Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel > Monocarboxylate Transporter (MCT)
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC7876 7ACC2 Featured

7ACC2 is a new potent MCT inhibitor with IC50 of 11 nM for inhibition of [14C]-lactate influx; new antitumor treatment targeting lactate transport in cancer cells.

DC9263 AZD-3965 Featured

AZD3965 is a selective inhibitor of monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) with a binding affinity of 1.6 nM, is 6 fold selective over MCT2 and does not inhibit MCT4 at 10 μM.

DC11218 BAY-8002 Featured

BAY-8002 is a novel potent, selective, orally available monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) inhibitor (Kd=7.9 nM).

DC39028 BIA Featured

BIA is a potential TMBIM6 antagonist, prevents TMBIM6 binding to mTORC2, decreases mTORC2 activity, and also regulates TMBIM6-leaky Ca2+, further suppressing tumor formation and progression in cancer xenograft models.It is a potential anticancer agent that prevents the binding between mTORC2 and TMBIM6.

DC41115 MCT1-IN-2

MCT1-IN-2 is a potent monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) inhibitor. MCT1-IN-2 has anti-cancer activity.

DC44966 AR-C141990 hydrochloride

AR-C141990 hydrochloride is a potent lactate transporters (monocarboxylate transporters; MCTs) inhibitor with pKi values of 7.6, 6.6 for MCT-1 and MCT-2, respectively. AR-C141990 hydrochloride has immunosuppressive properties and inhibits graft versus host response.

DC46528 MCT4-IN-1

MCT4-IN-1 is an orally active and selective monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4/SLC16A3) inhibitor with an IC50 of 77 nM and a Ki of 11 nM. MCT4-IN-1 targets to the cytosolic domain of MCT4. MCT4-IN-1 results in lactate efflux inhibition and reduction of cellular viability in MCT4 high expressing cells. MCT4-IN-1 has the potential for MCT4 transporter inhibition research.

DC47562 VB124 Featured

VB-124 is a potent and selective MCT4 inhibitor. VB124 might redirect glycolytic carbon flux into mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation. VB 124 bolcks lactate import (IC50=8.6nM), and export (IC50=19nM) in MDA-MB-231 cells that are engineers to express MCT4 as the only major plasma membrane lactate transporter.

DC72788 AZD0095 Featured

AZD0095 is a selective and orally active MCT4 inhibitor (IC50: 1.3 nM). AZD0095 effectively inhibits the tumor growth in NCI-H358 xenograft in combination with Cediranib.

DC73701 slCeMM1

slCeMM1 is a potent, highly selective inhibitor of lactate transporter SLC16A3 (MCT4), inhibits intracellular lactate accumulation in SLC16A3 dependent cells (IC50=91 nM).

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