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DC7028 SB242235 Featured

SB-242235 is a potent and selective p38 MAP kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 1.0 uM.

DC9873 Selonsertib(GS-4997) Featured

Selonsertib(GS-4997)is an orally bioavailable inhibitor of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), with potential anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic and anti-fibrotic activities.

DC12355 Ceralifimod (ONO-4641)

Ceralifimod is selective, high potent agonist for sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors 1 and 5, with EC50s of 27.3, 334 pM for human S1P receptor 1 and 5, respectively.

DC7694 BAF312 (Siponimod) Featured

BAF312 is a potent and selective agonist of S1P with EC50 value of 0.39nM for S1P1 receptors and 0.98nM for S1P5 receptors, respectively

DC8598 PLK1 inhibitor GSK461364 Featured

GSK461364 is a potent small molecule Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) inhibitor with a Ki of 2.2 nM.

DC1076 Otenabant(CP945598.HCl) Featured

CP-945598 HCl is a potent and selective cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonist with Ki of 0.7 nM.

DC11735 Remdesivir(GS-5734) Featured

Remdesivir is a novel RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase,(RdRp) inhibitor. The purity of remdesivir>99.8%,signal impurity<0.05%.

DC26208 Remdesivir metabolite(GS-441524) Featured

Remdesivir metabolite.Remdesivir blocks SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV in HAE cells with EC50s of both 74 Nm,and also showed potent activity blocking 2019-nCov(Coronavirus).

DC26230 Furin Inhibitor I Featured

Furin inhibitor I is a selective, irreversible, and cell-permeable competitive inhibitor of proprotein convertases, including furin/SPC1 (Ki = ~1 nM), SPC2/PC2 (Ki = 0.36 nM), SPC3/PC1/PC3 (Ki = 2.0 nM), SPC4/PACE4 (Ki = 3.6 nM), SPC6/PC5/PC6, and SPC7/LP

DC26232 DX 600(ACE2 Inhibitor) Featured

DX600 is a potent and selective peptide inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2; Kis = 2.8, 200, and 1,200 nM for recombinant, human, and murine ACE2, respectively).

DC26231 Furin Inhibitor II(Hexa-D-arginine) Featured

Inhibitor of furin (Ki values are 0.106, 0.58 and 13.2 μM for furin, PACE4 and PC1 respectively).

DC27000 SPR741 (NAB741) Featured

SPR741 (NAB741) is a cationic peptide derived from polymyxin B and is a potentiator molecule. SPR741 increases the permeability of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and is used to treat severe Gram-negative bacteria infections. SPR741 inhibits

DC27020 Arbidol analog Featured

A Arbidol analog which showed affinity against both H3 (1150-fold) and H1 (98-fold) hemagglutinin subtypes than Arbidol.

DC27035 EIDD-2801(Molnupiravir) Featured

Molnupiravir, also known as EIDD-2801 and MK-4482, is an orally bioavailable form of a highly potent ribonucleoside analog that inhibits the replication of multiple RNA viruses including SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. EIDD-2801 has been show

DC28010 Carolacton

Carolacton is a novel MTHFD1 inhibitor,an antibacterial compound,also showed potent activity against COVID-19(SARS-COV-2).

DC28040 SBP1(spike-binding peptide 1) Featured

SBP1(spike-binding peptide 1) is a first-in-class peptide binder to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. SBP1 specifically binds SARS-CoV-2-RBD with low nanomolar affinity. SBP1 to the RBD was determined to be 47 nM with the average Kon = 4.69*104M-1S-1 and Koff

DC28041 BIOTIN-PEG4-SBP1(spike-binding peptide 1) Featured

Biotin modification of SBP1.SBP1(spike-binding peptide 1) is a first-in-class peptide binder to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. SBP1 specifically binds SARS-CoV-2-RBD with low nanomolar affinity. SBP1 to the RBD was determined to be 47 nM with the average Kon = 4.69*104M-1S-1 and Koff=2.2*10-3.The interaction between SBP1 and the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was validated by bio-layer interferometry. The KD, derived from protein association and dissociation kinetics, was found to be 47 nM after averaging the fitting values at different protein concentrations. The amino acid sequence of SBP1 is entirely derived from human ACE2 and should be recognized as endogenous by the human immune system. This feature could be highly beneficial in later stages of pre-clinical development.

DC31005 GRP-60367 Featured

GRP-60367 is a first-in-class direct-acting RABV inhibitor with EC50 from 2 to 52 nM (different host cell lines) that blocks RABV G protein-mediated viral entry.

DC31006 WP1122 Featured

WP-1122(WP 1122) is a candidate drug to treat SARS-COV-2(COVID-19) .2-DG completely prevented SARS-CoV–2 replication in Caco–2 cells. Glycolysis is a process by which cells convert glucose into energy and infected (host) cells are induced by viruses to dramatically increase their dependence on glycolysis. WP1122 is a prodrug of 2-DG whereby chemical elements are added to 2-DG to improve its delivery in vivo.

DC31010 S-Hydroxychloroquine Featured

S enantiomer of Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is a potent drug for the COVID-19 trement.

DC31011 R-Hydroxychloroquine Featured

R enantiomer of Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is a potent drug for the COVID-19 trement.

DC39023 AT-511(Bemnifosbuvir free base) Featured

AT-511, the free base form of AT-527, against several coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. In normal human airway epithelial (HAE) cell preparations, the average concentration of AT-511 required to inhibit replication of S

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