine Agrobacterium sp. Diacetyl Agrochelin has cytotoxic activity in tumor cell lines.

DC40455 Puwainaphycin F

Puwainaphycin F, a cyanobacterial cyclic lipopeptide, is a moderate cytotoxin isolated from the soil cyanobacterium Cylindrospermum alatosporum C24/89. Puwainaphycin F causes necrotic cell death to mammalian cells via cell membrane permeabilization and subsequent unusual actin relocalization.

DC40467 Mytoxin B

Mytoxin B is an ADC cytotoxin. Mytoxin B is a satratoxin-type trichothecene macrolide and is similar to the effect of LY294002. Mytoxin B induces cell apoptosis via PI3K/Akt pathway.

DC40469 Muscotoxin A

Muscotoxin A is an?ADC cytotoxin. Muscotoxin A is a cytotoxic lipopeptide that permeabilizes mammalian cell membranes and induces necrotic cell death.

DC41129 Sandramycin

Sandramycin ia a cyclic depsipeptide antibiotic isolated from cultured broth of a Nocardioides sp. Sandramycin is also a DNA intercalator that potently binds DNA and is an ADC cytotoxin. Sandramycin is active against Gram-positive bacteria and has potent antitumor activity.

DC39818 CL2-SN-38(DCA) Featured

CL2-SN-38 is a cleavable linker-based antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) containing the topoisomerase I inhibitor SN-38 and a maleimidocaproyl linker. CL2-SN-38 has been linked to tumor-selective human monoclonal antibodies, such as anti-CEACAM5 (hMN-14) to target SN-38 to tumor sites and improve its solubility. CL2-SN-38 linked to hMN-14 binds (Kd = 1.4 nM) and is cytotoxic to LoVo human colon adenocarcinoma cells (IC50 = 5.3 nM). CL2-SN-38 linked to hMN-14 increases survival in a colon carcinoma mouse model of lung metastasis.

DC42430 Trastuzumab emtansine

Trastuzumab emtansine (Ado-Trastuzumab emtansine) is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) that incorporates the HER2-targeted antitumor properties of trastuzumab with the cytotoxic activity of the microtubule-inhibitory agent DM1 (derivative of maytansine). Trastuzumab emtansine can be used for the research of advanced breast cancer.

DC44783 7-Aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin

7-Aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin is a cytotoxin of MC-AAA-NHCH2OCH2COO-7-aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin. 7-Aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin can be used for the synthesis of camptothecin antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).

DC44784 MC-AAA-NHCH2OCH2COO-7-aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin

MC-AAA-NHCH2OCH2COO-7-aminomethyl-10-methyl-11-fluoro camptothecin (compound 21a), a camptothecin payload, can be conjugated to a monoclonal antibody (mAb) for the synthesis of camptothecin antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).


7-MAD-MDCPT, a Camptothecin analog, is a toxin payload in antibody drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC45523 Seco-DUBA hydrochloride

Seco-DUBA hydrochloride is a toxin for ADC drug SYD985.

DC45695 Thailanstatin A Featured

Thailanstatin A is an ultra-potent inhibitor of eukaryotic RNA splicing (IC50=650 nM). Thailanstatin A exerts effects via non-covalent binding to the SF3b subunit of the U2 snRNA subcomplex of the spliceosome and shows low-nM to sub-nM IC50s against multiple cancer cell lines. Thailanstatin A, a payload for ADCs, is conjugated to the lysines on trastuzumab yielding “linker-less” ADC.

DC57041 N-​Me-​L-​Ala-​maytansinol Featured

N-​Me-​L-​Ala-​maytansinol is a maytansine derivative. .N-​Me-​L-​Ala-​maytansinol can be used for synthesis of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).

DC46215 Tubulysin IM-1

Tubulysin IM-1 is an ADC Cytotoxin and tubulin binder used as anti-microtubule toxins.

DC46252 Azonafide-PEABA

Azonafide-PEABA is a cytotoxic drug moiety.

DC46260 DMEA-PNU-159682

DMEA-PNU-159682 (molecule D12) is a ADC cytotoxin molecule including metabolites of nemorubicin (MMDX) from liver microsomes and a potent ADCs cytotoxin PNU-159682.

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