Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Nuclear Receptor/Transcription Factor > Androgen Receptor (AR)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC28928 SK33

SK33, a trifluoromethylated enobosarm analog, is a potent, and tissue selective anti-androgen. SK33reduces androgen receptor (AR) transcriptional activity.

DC28943 11-Ketodihydrotestosterone

11-Ketodihydrotestosterone (11-KDHT; 5α-Dihydro-11-keto testosterone) is an endogenous steroid and a metabolite of 11β-Hydroxyandrostenedione. 11-Ketodihydrotestosterone is an active androgen and is also a potent androgen receptor (AR) agonist with a Ki of 20.4 nM and an EC50 of 1.35 nM for human AR. 11-Ketodihydrotestosterone drives gene regulation, protein expression and cell growth in androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells.

DC40171 (R)-UT-155

(R)-UT-155 (compound 11) is a selective androgen receptor degrader (SARD) ligand. Less active than the S-isomer.

DC40448 Androgen receptor antagonist 1

Androgen receptor antagonist 1 is an orally available full androgen receptor (AR) antagonist with an IC50 of 59 nM. Androgen receptor antagonist 1 (Compound 6) can be used in the synthesis of PROTAC AR degraders, which results 24% and 47 % AR protein degradation in LNCaP cells at 1 μM and 10 μM, respectively.

DC41093 Apalutamide D4

Apalutamide D4 (ARN-509 D4) is a deuterium labeled Apalutamide. Apalutamide is a potent and competitive androgen receptor (AR) antagonist, binding AR with an IC50 of 16 nM.

DC41259 Bromopropylate

Bromopropylate is a pesticide with moderate anti-androgenic activities.

DC42465 ABM-14

ABM-14 is a ligand for targeting androgen receptor (AR) for PROTAC. ABM-14 binds to a ligand for VHL via linker to form ARCC-4 to degrade AR。

DC42525 (R)-Bicalutamide

(R)-Bicalutamide is the (R)-enantiomer of Bicalutamide. (R)-Bicalutamide is an androgen receptor (AR) antagonist, with an antineoplastic activity. (R)-Bicalutamide is widely used for the research of prostate cancer.

DC44798 ARV-110 Featured

ARV-110 is an orally active, specific androgen receptor (AR) PROTAC degrader. ARV-110 promotes ubiquitination and degradation of AR. ARV-110 can be used for the research of prostate cancer.

DC45606 CLP-3094

CLP-3094 is a potent BF3 (binding function 3)-directed inhibitor of the androgen receptor (AR). CLP-3094 inhibits AR transcriptional activity (IC50=4 μM). CLP-3094 is a selective, potent GPR142 antagonist.

DC45607 JNJ-63576253 (TRC-253) Featured

JNJ-63576253 (TRC-253) is a potent and selective androgen receptor (AR) Antagonist with IC50 of 6.9 nM. JNJ-63576253 displays robust inhibition in WT and LBD-mutated, enzalutamide-resistant models of prostate cancer.

DC45884 Honokiol DCA

Honokiol DCA (Honokiol dichloroacetate) is a dichloroacetate analog of Honokiol. Honokiol DCA can inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells in vitro and suppress the androgen receptor (AR) protein level.

DC46941 Cl-4AS-1

Cl-4AS-1, a potent steroidal androgen receptor (AR) agonist (IC50 = 12 nM), is also an inhibitor of 5α-reductase types I and II (IC50 = 6 and 10 nM, respectively).

DC47001 Rezvilutamide

Rezvilutamide (SHR3680) is an androgen receptor antagonist. Rezvilutamide (SHR3680) is used for the study of prostate cancer.

DC47094 MK-3984

MK-3984 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). MK-3984 can be used for the research of muscle wasting associated with cancer.

DC47757 A4B17

A4B17 is an androgen receptor N-terminal inhibitor for treating androgen-responsive prostate cancer.

DC47996 Enzalutamide-d6

Enzalutamide D3 is a deuterium labeled Enzalutamide (MDV3100). Enzalutamide is an androgen receptor (AR) antagonist with an IC50 of 36 nM in LNCaP prostate cells.

DC48068 (rac)-PF-998425

(rac)-PF-998425 is a potent, selective, nonsteroidal androgen receptor (AR) antagonist. (rac)-PF-998425 has IC50 values of 26 and 90 nM in the AR binding and cellular assays, respectively. (rac)-PF-998425 has the potential for the research of the androgenetic alopecia.

DC48630 HG122

HG122 promotes androgen receptor (AR) degradation through the proteasome pathway inhibiting the castration-resistant prostate cancer.

DC50159 Ar-V7-IN-1

Ar-V7-IN-1 is a potent inhibitor of Ar-V7. AR-V7 is a hormone-independent splice variant of the androgen receptor. Ar-V7-IN-1 has the potential for the research of various indications, in particular cancers such as prostate cancer (extracted from patent WO2018114781A1, compound 43).

DC70525 JNJ-pan-AR

JNJ-pan-AR is a highly potent, selective antagonist of androgen receptor (AR) wild-type and F877L mutant for the treatment of the F877L mutant and wild-type CRPC.

DC70885 VPC-13789

VPC-13789 (VPC13789) is a potent, selective, orally available inhibitor of androgen receptor binding function-3 (BF3) site.VPC-13789 suppresses AR-mediated transcription, chromatin binding, and recruitment of coregulatory proteins.VPC-13789 selectively reduces the growth of both androgen-dependent and enzalutamide-resistant PCa cell lines.VPC-13789 demonstrated in vitro efficacy that reduced PSA production and tumor volume in animal models of CRPC with no observed toxicity.

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