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DC20611 A4250 Featured

A4250 (A-4250, Odevixibat) is a small molecule ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) inhibitor for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases including progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and NASH..

DC8406 A-438079 HCl Featured

A-438079 HCl is a potent, and selective P2X7 receptor antagonist with pIC50 of 6.9.

DC7538 A66 Featured

A66 is a potent and specific p110α inhibitor with IC50 of 32 nM, >100 fold selectivity for p110α over other class-I PI3K isoforms.

DC5163 A-674563 Featured

A-674563 is a potent, orally available Akt1 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 11nM. Also displays activity against PKA and CDK2 with IC50 values of 16nM and 46nM respectively.

DC7045 A-769662 Featured

A-769662 is a potent, reversible AMPK activator with EC50 of 0.8 μM, little effect on GPPase/FBPase activity.

DC11372 A-779 Featured

A-779 is a peptide antagonist of the Mas receptor, also known as the angiotensin (1-7) (Ang (1-7)) receptor (IC50 = 0.3 nM in a radioligand binding assay).

DC2061 A-803467 Featured

A-803467 is a selective NaV1.8 channel blocker with IC50 of 8 nM.

DC9954 A 804598 Featured

A-804598 is a novel, competitive, and selective P2X7 receptor antagonist with IC50 of 10 nM, 9 nM and 11 nM in rat, mouse and human P2X7 receptors respectively.

DC7286 A83-01 Featured

A83-01 is a selective inhibitor of TGF-β type I receptor ALK5 kinase, type I activin/nodal receptor ALK4 and type I nodal receptor ALK7 (IC50 values are 12, 45 and 7.5 nM respectively).

DC11304 A939572 Featured

A939572 is a potent, and orally bioavailable SCD1 inhibitor with IC50 values of <4 nM and 37 nM for mSCD1 and hSCD1, respectively.

DC7046 A-966492 Featured

A-966492 is a novel and potent inhibitor of PARP1 and PARP2 with Ki of 1 nM and 1.5 nM, respectively.

DC20616 AA 41612 Featured

AA 41612 is a potent, synthetic melanopsin antagonist with IC50 of 15.8 nM, attenuates melanopsin photocurrent in a dose-dependent manner.

DC23277 AA-115 Featured

AA-115 (APG 115) is a potent and orally active MDM2 inhibitor with Ki <1 nM, potently inhibits SJSA-1 cell growth with IC50 of 60 nM.

DC21979 ATF6 agonist compound A147 Featured

ATF6 agonist compound A147 is a specific, small molecule agonist of transcription factor ATF6, activates ATF6 and influences differentiation of stem cells.147 has broad antiviral activity against multiple DENV strains and serotypes and that the compound i

DC10165 AA26-9 Featured

AA26-9 is a potent and broad spectrum serine hydrolase inhibitor.

DC20618 AAI-101 Featured

AAI-101 is a novel extended-spectrum β-lactamase inhibitor with activity against many β-lactamases, including some class A and class D carbapenemases.

DC23864 AAL993 Featured

AAL993 (ZK260253) is a potent, orally active VEGFR inhibitor with IC50 of 130, 23 and 18 nM for VEGFR-1, 2 and 3, respectively.

DC10797 AB-423 Featured

AB-423 is the first-generation Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly inhibitor, which was generally safe and well tolerated in Phase 1 healthy volunteer studies.

DC21981 CD73 inhibitor AB-680 Featured

AB680 (AB-680) is a highly potent, selective, reversible inhibitor of CD73 with Ki/IC50 of 4.9/70 pM (hCD73), displays > 10,000-fold selectivity against related ecto-nucleotidases (CD39, NTPDases 2/3/8) and a large panel of unrelated enzymes, receptors, a

DC8161 Xeglyze(Abametapir) Featured

Abametapir is the active ingredient of Xeglyze Lotion.

DC11452 ABBV-744 Featured

ABBV-744 is a BDII-selective BET bromodomain inhibitor that is being investigated to treat AML and metastic castration-resistant prostate cancer.BBV-744, a highly potent and selective inhibitor of the BD2 domain of BET family proteins with drug-like properties. In contrast to the broad range of cell growth inhibition induced by DbBi, the antiproliferative activity of ABBV-744 was largely, but not exclusively, restricted to cell lines of acute myeloid leukaemia and prostate cancer that expressed the full-length androgen receptor (AR). ABBV-744 retained robust activity in prostate cancer xenografts, and showed fewer platelet and gastrointestinal toxicities than the DbBi ABBV-07514.Analyses of RNA expression and chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing revealed that ABBV-744 displaced BRD4 from AR-containing super-enhancers and inhibited AR-dependent transcription, with less impact on global transcription compared with ABBV-075. These results underscore the potential value of selectively targeting the BD2 domain of BET family proteins for cancer therapy.

DC11299 ABC 1183 Featured

ABC1183 is a potent, selective, orally active GSK3α/β and CDK9 inhibitor with IC50 of 327/657 nM and 321 nM (CDK9/cyclin T1), shows growth inhibitory activity against a broad panel of cancer cell lines; decreases cell survival through G2/M arrest and modu

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