Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > JAK/STAT Signaling
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC7153 CX6258 Featured

CX-6258 is a potent, orally efficacious Pim 1/2/3 kinase(IC50=5 nM/25 nM/16 nM) inhibitor with excellent biochemical potency and kinase selectivity.

DC3107 Momelotinib (CYT387,CYT-387) Featured

CYT387 is an ATP-competitive inhibitor of JAK1 and JAK2 with IC50 of 11 nM and 18 nM, respectively.

DC10111 Debio 0617B

Debio 0617B has been developed as a first-in-class kinase inhibitor with a unique profile targeting phospho-STAT3 (pSTAT3) and/or pSTAT5 in tumors through combined inhibition of JAK, SRC, ABL, and class III/V receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK).

DC8171 Decernotinib (VX-509,adelatinib) Featured

Decernotinib(VX-509; VRT-831509) is a potent and selective Janus kinase 3 (JAK3) inhibitor with Ki of 2.5 nM; IC50 is 50-170 nM in cellular assays.

DC11890 Delgocitinib Featured

Delgocitinib (JTE-052, LEO 124249) is a potent, selective, orally active, pan-JAK inhibitor with IC50 of 2.8, 2.6, 13 and 58 nM for JAK1,2,3 and Tyk2, respectively.

DC8726 FLLL31 Featured

FLLK31 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the STAT3 signaling pathway.

DC7751 FLLL32 Featured

FLLL32, a novel curcumin analogue, is a potent STAT3 inhibitor.

DC10826 FM-381 Featured

FM-381 is a JAK3 specific reversible covalent inhibitor with IC50 of 127 pM for JAK3 and demonstrates 400-, 2,700- and 3,600-fold selectivity over JAK1, JAK2, and TYK2, respectively.

DC8375 GLPG0634 analogue Featured

GLPG0634 (analog) is a pan JAK inhibitor with IC50s of 50-200 nM for JAK1/JAK2/JAK3; more information can be found in the reference patents.

DC7137 Filgotinib(GLPG0634) Featured

GPLG0634 is a novel inhibitor of JAK1 and JAK2 with IC50 of 10nM and 28nM respectively.

DC10171 Hispidulin Featured

Hispidulin is a natural flavone with a broad spectrum of biological activities. Hispidulin is a Pim-1 inhibitor with an IC50 of 2.71 μM.

DC10626 HJC0152

HJC0152 is a signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) inhibitor with remarkably improved aqueous solubility.

DC10918 INCB053914

INCB053914 (INCB-053914) is a novel potent, and selective ATP-competitive, pan-PIM kinase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.24/30.0/0.12 nM for PIM1/2/3, respectively.

DC10555 inS3-54A18 Featured

inS3-54A18 is a potent STAT3 inhibitor, with anti-cancer properties.

DC12378 Itacitinib(INCB039110) Featured

Itacitinib is a potent and selective inhibitor of JAK1, with >20-fold selectivity for JAK1 over JAK2 and >100-fold over JAK3 and TYK2; Itacitinib is used in the research of myelofibrosis.

DC11136 JAK2 inhibitor G5-7 Featured

JAK2 inhibitor G5-7 is a small molecule, allosteric JAK2 inhibitor that selectively inhibits JAK2-mediated phosphorylation and activation of EGFR and STAT3 by binding to JAK2.

DC8077 WHI-P131(Janex 1) Featured

Janex 1 selectively inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of JAK3 with an IC50 value of 78 µM without affecting the enzymatic activity of JAK1, JAK2, or other protein tyrosine kinases (IC50 ≥350 µM).

DC7665 Gandotinib(LY2784544) Featured

LY2784544 is a potent JAK2 inhibitor with IC50 of 3 nM, effective in JAK2V617F, 8- and 20-fold selective versus JAK1 and JAK3. Phase 2.

DC7195 JAK Inhibitor I(Merck 5, Pyridone 6) Featured

Merck 5 is a potent and reversible ATP-competitive inhibitor of the JAK kinases (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, and Tyk2). It also blocks IL2 and IL4 dependent proliferation of CTLL cells and inhibits the phosphorylation of STAT5.

DC8474 Napabucasin (BBI608) Featured

Napabucasin (BBI608) is an orally-administered small molecule which can block cancer stem cell (CSC) self-renewal and induces cell death in CSCs as well as non-stem cancer cells.

DC10748 NSC31205 Featured

NSC 31205 is a PIM2/1 inhibitor.

DC7216 NVP-BSK805 dihydrochloride Featured

NVP-BSK805 is a potent and selective ATP-competitive JAK2 inhibitor with IC50 of 0.5 nM; >20-fold selectivity towards JAK1, JAK3 and TYK2.

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