Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Cell Cycle/DNA Damage > DNA/RNA Synthesis
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC40763 AV-153

AV-153, a 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) derivative, is an antimutagenic. AV-153 intercalates to DNA in a single strand break and reduces DNA damage, stimulates DNA repair in human cells in vitro. AV-153 interacts with thymine and cytosine and has an influence on poly(ADP)ribosylation. AV-153 has anti-cancer activity.

DC40764 AV-153 free base

AV-153 free base, a 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) derivative, is an antimutagenic. AV-153 free base intercalates to DNA in a single strand break and reduces DNA damage, stimulates DNA repair in human cells in vitro. AV-153 free base interacts with thymine and cytosine and has an influence on poly(ADP)ribosylation. AV-153 free base has anti-cancer activity.

DC40993 Remdesivir O-desphosphate acetonide impurity Featured

Remdesivir O-desphosphate acetonide impurity is an impurity of Remdesivir. Remdesivir (GS-5734), a nucleoside analogue with effective antiviral activity and is highly effective in the control of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection in vitro.

DC41098 Bleomycin hydrochloride

Bleomycin hydrochloride is a DNA synthesis inhibitor. Bleomycin hydrochloride is a DNA damaging agent. Bleomycin hydrochloride is an antitumor antibiotic.

DC41108 2,4-D sodium salt

2,4-D sodium salt (Sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate) is a selective systemic herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds. 2,4-D sodium salt acts as a plant hormone, causing uncontrolled growth in the meristematic tissues. 2,4-D sodium salt inhibits DNA and protein synthesis and thereby prevents normal plant growth and development.

DC41144 Remdesivir nucleoside monophosphate

Remdesivir nucleoside monophosphate is a metabolite of Remdesivir. Remdesivir is a nucleoside analogue with effective antiviral activity against SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.

DC41399 N-Nitrosodiethylamine

N-Nitrosodiethylamine is a potent hepatocarcinogenic dialkylnitrosoamine. N-Nitrosodiethylamine is mainly present in tobacco smoke, water, cheddar cheese, cured, fried meals and many alcoholic beverages. N-Nitrosodiethylamine is responsible for the changes in the nuclear enzymes associated with DNA repair/replication. N-Nitrosodiethylamine results in various tumors in all animal species. The main target organs are the nasal cavity, trachea, lung, esophagus and liver.

DC41424 Neoxanthin

Neoxanthin is a major xanthophyll carotenoid and a precursor of the plant hormone abscisic acid in dark green leafy vegetables. Neoxanthin is a potent antioxidant and light-harvesting pigment. Neoxanthin induces apoptosis and has anticancer actions.

DC42291 NSC 80467

NSC 80467, a DNA damaging agent, selectively inhibits survivin. NSC 80467 preferentially inhibits DNA synthesis and results in induction of γH2AX and pKAP1, two markers of DNA damage.

DC42292 DENV-IN-2 Featured

DENV-IN-2 is a potent dengue viral replication extracted from patent WO2018215315A1, compound 6AB, has an EC50 of 0.016 nM. DENV-IN-2 shows high potent activity against all four serotypes of the Dengue virus with EC50s ranging from 0.013 to 0.029 nM.

DC42487 Datelliptium chloride hydrochloride

Datelliptium chloride hydrochloride is a DNA-intercalating agent derived from Ellipticine. Datelliptium chloride hydrochloride is effective in vivo against a variety of murine solid tumors.

DC43967 Quinizarin

Quinizarin (1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone), a part of the anticancer agents such as Doxorubicin, Daunorubicin, and Adriamycin, interacts with DNA by intercalating mode (Kd=86.1 μM). Quinizarin is used as a fungicide and pesticide chemical and has shown the a

DC43969 NITD-2

NITD-2, a dengue virus (DENV) polymerase inhibitor, inhibits the DENV RdRp-mediated RNA elongation. NITD-2 penetrates cell membrane poorly.

DC44090 ddGTP

ddGTP (2',3'-Dideoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate) is one of 2',3'-dideoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates (ddNTPs) that acts as chain-elongating inhibitor of DNA polymerase for DNA sequencing.

DC44125 DMT-dC(bz) Phosphoramidite

DMT-dC(bz) Phosphoramidite is typically used in the synthesis of DNA.

DC44126 DMT-dT Phosphoramidite

DMT-dT Phosphoramidite is typically used in the synthesis of DNA.

DC44127 DMT-dU-CE Phosphoramidite

DMT-dU-CE Phosphoramidite is a nucleoside molecule that can be used in DNA synthesis and DNA sequencing.

DC44128 DMT-dG(ib) Phosphoramidite

DMT-dG(ib) Phosphoramidite is typically used in the synthesis of DNA.

DC44129 DMT-dA(bz) Phosphoramidite

DMT-dA(bz) Phosphoramidite is typically used in the synthesis of DNA.

DC44130 Deoxycytidine triphosphate trisodium salt

Deoxycytidine triphosphate trisodium salt (dCTP trisodium salt) is a nucleoside triphosphate that can be used for DNA synthesis. Deoxycytidine triphosphate trisodium salt has many applications, such as real-time PCR, cDNA synthesis, and DNA sequencing.

DC44131 7-Deaza-2'-deoxy-7-iodoadenosine

7-Deaza-2'-deoxy-7-iodoadenosine is a modified oligonucleotide containing 7-Deazaadenine.

DC44132 ddTTP

ddTTP is one of 2',3'-dideoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates (ddNTPs) that acts as chain-elongating inhibitor of DNA polymerase for DNA sequencing.

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