Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > PI3K/Akt/mTOR > PI3K
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC9708 Paxalisib (GDC-0084) Featured

GDC-0084 (RG7666), is a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity.

DC10035 GDC-0326

GDC-0326 is a potent and selective inhibitor of α-Isoform of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3Kalpha inhibitor).

DC9592 GDC-0941 (dimethanesulfonate)

GDC-0941 2 MeSO3H salt is a potent inhibitor of PI3Kα/δ with IC50 of 3 nM, with modest selectivity against p110β (11-fold) and p110γ (25-fold).

DC1054 GDC0941(Pictilisib) Featured

GDC-0941 is a potent inhibitor of PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ with IC50 of 3 nM, 33 nM, 3 nM and 75 nM, respectively.

DC5081 Apitolisib Featured

GDC-0980 (RG7422) is a potent, class I PI3K inhibitor for PI3Kα/β/δ/γ with IC50 of 5 nM/27 nM/7 nM/14 nM, respectively. Also a mTOR inhibitor with Ki of 17 nM, and highly selective versus others PIKK family kinases.

DC8410 GNE-317 Featured

GNE-317 is a potent, brain-penetrant PI3K inhibitor.

DC8257 GNE 477 Featured

GNE-477 is a potent and efficacious dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor with IC50 of 4 nM for PI3Kα, Kiapp is 21 nM for mTOR.

DC8502 GNE-490 Featured

GNE-490 is a highly selective pan-PI3K inhibitor and demonstrates selectivity over mTOR.

DC7953 GNE-493 Featured

GNE-493 is a potent, selective, and orally available dual pan-PI3K/mTOR inhibitor with IC50s of 3.4/12/16/16/32 nM for PI3Kα/PI3Kβ/PI3Kγ/PI3Kδ/mTOR respectively.

DC9515 PI3K inhibitor GS1059615

GSK1059615 is a dual inhibitor of PI3Kα/β/δ/γ (reversible) and mTOR with IC50 of 0.4 nM/0.6 nM/2 nM/5 nM and 12 nM, respectively.

DC7141 Omipalisib Featured

GSK2126458 is a highly selective and potent inhibitor of PI3K with Ki of 0.019 nM/0.13 nM/0.024 nM/0.06 nM and 0.18 nM/0.3 nM for p110α/β/δ/γ, mTORC1/2 , respectively.

DC9943 PI3Kδ inhibitor GS2269557

GSK-2269557 is a potent and selective PI3Kδ inhibitor over the closely related isoforms.

DC9944 PI3Kδ inhibitor GS2292767

GSK2292767 is a potent and selective PI3Kδ inhibitor.

DC7156 IC-87114 Featured

IC-87114 was the first isoform-selective PI3K inhibitor. p110δ(IC50 = 0.13 μM) vs. p110α(IC50 = 200 μM), p110β(IC50 = 16 μM) and p110γ(IC50 = 61 μM).

DC7873 INK-055 (PI3Kγ inhibitor 1)

INK055 is a dual PI3Kg/d inhibitor.

DC5072 Duvelisib (IPI-145, INK1197) Featured

IPI-145 is an orally bioavailable, highly selective and potent small molecule inhibitor of the delta and gamma isoforms of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities.

DC9829 IPI-549 Featured

IPI-549 is an orally administered immuno-oncology development candidate that selectively inhibits PI3K-gamma.

DC12386 Leniolisib (CDZ173) Featured

Leniolisib (CDZ173) is a potent and selective PI3Kδ inhibitor currently in phase II/III clinical trials for the treatment of immunodeficiency disorders.

DC10754 LX2343 Featured

LX-2343 is a novel non-ATP competitive PI3K inhibitor, negatively regulating AKT/mTOR signaling, thus promoting autophagy, and increasing A-beta clearance.

DC1058 LY294002 Featured

LY294002 is a PI3K inhibitor for p110α, p110δ and p110β with IC50 of 0.5 μM, 0.57 μM and 0.97 μM, respectively.

DC10219 LY3023414 Featured

LY3023414 is an oral ATP competitive inhibitor of the class I PI3K isoforms, mTOR and DNA-PK.

DC10871 MTX211 Featured

MTX-211 is a dual inhibitor of EGFR and PI3K, used for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

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