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Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC22587 FT011 Featured

FT011 is an anti-fibrotic agent, reduces mRNA expression of collagens I and III and inhibits collagen synthesis.

DC11888 Arfolitixorin

A novel antifolate modulator compound..

DC22391 F-901318

A novel antifungal agent that inhibits A. fumigatus DHODH with IC50 of 44 nM.

DC11998 IND-114338

A novel antiprion compound with EC50 of 68 nM, significantly increases monoglycosylated/diglycosylated PrPSc..

DC11534 Sudoterb Featured

A novel anti-TB agent that has an MIC range of 0.06-0.5 ug/mL..

DC11535 Sudoterb dihydrchloride

A novel anti-TB agent that has an MIC range of 0.06-0.5 ug/mL..

DC11663 GS-5759

A novel bifunctional PDE4 inhibitor (IC50=5 nM) and long acting β2-adrenoceptor agonist (EC50=8 nM).

DC11997 IND125

A novel brain penetrant antiprion compound with EC50 of 57 nM, prevents both PrP(Sc) accumulation and astrocytic gliosis in the cerebrum.

DC11792 UMB-136

A novel bromodomain BRD4 inhibitor that significantly induces HIV-1 reactivation.

DC22507 SCH-00013

A novel cardiotonic agent that acts as a calcium sensitizer with no chronotropic activity in mammalian cardiac muscle, elicits positive inotropic effect in dog and rabbit ventricular muscles (EC50=9.2 uM).

DC11785 IHR-1

A novel cell membrane impermeable smoothened antagonist with IC50 of 7.6 nM in Hh-dependent Gli transcriptional activity assay.

DC11784 IHR-Nac

A novel cell permeable smoothened antagonist with IC50 of 3.1 nM in Hh-dependent Gli transcriptional activity assay.

DC22789 5S rRNA modificator 2

A novel chemical probe that enable selective 2’-hydroxyl acylation for accurate RNA structural analysis in living cells..

DC11628 HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor 1

A novel compound that disrupts the HIV-1 integrase LEDGF interaction.

DC11521 Dotinurad Featured

Dotinurad is a novel compound that exhibits a remarkable uric acid excretion-promoting action.

DC20796 BIOD303

A novel conformational modulator of α-synuclein with EC50 of 105 uM, potentially outcompetes spermine in binding to α-synuclein.

DC22975 GB111-NH2 Featured

GB111-NH2 (Z-Phe-Lys-AOMK) is a novel cysteine cathepsin inhibitor that blocks the activity of cathepsins B, L and S. GB111-NH2 (Z-Phe-Lys-AOMK) inhibits autophagy and increases oxidative stress, specifically trigger macrophage cell death.

DC22648 VMY-1-103

A novel dansylated analog of purvalanol B, and a CDK inhibitor that inhibits cell cycle progression and proliferation in prostate and breast cancer cells more effectively than purvalanol B.

DC20927 CRS-3123

A novel diaryldiamine that inhibits bacterial methionyl-tRNA synthetases in Gram-positive bacteria as a novel agent to treat Clostridium difficile infection (CDI).

DC24099 CC-115 hydrochloride

A novel dual inhibitor of mTOR and DNA-PK with IC50 of 21 nM and 13 nM, respectively.

DC21412 SR-16157

A novel dual-acting steroid sulfatase inhibitor (IC50=0.1 uM) and selective ERα modulator (SERM).

DC22487 Benzenepentacarboxylic Acid Featured

Benzenepentacarboxylic acid is a fluorescent dye that detects and scavenge HO radicals.

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