Home > Antibody Drug Conjugates > ADCs Linker/Click Chemistry
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC40810 DBCO-PEG4-acetic-Val-Cit-PAB

DBCO-PEG4-acetic-Val-Cit-PAB is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40811 Bocaminooxyacetamide-PEG2-Azido

Bocaminooxyacetamide-PEG2-Azido is a cleavable 2 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).


TCO-PEG1-Val-Cit-PABC-PNP is a cleavable 1 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40813 Bocaminooxyacetamide-PEG3-alkyne

Bocaminooxyacetamide-PEG3-alkyne is a cleavable 3 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40814 Py-ds-Prp-Osu

Py-ds-Prp-Osu is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40815 DBCO-PEG4-Propionic-Val-Cit-PAB

DBCO-PEG4-Propionic-Val-Cit-PAB is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40816 Methyltetrazine-Maleimide

Methyltetrazine-Maleimide is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40817 Azido-PEG1-Val-Cit-PABC-PNP

Azido-PEG1-Val-Cit-PABC-PNP is a cleavable 1 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40818 Fmoc-Gly3-Val-Cit-PAB

Fmoc-Gly3-Val-Cit-PAB is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40819 Fmoc-Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB

Fmoc-Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40820 Fmoc-Gly3-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP

Fmoc-Gly3-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).


BCOT-PEF3-OPFP is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).


ALD-PEG4-OPFP is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40824 N,N-Bis(PEG2-N3)-N-amido-PEG2-thiol

N,N-Bis(PEG2-N3)-N-amido-PEG2-thiol is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40825 N,N-Bis(PEG2-alkyne)-N-amido-PEG2-thiol

N,N-Bis(PEG2-alkyne)-N-amido-PEG2-thiol is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40826 NH2-PEG4-hydrazone-DBCO

NH2-PEG4-hydrazone-DBCO is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).


MC-VC-PAB-NH2 is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).


NHS-PEG2-SS-PEG2-NHS is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40829 SS-bis-amino-PEG4-NHS ester

SS-bis-amino-PEG4-NHS ester is a cleavable 4 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40830 (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG1-hydrazine

(2-pyridyldithio)-PEG1-hydrazine is a cleavable 1 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40831 Fmoc-Val-Ala-PAB-PNP Featured

Fmoc-Val-Ala-PAB-PNP is a cleavable ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

DC40832 Azide-PEG1-Val-Cit-PABC-OH

Azide-PEG1-Val-Cit-PABC-OH is a cleavable 1 unit PEG ADC linker used in the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

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