Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > PI3K/Akt/mTOR > PI3K
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC48352 PI3Kδ-IN-9

PI3Kδ-IN-9 is a selective PI3Kδ inhibitor with an IC50 value of 3.8 nM.

DC48445 α-Linolenic acid-13C18

α-Linolenic acid-13C18 is the 13C labeled α-Linolenic acid. α-Linolenic acid, isolated from seed oils, is an essential fatty acid that cannot be synthesized by humans. α-Linolenic acid can affect the process of thrombotic through the modulation of PI3K/Akt signaling. α-Linolenic acid possess the anti-arrhythmic properties and is related to cardiovascular disease and cancer.

DC48793 ETP-47037

ETP-47037 is a potent and inhibitor of PI3Kα isoform with an IC50 value of 0.99 nM. ETP-47037 also inhibits the PI3Kβ, PI3Kδ, and PI3Kγ isoforms, with IC50 values of 49.2, 7.13, and 49.1 nM, respectively. ETP-47037 has the potential for the research of chemical modulation of telomere protection.

DC48966 PI3Kβ-IN-1

PI3Kβ-IN-1 (compound (P)-14) is a selective and orally active PI3Kβ inhibitor, with an IC50 of 2 nM.

DC50049 PI3K-IN-26

PI3K-IN-26 is a potent PI3K inhibitor with an IC50 of 36 nM for SU-DHL-6 cells (WO2016066142A1, compound 1).

DC50050 PI3Kδ/γ-IN-1

PI3Kδ/γ-IN-1 is a potent, selective PI3K-δ/γ inhibitor for treatment of hematological malignancies.

DC50054 Viridin

Viridin is a secondary metabolite and naturally occurring furanosteroid. Viridin is potent inhibitor of the lipid kinase PI3K.

DC70027 PI3Ka-IN-5

PI3Ka-IN-5 (compound 6 ab) is a potent PI3Kα/mTOR inhibitor, with an IC50 of 0.7 nM and 3.3 nM, respectively. PI3Ka-IN-5 can be used for the research of colorectal cancer.

DC70028 PI3K-IN-30

PI3K-IN-30 (compound 6d) is a potent PI3K inhibitor with IC50s of 5.1, 136, 30.7 and 8.9 nM for PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kγ and PI3Kδ, respectively.

DC70029 PI3K-IN-27

PI3K-IN-27 is a potent inhibitor of PI3K. PI3K belongs to a large family of lipid signaling kinase that plays key role in cellular process including cell growth, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. PI3K-IN-27 has the potential for the research of hyper-proliferative diseases like cancer and inflammation, or immune and autoimmune diseases (extracted from patent WO2021233227A1, compound 1).

DC70030 PI3K-IN-29

PI3K-IN-29 is a potent PI3K inhibitor. PI3K-IN-29 displays good inhibition potencies against U87MG, HeLa and HL60 cells with IC50 values of 0.264, 2.04 and 1.14 µM, respectively. PI3K-IN-29 inhibits PI3K/Akt pathway by inhibiting phosphorylation of Akt that is catalyzed by PI3K.

DC70031 PI3K/AKT-IN-1

PI3K/AKT-IN-1 is an effective PI3K/AKT dual inhibitor (IC50 of 6.99, 4.01 and 3.36 μM for PI3Kγ, PI3Kδ and AKT, respectively). PI3K/AKT-IN-1 has anticancer activity and acts by inhibiting PI3K/AKT axis and inducing caspase 3 dependent apoptosis.

DC70321 CPL302-253

CPL302-253 is a potent, selective inhibitor of PI3Kδ with IC50 of 12.2 nM and Kd of 0.83 nM, >350-fold selectivity over PI3K isoforms α, β, and γ (IC50>4,500 nM); CPL302-253 displays no off-target interaction in KinomeScan assays. CLP302-253 blocks activation of primary lymphoid cells in vitro, blocks IL-33 cytokine production in epithelial and T cell co-cultures. CLP302-253 bocks eosinophil infiltration to the lungs and IL-33 expression in HDM induced asthma mouse model.

DC70401 FAPL-PI3Ki1

FAPL-PI3Ki1 is a specific FAP-targeted PI3K inhibitor that selectively targets FAP-expressing human IPF lung fibroblasts and potently inhibits collagen synthesis.FAPL-PI3Ki1 significantly inhibited phosphorylation of Akt in IPF fibroblasts with IC50 of 200 nM, also inhibited phosphorylation of 4E-BP1.FAPL-PI3Ki1 induced suppression of TGFb1-stimulated collagen production and phosphorylation of Akt in IPF fibroblasts requires participation of FAP.FAPL-PI3Ki1 suppressed production of hydroxyproline (major building block of collagen), reduced collagen deposition, and increased mouse survival in a mouse model of IPF inhibited PI3K activation in fibrotic lungs.

DC70705 PQR514 Featured

PQR514 is a potent selective pan-PI3K inhibitor with binding Ki of 2.2 and 33 nM for p110α and mTOR, repectively.PQR514 inhibits phosphorylated S6 ribosomal protein (pS6, Ser235/236) and phosphorylation PKB Ser473 in A2058 cells with IC50 of 17 and 68 nM, respectively.PQR514 displays negligible interference with protein kinase activities at 10 uM in a KINOMEScan panel.PQR514 exhibits growth inhibition in vitro across a panel of 66 tumor cells with GI50 of 0.25 uM.PQR514 demonstrates significant antitumor activity aginst OVCAR-3 human ovarian cancer xenograft model in BALB/c nude mice.

DC71172 NVP-CLR457 Featured

NVP-CLR457 (compound 40) is an orally active, potent and balanced pan-class I PI3K inhibitor. NVP-CLR457 shows a clear dose-dependent PK/PD/efficacy relationship. NVP-CLR457 has antitumor activity.

DC71616 Umbralisib sulfate

Umbralisib sulfate is an orally active, potent and selective dual PI3Kδ and casein kinase-1-ε (CK1ε) inhibitor, with EC50 of 22.2 nM and 6.0 μM, respectively. Umbralisib sulfate exhibits unique immunomodulatory effects on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) T cells. Umbralisib sulfate can be used for haematological malignancies reseach.

DC71903 NVP-BBD130

NVP-BBD130 is a potent, stable, ATP-competitive and orally active dual PI3K and mTOR inhibitor.

DC71904 Umbralisib tosylate

Umbralisib (TGR-1202) tosylate is an orally active, potent and selective dual PI3Kδ and casein kinase-1-ε (CK1ε) inhibitor, with EC50 of 22.2 nM and 6.0 μM, respectively. Umbralisib tosylate exhibits unique immunomodulatory effects on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) T cells. Umbralisib tosylate can be used for haematological malignancies reseach.

DC71905 Vulolisib

Vulolisib is a potent and orally active phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, with IC50 values of 0.2 nM, 168 nM, 90 nM and 49 nM for PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kγ and PI3Kδ, respectively. Antiproliferative and antineoplastic activity.

DC72739 FAP-PI3KI1

FAP-PI3KI1 is a fibroblast-activated protein (FAP)-targeted PI3K inhibitor that selectively targets FAP-expressing human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) cells and effectively inhibits collagen synthesis and reduces collagen deposition.

DC72848 Leniolisib phosphate Featured

Leniolisib (CDZ173) phosphate is a potent and selective PI3Kδ inhibitor. Leniolisib phosphate has the potential for immunodeficiency disorders treatment.

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