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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC44942 H2L 5765834

H2L 5765834 is an antagonist of lysophosphatidic acid receptors LPA1, LPA3, and LPA5, with IC50s of 94, 752, and 463 nM respectively.

DC44944 JHU37160 Featured

JHU37160 is a potent and brain-penetrant DREADD agonist, with EC50s of 18.5 nM and 0.2 nM for hM3Dq and hM4Di DREADDs in HEK-293 cells, respectively. JHU37160 exhibits selective [3H]Clozapine displacement from DREADDs and not from other Clozapine-binding sites in mice brain tissue.

DC44945 JHU37152 Featured

JHU37152 is a Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drug (DREADD) agonist with Ki of 1.8 nM and 8.7 nM for human muscarinic acetylcholine M3 receptors (hM3Dq) and hM4Di in vitro, respectively. And EC50 values are 5 nM and 0.5 nM for hM3Dq and hM4Di in fluorescent and BRET-based assays in HEK-293 cells, respectively.,hM4Di [1](Cell-free assay) hM3Dq [1](Cell-free assay) hM3Dq [1](Cell-free assay) hM4Di [1](Cell-free assay) 0.5 nM(EC50) 1.8 nM(Ki) 5 nM(EC50) 8.7 nM(Ki),JHU37152 is a potent DREADD agonist with high potency and efficacy in fluorescent and BRET-based assays in HEK-293 cells, whereas no responses are observed in untransfected HEK-293 cells.[1],JHU37152 exhibits high in vivo DREADD potency. JHU37152 exhibits selective [3H]clozapine displacement from DREADDs in brain tissue from WT and D1-DREADD mice.[1]

DC44948 MSG606

MSG606 is a potent human MC1 receptor antagonist (IC50=17 nM). MSG606 also partial agonist at human MC3 and MC5 receptors (EC50 values are 59 and 1300 nM, respectively). MSG606 exhibits binding affinity for A375 melanoma cells in vitro. MSG606 reverses morphine-induced hyperalgesia in female mice, with no effect in male mice.

DC44949 JKC363

JKC363, a selective melanocortin MC4 receptor antagonist, has a 90-fold higher affinity at the MC4 receptor (IC50=0.5 nM) than at the MC3 receptor (44.9 nM). JKC-363 blocks the stimulatory effect of α-MSH on TRH release. Anti-hyperalgesic effect.

DC44950 α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH), amide TFA

α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH), amide TFA is an endogenous neuropeptide, with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities. α-MSH is a post-translational derivative of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), acts as an endogenous melanocortin receptor 4 (MC4R) agonist.

DC44951 γ-1-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH), amide

γ-1-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH), amide is a 11-amino acid peptide. γ-1-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) regulates sodium (Na+) balance and blood pressure through activation of the melanocortin receptor 3 (MC3-R).

DC44952 L-AP4 monohydrate

L-AP4 (L-APB) monohydrate is a potent and specific agonist for the group III mGluRs, with EC50s of 0.13, 0.29, 1.0, 249 μM for mGlu4, mGlu8, mGlu6 and mGlu7 receptors, respectively.

DC44953 ML337

ML337 is a selective and brain-penetrant negative allosteric modulator of mGlu3, with an IC50 of 593 nM. ML337 possesses a favorable dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (DMPK) and ancillary pharmacology profile.

DC44954 VU-1545

VU-1545 is a metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 positive allosteric modulator (mGluR5 PAM) with a Ki of 156 nM and an EC50 of 9.6 nM.

DC44955 RO0711401

RO0711401 is a selective and orally active positive allosteric modulator of mGlu1 receptor with an EC50 of 56 nM.

DC44956 MFZ 10-7 hydrochloride

MFZ 10-7 hydrochloride is a highly potent and selective mGluR5 NAM (negative allosteric modulator), with a Ki of 0.67 nM for rat mGluR5. MFZ 10-7 hydrochloride inhibits cocaine-taking and cocaine-seeking behavior in rats.

DC44957 JF-NP-26

JF-NP-26, an inactive photocaged derivative of raseglurant, is the first caged mGlu5 receptor negative allosteric modulator. Uncaging of JF-NP-26 is elicited with light pulses in the visible spectrum (405 nm). JF-NP-26 induces light-dependent analgesia in models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain in freely behaving animals.

DC44958 (±)-LY367385

(±)-LY367385 is the racemate of LY367385. LY367385 is a highly potent and selective mGluR1a antagonist. LY367385 has an IC50 of 8.8 μM for inhibits of quisqualate-induced phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis, compared with > 100 μM for mGlu5a.

DC44959 VU0080241

VU0080241 is a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 4 (mGluR4), with an EC50 of 4.6 μM.

DC44970 Neuropeptide S(Mouse)

Neuropeptide S(Mouse) is a potent endogenous neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR) agonist (EC50=3 nM). Neuropeptide S(Mouse) induces mobilization of intracellular Ca2+. Neuropeptide S(Mouse) increases locomotor activity and wakefulness in mice. Neuropeptide S(Mouse) also reduces anxiety-like behavior in mice.

DC44971 RFRP-1(human)

RFRP-1(human) is a potent endogenous NPFF receptor agonist (EC50 values are 0.0011 and 29 nM for NPFF2 and NPFF1, respectively). Attenuates contractile function of isolated rat and rabbit cardiac myocytes. Reduces heart rate, stroke volume, ejection fraction and cardiac output, and increases plasma prolactin levels in rats.

DC44976 LY2940094 tartrate

LY2940094 (BTRX-246040) tartrate is a potent, brain penetrant, selective and orally available N/OFQ peptide (NOP) receptor antagonist with high affinity (Ki=0.105 nM) and antagonist potency (Kb=0.166 nM). LY2940094 tartrate reduces Ethanol self-administration and Ethanol seeking in animal models.

DC45185 Denufosol tetrasodium

Denufosol tetrasodium (INS37217) is a long-acting P2Y2 receptor agonist, which exhibits an EC50 of ~10 μM for P2Y2 receptor activation.

DC45186 MRS2279

MRS2279 is a selective and high affinity P2Y1 receptor antagonist, with a Ki of 2.5 nM and an IC50 of 51.6 nM. MRS2279 competitively inhibits ADP-promoted platelet aggregation with an apparent affnity (pKB=8.05).

DC45259 Protease-Activated Receptor-3 (PAR-3) (1-6), human TFA

Protease-Activated Receptor-3 (PAR-3) (1-6), human TFA is a proteinase-activated receptor (PAR-3) agonist peptide.

DC45260 Parstatin(mouse)

Parstatin(mouse), a cell-penetrating PAR-1 thrombin receptor agonist peptide, is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis.

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