Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Immunology/Inflammation > STING
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC72643 CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-PEG4-Azide

CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-PEG4-Azide is a conjugatable STING ligand, it is synthesized from the proprietary cyclic dinuleotide CL845. CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-PEG4-Azide can be used for bioconjugation.

DC72644 CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-C5-MC

CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-C5-MC is a conjugatable STING ligand, it is synthesized from the proprietary cyclic dinuleotide CL845. CL845-PAB-Ala-Val-C5-MC can be used for bioconjugation.

DC72645 C-di-IMP

C-di-IMP (Cyclic-di-IMP) is a STING agonist. C-di-IMP can be used for the research of tumor.

DC72646 CL845

CL845 is an analog of the STING agonist CL656. CL845 can be used to synthesize conjugatable PRR ligands that target STING (stimulator of interferon genes). CL845 can be usexd for the research of cancers, immunological disorders or infections.

DC72849 STING agonist-22

STING agonist-22 (CF501) is a potent non-nucleotide STING agonist. STING agonist-22 is a adjuvant by activating STING to induce the type I interferon (IFN-I) response and proinflammatory cytokine production. STING agonist-22 can be used as an adjuvant to boost the original protein vaccine, producing potent, broad, and long-term immune protection. STING agonist-22 can be used for SARS-CoV-2 variants and sarbecovirus diseases research.

DC60500 NVS-STG2 Featured

NVS-STG2 is a small molecule STING agonist with AC50 of 5.2 μM. NVS-STG2 induces the high-order oligomerization of human STING by binding to a pocket between the transmembrane domains of the neighboring STING dimers and elicit potent STING-mediated immune responses in cells and antitumor activities in animal models.

DC73552 ChX0306710

ChX710 (ChX0306710) is a small molecule that primes the type I interferon response to cytosolic DNA, which is dependent on the adaptor MAVS and IRF1, but not the IRF3.

DC73553 DWL-4-140

DWL-4-140 is a small molecule inhibitor of cyclized nucleotide-binding domain (CBD) of STING, selectively inhibits DNA-mediated IFNβ responses with IC50 of 617 nM.

DC73554 HB3089

HB3089 (HB-3089) is a novel potent, highly specific STING agonist, dose-dependently activates interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) signaling in THP1-Dual reporter cells with EC50 of 1-10 uM.

DC73555 LB244

LB244 (LB-244) is a highly potent, selective and irreversible STING antagonist, blocks STING oligomerization and inhibits STING signaling THP1 dual cells with IC50 of 0.8 uM.

DC73556 MK-1454

MK-1454 (Ulevostinag) is a novel cyclic dinucleotide STING agonist with robust tumor cytokine upregulation and effective antitumor activity.

DC73557 SB24011

SB24011 (SB 24011) is a selective small molecule inhibitor of the STING-TRIM29 interaction with IC50 of 3.85 uM in luciferase complementation assays, enhances cGAMP-mediated STING immunity.

DC73558 SHR1032

SHR1032 is a novel small molecule non-cyclic di-nucleotide STING agonist, exhibits significantly high affinity binding to STING and cellular reporter assay (EC50=30 nM).

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